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Article: 20251
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 2 3ds
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:26:02 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <31A323FA.35F5@atlanta.com>
References: <4nrl2q$mkg@easy1.worldaccess.nl>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
Rene van Dijk wrote:
> It is possible to import 3ds files into LW
> but is the opposite way also possible?
Beste Rene,
What je moet doen is in Modeller onder custom 3DTranslate kiezen. Kies
3DS en dan moet je je file "saven". Vergeet niet de naam van de file met
.3ds te eindigen en vergeet niet dat 3ds 8.3 namen voor z'n files
Sorry for anybody else reading this post; it just felt good to use my
Dutch now and then.
Article: 20252
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!panix!usenet
From: Angelito So <lito@panix.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Imagine 128 - LW - OpenGL - WinNT 3.51
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:56:26 -0400
Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <31A32B1A.307D@panix.com>
References: <31a23fba.2477101@news.global2000.net>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b4 (Win95; I)
atlantis@global2000.net wrote:
> Question:
> Anyone know if the Imagine 128 video boards are solid with
> NT/LW? I also am trying to find out if the 128's are OpenGL
> compliant... anyone know?
> Thanks,
> Bob
The 128 Series 2 are. They will only hardware accelerate in resolutions up to
800x600x24bpp no matter how much ram is on board. The board is not currently
shipping though the 4mb version should ship soon. The 8meg version is supposed
to ship in september. To upgrade from a 4 meg to 8 meg you need to get the
board swapped by calling #9 and pay them the difference of the retail prices
from 4 to 8 megs and upon receiving the 8 meg card send back your 4 meg card.
Note I don't work for #9 I just did alot of research on this card because I
was planning to get it.
E-Mail: lito@panix.com http://www.panix.com/~lito
"Thats a feature, not a bug!"
Article: 20253
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5.0, Cel Look rendering, MetaNurbs THE KING!!!
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:31:30 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <31A32542.12A@atlanta.com>
References: <4nqvdh$7q3@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
Saeba, Ryo wrote:
> pity they put actual effort into improving the spline modeling....
I know; can you believe that. MetNURBS is the most intuitive modeller I've ever worked with. I
used to use AMAPI which is damn good in its own right; however It's metNURBS for me now! I Frankly think
it beats softImage's modelling tools for organic shapes and those aren't too shabby either.
Article: 20254
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Griptape on skateboard.. how?
Date: 22 May 1996 14:40:01 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <4nv901$3oh@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4ndv5q$269@newshost.centrum.is>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca4-01.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 22 9:40:01 AM CDT 1996
In <4ndv5q$269@newshost.centrum.is> hsj@centrum.is writes:
> I'm trying to find a suitible surface for griptape on a skateboard.
Its black
>with hundreds of tiny shiny bumps. I just can't seem to find the
right surface.
>Any suggestions?
Grab some griptape, light it and capture a frame.
Article: 20255
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!tudelft.nl!news
From: Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: LW 5 ???
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 17:24:29 -0700
Organization: Delft University of Technology
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dutsp211.stm.tudelft.nl
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I)
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20255 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48436
Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
I haven't heard anything about it in computermagazines
or outside this group.
Is it an overall new version, or is it bound to a specific
format, like Windoze95 or Unix.
Wooly Mittens.
Article: 20256
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: '060 for Amiga 2000 ??
Date: 22 May 1996 09:14:05 -0600
Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
Lines: 12
Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
Message-ID: <oj6689okaf6.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
References: <19960521.77DCD80.150E6@bbs.newtek.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
In-reply-to: rippem@bbs.newtek.com's message of Tue, 21 May 96 23:50:08
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
rippem@bbs.newtek.com (Ralph Messana) wrote:
> It requires 3.1? Boy does that bite.
Well, it means you'll have to get 3.1, but believe me it is a much
better OS than 2.04. You'll be glad for it in the long run. 3.1 is
required if you want to use 16 and 24 bit modes on graphics cards,
anyway, as far as I know. Maybe even required for 8 bit modes, but I'm
not as sure about that.
- steve
Article: 20257
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!world!news
From: Steve Hurley <shurley@world.std.com>
Subject: Re: Humanoid: Does it comes functional with bones & IK?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Message-ID: <31A33654.7C53@world.std.com>
Sender: news@world.std.com (Mr Usenet Himself)
Nntp-Posting-Host: world.std.com
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: The World @ Software Tool & Die
References: <4nv4sj$7i8@lantana.singnet.com.sg>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 15:44:20 GMT
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
Lines: 18
Eddie wrote:
> Anyone knows if the human models in Humanoid comes with
> functional bones and IK target points or we have to set it up
> ourselves in order to animate it.
> Where can I get more info? Is there a web page somewhere?
> Thanks.
> Eddie Quah
> CyberTech
Check out the Crestline homepage at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/crestline/
Steve Hurley
Visit My Lightwave Page
Article: 20258
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!agog.demon.co.uk!gred
From: Gwynne Reddick <gred@agog.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: iff to jpeg
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:43:33 +0100
Organization: AGOG
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <8R+XVGAlYzoxEwLj@agog.demon.co.uk>
References: <31A18FEE.5FD@Indra.com>
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In article <31A18FEE.5FD@Indra.com>, "Stephen R." <Specular@Indra.com>
>Does anyone know of a good IFF to Jpeg batch processer for Intel/NT?
Graphics Workshop.
* Gwynne Reddick -=AGOG=- *
* London, UK *
* Tel: 0171 582 2299 A Vision For All Reasons *
* Email: gred@agog.demon.co.uk *
Article: 20259
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news2.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: lw4 layout preview not compatible with some video cards?
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:18:08 -0400
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.93.960522120319.9008B-100000@access1.digex.net>
References: <4nnmt0$u13@newshost.centrum.is>
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In-Reply-To: <4nnmt0$u13@newshost.centrum.is>
Hordur Smari Johannesson wrote:
> I'm using lw4 on my win31 system with a cirrus 54xx vlb video card.
> I read in some faq that the preview in layout didn't work with some
> video drivers/cards. Well it doesn't work for me.. I can only see
> the axis' moving when trying to preview my anim. Anyone have the
> same problem and fixed it?? please help
There's no solution for this other than getting a better driver for the
card, or getting a new card. Wireframe previews under LW 4.0 store 4
frames per bitmap to conserve Windows 3.1 resources, and there are some
display drivers that don't handle this properly.
As of 5.0, LW no longer supports Win32s, and wireframe previews no longer
do tricks to conserve 16-bit Windows resources.
- Ernie
Article: 20260
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!news.new-york.net!wlbr!news.cerf.net!pagesat.net!origin.ea.com!newsmaster
From: Robert Baldwin <rbaldwin@origin.ea.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 11:06:01 -0500
Organization: Wacky Ultima Guys @ Origin
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <31A33B69.615B@origin.ea.com>
References: <318D387B.6A75@desktopimages.com> <4mj5rb$4vo@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31920C10.583D@origin.ea.com> <4np7j8$mdt@dot.cstone.net> <4nr30l$956@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (WinNT; I)
leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com wrote:
> |>
> |>Robert Baldwin <rbaldwin@origin.ea.com> wrote:
> |>
> |>I'm not into criticizing anyone, I generally respect your talents and
> |>am not concerns with your rants re:Newtek but frankly aren't you being
> |>a little hypocritical when you complain about newtek not delivering as
> |>promised or on time yet we have been hearing about your cdrom and now
> |>about your brothers tapes (which I eagerly await), if you can deliver
> |>what you promise it will be worth the money, but where is it? It
> |>sounded to me like you already shot it and pretty much ready for the
> |>market. What is the status?
> |> Still waiting (with anticipation)
that wasn't me.....
It's a misquote....
I couldn't care less..... =)
Article: 20261
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: 22 May 1996 13:51:15 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 9
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4nvk6j$kdu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <31A2BF92.1A90@mcs.net>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
But when they do...
They'll shut down VTU and fold it into another book....LWPro, too, maybe
That's my bet, but I don't really know anything 'inside' - this is pure
Lee Stranahan
Article: 20262
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
From: glynw@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Glyn Williams")
Message-ID: <DrtJHI.5n0@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
References: <F>
Distribution: world
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:03:18 GMT
X-News-Software: Ameol
Lines: 3
Yes, but I had an article in it and so got a freebie :-)
Glyn Williams
Article: 20263
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!galileo.cris.com!Golchert
From: Golchert@cris.com (Chris Golchert)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to get it?
Date: 22 May 1996 20:47:46 GMT
Organization: Concentric Internet Services
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <4nvuhi$fe0@tribune.concentric.net>
References: <4nusi4$e6m@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: galileo.cris.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
RazorKiD05 (razorkid05@aol.com) wrote:
: Could someone tell me if I should buy a Flyer system from Tristate
: computer which is cheaper then getting it from my Dealer. Help would be
: great!
Article: 20264
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Shareware evaluation
Date: 22 May 1996 14:51:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 28
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.184.09DFBDE4@primenet.com>
References: <31a2eb81.5519466@news.pinnacle.co.za>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <31a2eb81.5519466@news.pinnacle.co.za> marts@iafrica.com (martin sack) writes:
>From: marts@iafrica.com (martin sack)
>Subject: Shareware evaluation
>Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:29:03 GMT
>Does anyone know if there is a shareware version of lightwave 3D for
>me to evaluate? If there is one where do you get it ?
>If you think I speak for my employer,He'll be happy to correct you !
>All unsolicited commercial email will be proof read at a charge
>of usd 100.00.By accepting this contract you agree that all disputes fall under
>the jurisdiction of the magistrates court of Johannesburg, South Africa.
So, how much should you be charged for making multiple duplicate usenet group
There is no shareware version of LW. It is commercial software only.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20265
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: 22 May 1996 15:05:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 55
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.186.09ED5BE9@primenet.com>
References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <N.052296.004636.58@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35999 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20265 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17171
In article <N.052296.004636.58@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net writes:
>From: fwtep@earthlink.net
>Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
>Date: Wed, 22 May 96 07:46:36 GMT
>On 5/21/96 5:52PM, in message <4nu302$hla@marina.cinenet.net>, Rick May
><rickmay@cinenet.net> wrote:
>> In article <N.052196.013332.06@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>,
>> ->> grow up Fred!
>> ->> Your consistent immaturity on this thread is giving LW-users a bad name.
>> ->>
>> ->> Sit back smoke and jay and read some of your old posts on this thread and
>> ->> think a little before you go freaking out. Silence is an option.
>> ->>
>> ->
>> ->Excuse me for not sitting back an accepting the incompetence of the other
>> ->posters. Excuse me for paying attention in school. Excuse me for not
>> ->rejoicing in mediocrity.
>> I agree.. There are more important things to talk about than spelling or
>> sentence structure. If the only thing you can find to comment on, from a
>> post, is the spelling- then just keep quiet.
>> rick
>That's what you were commenting on to in that post.
> -=Fred=-
No. He was commenting on etiquette - or rather "netiquette". It is generally
accepted that criticizing spelling and grammar errors is USUALLY
non-productive due to the relatively spontaneous nature of most posts. Just
as we don't generally point out someone's failure to pronounce words correctly
or to form complete sentences in verbal discourse. And if we do, we often do
so in a more private and discrete manner. Like, "By the way Joe, it is
pronounced "soft-imoj" with a soft "j" sound."
Of course these matters are a open to interpretation and judgement. For
instance, I feel compelled to comment on the poorly formed sentence you just
posted - ". . . commented on to in that post." The "to" in unnecessary and
makes the sentence cumbersome. I choose to point it out here only to bring to
the forfront how non-productive this type of commentary is. I wouldn't be
surprised to find a significant grammar error in my own post either.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20266
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: fcap@aol.com (FCAP)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 22 May 1996 16:54:28 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 19
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4nvuu4$nb4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <31A3692A.7554@ix.netcom.com>
Reply-To: fcap@aol.com (FCAP)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
I'm confused. Are you saying it Boolean doesn't work right or you can't
get it to work at all. First, turn two sided off - make all objects one
sided. (Objects option smenu). Build a ball in layer. Say you want to
make it flat on a side. Build a box in another layer. With the box in
the FG layer (highlighted) and the ball in the BG layer (lower row on
layer buttons on so that Ball is in black wireframe) position the box -
overlapping it over the ball. Then reverse layers (either use the layer
buttons or just hit the ' key. Now the box should be black wire
and the ball should be white (foreground). Select Boolean and subject and
do it. The cube should cut away the ball whereever it overlaps the ball.
It is pretty simple. Note - if you've already named the surface of the
ball, you can also name the box surfaces - BEFORE you Boolean -- then the
area the box cuts out will aquire the Box's surface names. This is useful
when using one complex object to drill out another and you don't want to
have to go in a select all the newly created polygons to give them a
different color. Naming surfaces is a very basic function that needs to
be done if you want your ojectes to have different colors on their
surface. Any 3D program out there that doesn't have that capability is
not worth using.
Article: 20267
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PC Flyer? WHEN!?!?
Date: Wed, 22 May 96 14:45:05
Organization: NewTek Technical Support
Lines: 77
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <19960522.789A5C0.D074@bbs.newtek.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
On Tue 21-May-1996 17:28 , Jean-Eric Hénault wrote:
JH> B Hayes wrote:
JH> >
JH> > RazorKiD04 wrote:
JH> > >
JH> > > Thanx for the info. So if a get the Cheapest A4000, or A4000T, the
JH> flyer
JH> > > won't slowdown when i load big project, or Big effects?
JH> >
JH> > No! the speed of the computer has little effect on the speed of your
JH> editing. The software is Lite compared to what goes on in the hardware
JH> of
JH> > the card. Also remember that "The Flyer card that goes in your Amiga
JH> will come out, and go into the PC-Flyer." saving you some cash down the
JH> > road. As for the Release date... The roumers that I heard were that Beta
JH> Boxes MAY be going out as soon as August. and that they were aiming
JH> > for NAB '97 for a release announcment.
JH> > --
JH> > Brad Hayes
JH> > http://www.pacificnet.net/~bjhayes
JH> NewTek has been announcing the Flyer for Windows for over a year now.
JH> And they still don't have anything to show. The Flyer for the Amiga was
JH> almost a year late. So was LightWave.
JH> Unfortunatelly, all the "smart" people at NewTek have left the company a
JH> long time ago. God, I miss the old NewTek, I just watched some of the
JH> old NT demo-tapes of the day. They were so cool!!
JH> Save your cash, and wait until Digital Studio comes out with Trinity.
JH> That'll blow the Flyer away, not only in features but in price too!!
JH> NewTek only lives because of LightWave, and even then, I wonder if
JH> NewTek is not the worst thing that ever happened to LightWave, just like
JH> What Commodore was to the Amiga. - History repeats itself. This is so
JH> sad.
JH> Jean-Eric
We showed working prototype hardware at NAB 95, and we showed completed
hardware at NAB 96. The software is not complete, and the current host
machine code is being ported to Java, and will be completed in that language,
barring some modules with a need for speed that will be written in C++ or
assembler, as is deemed appropriate.
We are projecting release for first quarter 97, at this time.
Some very good people, both in marketing and development, are no longer with
the company, and marketing in particular has not been rebuilt to former
staffing levels nor to former budgeting levels. In development, we have
acquired new staff. In terms of how they may compare with previous staff, the
proof will be in the pudding, when the products release in which they have
been the primary developers. The newer staffers are all successful,
experienced programmers and engineers. I can say that there were things that
former staff vetoed as impossible or too difficult to do in the Flyer
software, that were implemented within a couple of weeks after those staff had
departed (case in point, 10-frames as the smallest possible event duration vs
In point of fact, both Trinity and the Toaster for Windows were "announced" at
NAB 95, and if projections hold true, then both will come to fruition about
the same time. Setting aside the spin doctoring that goes on here which
portrays the length of time NewTek has taken on our project as a bad thing
while the length of time that Play has taken with Trinity is a good thing
(when does a not equal a? In politics and market-speak), sounds like things
are running about as could be expected in both camps.
Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
Article: 20268
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From: LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: I am very upset ...
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:21:14 -0700
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 54
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X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 22 2:19:18 PM CDT 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (WinNT; U)
Hi all,
I have been a LW user for about 1/2 year already ... so-called. The reason I said so-called is because everytime
I can't model some simple operations, I have to abort the whole project and use other program instead. Take
Boolean subtraction for example, I have been flipping the manual's pages until they are torn, I have been posting
numerous messages into the Net (which eventually people think I am a wacko), I have been looking into LWPro, VTU,
etc ... to find answers, but still, I can't even do a simple boolean subtraction. What's wrong??? Am I a 3D
novice? Not really, at least I would consider myself. I have been using StudioPro and Macromodel for more than 3
years and until lately, I tried LW 'cuz I wanna jump to the PC platform. I know my insight is correct that PC 3D
programs somehow are better/much powerful than the Mac's. But guess what I eventually jumped back to? StudioPro.
Take the Boolean thing for instance. I can do it in SPro in 3 steps, visualized subtracted 3D. LW? I can NEVER
(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) get it done!!!!!!!!!!
The more I write these !s, the more I am frustrated. Am I a stupid 3D person? NO!!! But how come I can't even
Boolean subtract??? See, SPro's approach is using 2 3D 'solid' object, then subtract; while LW ... I can even
figure that out now: surfaces??? Why surfaces??? What if I want to model a 'SOLID' cube subtracting a 'SOLID'
sphere? The subtracted residue is always distorted. Not to mention the PowerView which is NEVER correct. Why
1-side and 2-side? I want SOLID, not hollow inside. And see, ... I am VERY PISSED AND UPSET. I have to go back to
2D Painter JUST because I can't get LW's Boolean operation done.
I always fly solo. I usually find solutions easily in SPro, but LW? Maybe a little advance, a little arduous for
me. Upgrade to LW 5? I want Meta-Nurb or whatever meta-nuts they have. The dream I always have about 3D from day
1 I join this community is doing organic modeling, but ... how would I upgrade when I can't even Boolean??? I am
really looking forward to SPro's 2.0 upgrade.
I love LW. I know and I can feel it's power, but I just can't stand even the simple little Boolean obstacle.
Anyone can kindly tell me the key to solve this problem? See, here are the steps I took:
1. Box, Make (in option, it is 2-sides)
2. Sphere, Make (same, 2-sides, and this is in the 2nd layer.
I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
3. Shift-B, Subtract.
4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
Upset begins from here again. Isn't that simple enough? I am VERY unhappy indeed, as if U have a lot of good
video games but U don't have the home system to run them.
Please, please, please. Any tech from Newtek or ... anyone, ... please help.
I really want to get over this SIMPLE task to ... get me thru this barricade. I know LW is good, that's why I
bought it, but ...
"Is it Wrong to be Delirious in Love?"
Article: 20269
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From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PC Flyer? WHEN!?!?
Date: 22 May 1996 20:17:18 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 34
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o0aqe$rfh@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <19960522.789A5C0.D074@bbs.newtek.com>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
I repeat - I think Chuck is a good guy.
There are vast differences between Trinty's announcement and the Toaster
For Windows announcement, the major one being that the NewTek announcement
was a sham.
NewTek was telling everybody that Toaster for Windows would ship by the
end of the year, including insiders like VTU. Read the editorials - they
believed it. Tim told people it might ship by the fall(!!!!).
At least Chuck admits that Marketing sucks. My personal opinion - fire
Parsons, fire Donetta, fire everyone connected with the department. Fire
them now, and hire an outside firm with the hundreds of thousands of
dollars you 'd save. More importantly, get rid of Tim - he's the one
responsible for the downfall of NewTek. It seems to me that he's lost
every friend or key employee he had - name one replacement that's been
I'm an Ayn Rand fan, Chuck, so when you say A is A I know what that
means. Tim Jenison isn't my idea of a moral ideal - I've heard fiirsthand
how he justifies some awful things, I've seen Tim evade left and right,
and he's a hypocrite. There's a lot I'll say, and some I won't - because I
think the truth would hurt innocent people in his family. Sorry, he's not
a good guy....and actions have consequences.
Lee Stranahan
"I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
Article: 20270
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From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Griptape on skateboard.. how?
Date: 22 May 1996 14:33:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 39
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.182.09CF9A12@primenet.com>
References: <4ndv5q$269@newshost.centrum.is>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4ndv5q$269@newshost.centrum.is> hsj@centrum.is writes:
>From: hsj@centrum.is
>Subject: Griptape on skateboard.. how?
>Date: Wed, 15 May 96 22:26:40 GMT
> I'm trying to find a suitible surface for griptape on a skateboard. Its black
>with hundreds of tiny shiny bumps. I just can't seem to find the right surface.
>Any suggestions?
>Hordur Smari Johannesson | daElcLIppeRlETERELrotArstuDEUtOwc/PatChgnITovErAN
>hsj@centrum.is | drsdIOaeproduCTIONBOOTHbROWnwaRPMuSIC/EmIMuSIc.HA
>http://www.centrum.is/~hsj | sWelLTHedeSiGNeRsrEPuBliC.cunniNgHam&1995waRPrECO
>Joel_ on irc | rds.PobOx474sHEFFIELDS13bW.mADEINengLAndINCOMPLEt
> | ewIthoUtsurFacEnOISE.. Beam me up
Well, how accurate does it have to be? How close will you get to the
actual surface. How about using fractal bumps with a small size and adding a
high specularity or possibly using the same fractal bumps as a specular map.
Color the Surface black.
Alternatively, if you have a paint program try experimenting with making a
bump map with a noise function. Use that as a bump map and/or specularity
I don't know if this will work, but it seems like it would be a good place to
Note: you could select certain polys on the skateboard as having the grip
surface, or you could make separate grip strips and parent them to the
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20271
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From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
Date: 22 May 1996 14:04:01 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 28
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4nvkuh$kla@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4nv63n$kv6@guitar.sound.net>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
What? No credit for the 5.0 LightWave release. Here is a product that
we did not pre-release, we didnt even pre-announce it.
Brad, it was BAD that you didn't 'pre-announce' (ie, promote or market)
it. It's not smart or admirable in any way. No marketing credit at all.
Zero, none - it was stealth marketing - in the meantime, hundreds of
people probably bought Max or other software because they heard that
LightWave didn't have good IK or didn't have OpenGL or couldn't do
projection lights or other.
What do you want credit for? Putting Allen and Stuart and Fori's code on a
CD Rom and getting it in a box? Okay, whatever. Keeping secrets? Why was
it a good idea to keep LightWave's feautures a secret?
You say...
Amidst all the talk of MAX and SoftImage it was difficult to keep quiet,
but we did.
In other words, while those products were building buzz, you kept quiet!
Why are you proud of this? Read what you wrote there again - it's horrific
that you could take pride in silence with 'all the talk' of competive
products....seriously, has hanging around the brain-dead Marketeers at
NewTek made you lose IQ points? I know you're smarter than this, Brad.
Article: 20272
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.coast.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.gate.net!news
From: srcemag@gate.net (Richard Green)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Does any have any TREK objects?
Date: 22 May 1996 22:02:45 GMT
Organization: The Source
Lines: 2
Message-ID: <4o02u5$59u@news.gate.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: tpafl2-35.gate.net
X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
I am looking for TREK object for lightwave any ideas WHER I can find some
Article: 20273
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From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Date: 22 May 1996 12:23:34 -0600
Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
Lines: 10
Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
Message-ID: <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
References: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
In-reply-to: Wooly Mittens's message of Wed, 22 May 1996 17:24:29 -0700
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20273 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48444
Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl> wrote:
> Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
I also wonder, has anyone else gotten a (snail-mail) notice of 5.0? I
haven't (but I did for 4.0). If I didn't read this group, I would have
had no idea a 5.0 was even coming this soon.
- steve
Article: 20274
Path: news2.cais.com!news
From: B Hayes <bjhayes@pacificnet.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Does any have any TREK objects?
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 19:16:22 -0400
Organization: HVC-3D
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <31A3A046.790A@pacificnet.net>
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To: Richard Green <srcemag@gate.net>
Richard Green wrote:
> I am looking for TREK object for lightwave any ideas WHER I can find some
> QUALITY ones?
Try eather the MeshMart or ViewPoint Web sites. They have lots of ships. ST/STNG/STMP
Brad Hayes
Article: 20275
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
Date: 22 May 1996 15:53:02 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 33
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.190.0A186774@primenet.com>
References: <318D387B.6A75@desktopimages.com> <4mj5rb$4vo@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31920C10.583D@origin.ea.com> <4np7j8$mdt@dot.cstone.net> <31A1015D.49DD@montreal.com> <4nv63n$kv6@guitar.sound.net>
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In article <4nv63n$kv6@guitar.sound.net> Brad@newtek.com (Brad Peebler) writes:
>From: Brad@newtek.com (Brad Peebler)
>Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
>Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 14:00:34 GMT
>Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@montreal.com> wrote:
>What? No credit for the 5.0 LightWave release. Here is a product that
>we did not pre-release, we didnt even pre-announce it. We showed up
>at NAB showed it publicly for the first time, announced it to ship
>that week and then shipped it...that week. Amidst all the talk of MAX
>and SoftImage it was difficult to keep quiet, but we did. Not to
>mention (IMHO) 5.0 is an amazing product, if I do say so myself. ; )
I for one was happy, thrilled and excited that the 5.0 release did happen -
and happened sooner than I expected. I had heard preliminary rumors, but I
discounted them.
However, we have multiple LW licenses at our studio and we never received any
notice from NewTek about the release. Good thing we are "online".
So you did well to deliver "as planned" (or very close to that), but here is
the rub. If you can deliver on time, then you SHOULD make a big deal about a
new release.
So here is to wishing you guys get both right in the 6.0 release.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20276
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 22 May 1996 14:52:19 -0600
Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
Lines: 15
Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
Message-ID: <oj6zq70ig70.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
References: <31A3692A.7554@ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
In-reply-to: LonerSam's message of Wed, 22 May 1996 12:21:14 -0700
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
[ A great deal of nonsensical ranting deleted ]
> I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
> 3. Shift-B, Subtract.
> 4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
> 5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
- steve
Article: 20277
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.nl.innet.net!bofh.dot!INnl.net!news.be.innet.net!bofh.dot!INbe.net!plug.news.pipex.net!pipex!weld.news.pipex.net!pipex!hole.news.pipex
From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Date: 22 May 1996 17:29:39 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 8
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o0103$ns1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
If I didn't read this group, I would have had no idea a 5.0 was even
coming this soon.
NewTek is proud of this....
Article: 20278
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
Date: 22 May 1996 16:43:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 41
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.192.0A41501B@primenet.com>
References: <4noa8d$gc2@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com> <4nrdmd$9dq@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4nrdmd$9dq@newsbf02.news.aol.com> stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) writes:
>From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
>Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
>Date: 20 May 1996 23:35:41 -0400
>Well, I AM being fair - LightWave has stalled momentum, too. I thought I'd
>be fairly clear about that in this forum. You're in an 'ivory tower' of
>sorts, Fred - these products are NOT selling well because they aren't
>being marketed or sold properly. To broadcast types, sure. To games
>people, okay. But they are not racking up numbers and penetrating in the
>A properly marketed, good 3D program could EAT UP the market.
>- Lee
I wonder if NewTek could sell a bunch of LW-lite packagesat around $200-300.
They would have to get into the major chains to have a chance. They could
use their Television credits to their advantage with this. How about bundling
it with a Miro type device.
The downside is that they would have to be careful to make clear the
difference between LW-Lite and the full version. LiteWave?
The big question would be what to actually include/exclude in such a package.
Obviously, you drop Screamernet. Ya gotta give 'em lensflares (but maybe
fewer options). Maybe you limit the import/export options, number of objects
in a scene etc. No OpenGl. Make it LW 4.0 with some stuff trimmed off.
On the one hand it seems a shame to cripple LW, on the other it may till the
soil for a future market. Someone mentioned the Corel product series and how
they just keep selling the older versions at discounted prices. Maybe this
could work for NewTek?
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20279
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Diamond surface......
Date: 22 May 1996 16:27:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 60
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.191.0A328C26@primenet.com>
References: <319c3fd8.630393@news.ipswich.gil.com.au> <wturber.171.04D9E459@primenet.com> <319fac0b.2383236@news.digex.net> <Pine.SUN.3.93.960521000048.19174A-100000@access1.digex.net>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <Pine.SUN.3.93.960521000048.19174A-100000@access1.digex.net> Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> writes:
>From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
>Subject: Re: Diamond surface......
>Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 01:39:55 -0400
>Jay Turberville wrote:
>> [...] the main trick is to determine what it is that makes a diamond
>> look like a diamond. Offhand, I believe it is its high index of
>> refraction which causes it to cast lots of reflective "sparkles" and
>> to have color in those sparkles.
>Dave Paige replied:
>> Actually I believe it's critical angly reflection, sometimes called
>> internal reflection, that makes a diamond sparkle.
>Same thing, although it's not easy to explain why in 50 words or less.
>From the Snell-Descartes law, the critical angle for diamond is
> arcsin( sin( 90 degrees ) / 2.42 ) = 24.4 degrees
>The 2.42 is diamond's index of refraction, and as you can (hopefully)
>see, the higher this number is, the smaller the critical angle is.
>(Diamond has by far the highest index of refraction among gemstones.)
>Now picture a light ray trying to get out of a diamond. It'll hit
>the diamond-air boundary at some angle to the normal, and if this
>angle is higher than the critical angle (24.4 degrees), the angle at
>which it "emerges" will exceed 90 degrees--in other words, it'll be
>reflected back in.
>Gem diamonds are precisely cut to maximize "brilliance," an effect
>of these internal reflections. The facets that make up the base,
>for example, are at an angle of 41 degrees to the vertical axis.
>I suspect a convincing diamond model would have to be built the same
>way real diamonds are cut. You'll also need a way to simulate fire,
>the prismatic effect that makes the sparkles look like tiny rainbows.
>- Ernie
Thanks Ernie. Now ya got me interested in doing a diamond and I don't even
need to.
OK. Here is a little proposition for those who do have time. Ol' Joe Monahan
had some kinda informal renderer contest going on. How 'bout a new simple
informal "contest" (no need for a winner actually) on making a good diamond.
This could be a good lighting and modeling drill for new users and a challenge
to stretch to achieve top-notch realism by experienced users. And maybe get
us more on-topic.
What makes this a good choice (IMHO) is that the scene need not be complex or
horribly time consuming.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20280
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.iag.net!news
From: david goerndt <davidg@iag.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Diamond surface......
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:03:01 -0400
Organization: stage 22 imaging, inc.
Lines: 42
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References: <319c3fd8.630393@news.ipswich.gil.com.au> <wturber.171.04D9E459@primenet.com> <319fac0b.2383236@news.digex.net> <Pine.SUN.3.93.960521000048.19174A-100000@access1.digex.net>
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Ernie Wright wrote:
> Jay Turberville wrote:
> > [...] the main trick is to determine what it is that makes a diamond
> > look like a diamond. Offhand, I believe it is its high index of
> > refraction which causes it to cast lots of reflective "sparkles" and
> > to have color in those sparkles.
> Dave Paige replied:
> > Actually I believe it's critical angly reflection, sometimes called
> > internal reflection, that makes a diamond sparkle.
> Same thing, although it's not easy to explain why in 50 words or less.
> From the Snell-Descartes law, the critical angle for diamond is
> arcsin( sin( 90 degrees ) / 2.42 ) = 24.4 degrees
> The 2.42 is diamond's index of refraction, and as you can (hopefully)
> see, the higher this number is, the smaller the critical angle is.
> (Diamond has by far the highest index of refraction among gemstones.)
> Now picture a light ray trying to get out of a diamond. It'll hit
> the diamond-air boundary at some angle to the normal, and if this
> angle is higher than the critical angle (24.4 degrees), the angle at
> which it "emerges" will exceed 90 degrees--in other words, it'll be
> reflected back in.
> Gem diamonds are precisely cut to maximize "brilliance," an effect
> of these internal reflections. The facets that make up the base,
> for example, are at an angle of 41 degrees to the vertical axis.
> I suspect a convincing diamond model would have to be built the same
> way real diamonds are cut. You'll also need a way to simulate fire,
> the prismatic effect that makes the sparkles look like tiny rainbows.
> - Ernie
This is why Diamonds are displayed on black . This shows a diamonds cut
to its best, as no blck will be visible in the diamond.
Article: 20281
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip156.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
Date: 22 May 1996 16:52:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 63
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.193.0A48DC91@primenet.com>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <31A1015D.49DD@montreal.com> Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@montreal.com> writes:
>From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@montreal.com>
>Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
>Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 19:33:49 -0400
>jheyden@cstone.net wrote:
>> Robert Baldwin <rbaldwin@origin.ea.com> wrote:
>> I'm not into criticizing anyone, I generally respect your talents and
>> am not concerns with your rants re:Newtek but frankly aren't you being
>> a little hypocritical when you complain about newtek not delivering as
>> promised or on time yet we have been hearing about your cdrom and now
>> about your brothers tapes (which I eagerly await), if you can deliver
>> what you promise it will be worth the money, but where is it? It
>> sounded to me like you already shot it and pretty much ready for the
>> market. What is the status?
>> Still waiting (with anticipation)
>> >Stranahan wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hey, I'm now 'classic Stranahan'! How old I feel.....with all the changes in LW 5.0, it's probably best to wait for our new
>> >tapes. And as great as B5 is, a lot of people seem to like the
>> >designs for Space : Above And Beyond better - if you do, Ken
>> >Stranahan's 5.0 tapes will show you how get that sort of look.
>> >_____________________________________________
>> > Lee Stranahan
>> >-nothing personal, eh?
>> >(Shameless Plug Mode off) ;)
>This time, I have to agree with Stranahan. We purchased the Flyer when
>version 4.02 became availlable. Back then, we were told by NewTek that
>the final version would be availlable within 2 or 3 weeks. It took
>nearly a year before version 4.1 actually shipped. We spent about
>$15,000 on a system (including hard-drives) on a system that coudn't be
>reliable. We had stutters everywhere. We lost some business because of
>that. We aren't a very big business, but these problems did hurt our
>How can anyone trust NewTek now. The same happened with LightWave for
>Windows. They sold a product at full retail price for something that
>wasn't even close to be ready.
>NewTek has become a public-relation nightmare. Especially since Kiki and
>company left the company.
I agree with the points you made on the Flyer. However, I disagree with you
when you say that the 4.0 pre-release wasn't even close to ready. We found it
quite useful and were very happy to get it. It was generally more functional
than our ver 3.5 Amiga versions. It was way late considering what was
reported in VTU which WAS a big problem which is why we were happy to get it.
I agree that trust is a big issue. However, the 5.0 release should help in
that regard. To early to predict a trend, but it becomes more reasonable to
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20282
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From: howardst@aol.com (Howard ST)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: cel shader
Date: 22 May 1996 22:05:50 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 24
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o0h5u$t0d@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
Reply-To: howardst@aol.com (Howard ST)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
A minor tip regarding getting a flat 2-d cartoon style look in Lightwave--
I've been playing around with the cel shader, which does a nice job of
creating key lines ala a cartoon. I wanted to get the flattest look
possible and I was finding that the Cel shader made my images look
posterized and showed too many bands of color to look like a cartoon
(which is usually mostly flat color).
I solved this problem by deleting all lights and turning the last one's
level to 0 and then cranking up the ambient light. No directionality of
light, no shadows, no variation in surface color (and no need for the cel
shader particularily).
Gave me the look I was going for...
..I also cranked the luminosity on some of my objects some which gave me
object by object "brightness" control.
Kind of obvious I guess, but hey, isn't everything once you know how to do
Article: 20283
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!n1van.istar!van.istar!n3ott.istar!ott.istar!istar.net!winternet.com!news.inforamp.net!news
From: crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: PAR Hard Drives
Date: 23 May 1996 03:20:59 GMT
Organization: iSTAR Internet Inc.
Lines: 14
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NNTP-Posting-Host: ts39-12.tor.istar.ca
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
Hi All!
I am in the process of purchasing a PAR for my Amiga, so I'll be in the market
for a hard drive. Is the Quantum Fireball one of the better drives for this
system, or are there better, newer hard drives?
Is anyone else having a problem with reading the directories at the DPS FTP
Article: 20284
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!n1van.istar!van.istar!n3ott.istar!ott.istar!istar.net!winternet.com!news.inforamp.net!news
From: amiga@inforamp.net (Dan Robinson)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
Subject: Re: '060 for Amiga 2000 ??
Date: 23 May 1996 03:27:57 GMT
Organization: iSTAR Internet Inc.
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <4o0lvt$jha@news.inforamp.net>
References: <31A01681.1187@mpace.com> <319B546F.1A49@airmail.net> <4nh4pd$197@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
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On Mon, 20 May 1996 01:51:45 -0500, Gene Heitman <mpace@mpace.com>
> Bob Bennett wrote:
> >
> > Anyone have any experience with a readily available 060 board
> > for the Amiga 2000? I'm looking for one. It must work with
> > and DPS PAR.
> >
> > Thanks for any advice.
> >
> > BobThe only readily available 060 board for the Amiga 2000 is the
> 50MHz 060. It has a very fast SCSI-2 controller on board and can
> up to 128MB of RAM. Requires AmigaDOS 3.1 and works well with the
> mentioned products. Please contact Micro-PACE (where I work) for
> name of a dealer near you. We are the distributors for TekMagic
> products in North America.
> Gene Heitman
> Micro-PACE Sales/Product Support
> www: www.mpace.com
> email: mpace@mpace.com
> phone: 217-356-1884
> fax: 217-356-0097.
Didn"you forget to mention the Wildfire board from DKB???? As a user
I can attest to the fact that they are available.
Article: 20285
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!pop.gnn.com!MrMiagi
From: MrMiagi@gnn.com (Brian Sassounian)
Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.graphics.algorithms,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.api.inventor,comp.graphics.api.misc,comp.graphics.api.opengl,comp.graphics.apps.alias,comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.pagemake
Subject: dO NOT read this Letter
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:26:08
Organization: GNN
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In windows 95, how the hell do you set the default in the
folders to be list, instead of those crappy big icons? this is
really pissing me off... well thanks a lot. also, anybody have
a registered or good html editor? im looking for one..bye.
Brian Sassounian
p.s. email any new kickass fonts like kiddie, randsom, or kickass
pps. check out my web page at
it kixx ass too
ppps. why the hell are there no messages in this newsgroup?
ppps. How do I rename a font? can't do it in win95.
pppps.: ok ill shutup now.
-= From: =-
-=/:: Brian Sassounian ::\=-
_ _ -=\ E-Mail: /=-
"I am he as you are he | |
as you are me and we \____/ -=\ mrmiagi@gnn.com /=-
are all together." -Lennon /_\
My Web page is at: http://members.tripod.com/~brian67/index.html
The Anywhere Directory
*** Some of my favorite quotes ***
This is a sig, and it is pretty damn long for a sig,
so if you don't want to read it, don't.
Anyway these are kewl.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer!
-Ryan Cox
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
Ruf Ruf Ruff
-Tim "The Toolman" Taylor (Home Improvement)
-Homer Simpson (Simpsons)
You dumb babies!
-Angelica (Rugrats)
I don't think that's such a good idea Tommy..
Chuckie (Rugrats)
Dont call me babe.
-Pam Anderson (Barb Wire)
Mary had a little RAM -- only about a MEG or so.
Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
-Billy Crystal (City Slickers)
CHH..CHH nghhh, cghhh... hhggdf, ngggh
-My Dad Snoring
God gave men bigger brains then dogs so they wouldn't hump women's legs
at cocktail parties
-Acid Burn (Hackers)
Article: 20286
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From: an521236@anon.penet.fi
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.misc,comp.graphics.visualization,alt.3d,alt.3d.misc,alt.3d.studio,alt.soft-sys.corel.draw,comp.graphics.rendering.misc,comp.graphics.rendering.r
Subject: Re: Do you have what it takes, or do you have a product? Search!!!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 19:00:27 GMT
Organization: The House on the Borderland
Lines: 14
Sender: Red Mercury
Message-ID: <31a340fd.3598364@nntp.ibmpcug.co.uk>
References: <4nngi8$5h4@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com> <319FCBAD.73AB@montreal.com>
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On Sun, 19 May 1996 21:32:29 -0400, Jean-Eric Hénault
<videosep@montreal.com> wrote:
>Jeff Glaze wrote:
>> Do you have what it takes?
>> References Available.
>We have what it takes... and more... But first of all, who are you ???
I think that's what the references are for....
Article: 20287
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: camcollect@aol.com (CamCollect)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: IMMEDIATE OPENING: Art Director/3D Animator
Date: 22 May 1996 15:09:25 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 22
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4nvop5$lpu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
Reply-To: camcollect@aol.com (CamCollect)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
Art Director/3D Animator position available immediatly. 3D animation w/
Lightwave 5.0 and/or SoftImage experience required. Send demo tape and
resume to:
Digital FX, Inc.
9146 Jefferson Hwy.
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
ATT: Greg Milneck
Greg Milneck, Jr.
Digital FX, Inc.
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Article: 20288
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!netnews.nwnet.net!news.u.washington.edu!news.alt.net!newspost1.alt.net!usenet
From: sharkey@address.net (Rob Peace)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Help needed: Best Bet for Beginners (Tutorials, Books, etc.)
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 19:14:07 GMT
Organization: *
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <31a365b2.31962285@news.address.net>
Reply-To: *
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/16.182
I am just starting out on Lightwave 4.0 and, frankly, the manual seems
to be a little skimpy on the tutorial side. Modeling in particular is
giving me a lot of trouble. I am looking for a book or manual that
focuses on the basics of Lightwave with an emphasis on modeling. I
know there is a series of videos, but I prefer to have it in print
so's I can refer to it as I work. Any advice on this would be greatly
Article: 20289
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshub.csu.net!newshub.sdsu.edu!usenet
From: Sean Houghton <houghton@rohan.sdsu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 22:41:47 -0700
Organization: San Diego State University
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <31A3FA9B.19D3@rohan.sdsu.edu>
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36015 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20289 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17186
You can do these in 3ds4 and their is an option in the reflections options dialog box
that lets you set the limit for reflection incidences (I beleive) so you can have a
reflection of a reflection of a reflection, etc...
misc335@csc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
> > (reflections) yes and no. There are significant limitations to auto-ref maps
> > which may be important to some like myself. One is you can't get a relfection
> > of a reflection, or anything that requires multiple ray recursions like
> > self-relfection this can lead to some very bad looks and unneccessary amounts
> You can do both these things in 3d studio, and I'm almost certain it only uses
> reflection maps. (well, "out of the box" anyway...)
Sean Houghton, Computer Scientist Extraordinaire.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
-Buckaroo Bonzai
Article: 20290
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
Date: 23 May 1996 05:15:21 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4o0s99$b35@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
References: <wturber.194.0AE5BA09@primenet.com>
X-PipeUser: mikeling
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
On May 22, 1996 21:17:03 in article <Re: LightWave notes from E3>,
'wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))' wrote:
>point out that a dongled LiteWave would be a huge mistake. At this price
>point you make up for piracy with volume. Maybe you use some kind of CD
>protection or serial number scheme. But definitely no dongle.
>It is important to do what you do best. That may be the best reason why
>LiteWave is not a good idea.
I think one of the best weapons against piracy is a semi-functional demo.
If it rendered 160x100 images in color and 640x480 in b/w, and if had
printed message about being a demo randomly placed in the image, and a time
limit, a user could get to know lightwave and still want the real thing.
M C L -
Article: 20291
Path: news2.cais.com!news
From: B Hayes <bjhayes@pacificnet.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: cel shader
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 00:37:50 -0400
Organization: HVC-3D
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <31A3EB9E.7A36@pacificnet.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
Howard ST wrote:
> A minor tip regarding getting a flat 2-d cartoon style look in Lightwave--
> I've been playing around with the cel shader, which does a nice job of
> creating key lines ala a cartoon. I wanted to get the flattest look
> possible and I was finding that the Cel shader made my images look
> posterized and showed too many bands of color to look like a cartoon
> (which is usually mostly flat color).
> I solved this problem by deleting all lights and turning the last one's
> level to 0 and then cranking up the ambient light. No directionality of
> light, no shadows, no variation in surface color (and no need for the cel
> shader particularily).
> Gave me the look I was going for...
> ..I also cranked the luminosity on some of my objects some which gave me
> object by object "brightness" control.
> Kind of obvious I guess, but hey, isn't everything once you know how to do
> it?
> -H
> -H
I needed a Cel-Shared about a year and a halph before i new what one was.
Your technique was exactly hou I got around it. Hey have you noticed that
the Cel-Look out line Looks like crap or is it just me. I had played with
the Exparimental Feature under 4.0 and I thought it looked much better.
Could just be me though...
Brad Hayes
Article: 20292
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!unixg.ubc.ca!news.bc.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!news.sprintlink.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!server-b.cs.interbusiness.it!usenet
From: maurof@ptn.pandora.it (Mauro Avino)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Character animation TARIFFS !
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 07:02:54 GMT
Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <4o129f$3b4@server-b.cs.interbusiness.it>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
I 'm trying to begin to work as character animator and post-producer
video here in ITALY, exactly here at Naples.
I did some TVsignature for some local transmitting station.
But the my consistent problem is that here there's not a consolitated
For that I known, here we haven't an association of category, a
prices-list, etc . . . .
I'd like to get the customs of the other countries about the prices of
the comp-animation, how much at second, for example.
I 'm aware of the generally of my question, but I need only of a
I work as freelance, OBVIOUSLY on LIGHTWAVE !!
best regards to all, Mauro by GràPHoS
Article: 20293
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!nntp1.jpl.nasa.gov!news.iag.net!news.math.psu.edu!news.cac.psu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.u
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Manuals?
Date: 22 May 1996 14:54:02 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 29
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.185.09E2C923@primenet.com>
References: <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk> paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham) writes:
>From: paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham)
>Subject: Manuals?
>Date: 22 May 1996 09:49:19 GMT
>Sorry if this is in the FAQ I can't find. (Slate me if you wish...)
>I have recently bought a second-hand P.C. and with it came a copy of Lightwave
>4.0. Excently, I thought, now I can really do some good computer graphics.
>But, no manuals! I have been trying to learn the principles from scratch but
>could really do with some very basic tuition, so my questions are these:
>Does anyone know if I can buy just the manuals for LW 4.0?
>Does anyone know of a good beginners book for LW 4.0?
>Or, does anyone know of a good tutorial for beginners on the net?
>Thanks alot for any help
>Paul Bunkham.
Are you using a dongle to run LW? You will find it attached to the parallel
port if you are. It looks like a "gender changer" device and will have a
serial number on it.
If LW is running without this device, you have a bootleg copy and have not
purchased LW. I hope you didn't pay extra for an illegal copy.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20294
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: TREK and BAB5 models?
Date: 23 May 1996 00:38:30 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <4o0c26$kmt@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
References: <4o06n1$1eqs@news.gate.net>
X-PipeUser: mikeling
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
On May 22, 1996 23:07:13 in article <TREK and BAB5 models?>,
'srcemag@gate.net (Richard Green)' wrote:
>Can anyone here help me find trek:tng ( ds9 and voyager ) objects?
Hmm I've seen ST:NG and ST movie objects over the years, but I haven't seen
anything from the newer series.
M C L -
Article: 20295
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.comm.net!imci5!pull-feed.internetmci.com!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news2.digex.net!us
From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Manuals?
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 22:15:08 GMT
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <31a30165.646739@news.digex.net>
References: <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dcc11780.slip.digex.net
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham) wrote:
>Sorry if this is in the FAQ I can't find. (Slate me if you wish...)
>I have recently bought a second-hand P.C. and with it came a copy of Lightwave
>4.0. Excently, I thought, now I can really do some good computer graphics.
>But, no manuals! I have been trying to learn the principles from scratch but
>could really do with some very basic tuition, so my questions are these:
>Does anyone know if I can buy just the manuals for LW 4.0?
>Does anyone know of a good beginners book for LW 4.0?
>Or, does anyone know of a good tutorial for beginners on the net?
>Thanks alot for any help
>Paul Bunkham.
I assume, since you can run the program, that it came with the dongle?
Dave Paige
Alfheim Imaging
Article: 20296
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!hpg30a.csc.cuhk.hk!news.cuhk.edu.hk!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.mathwor
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
Date: 22 May 1996 15:16:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 31
Sender: root@primenet.com
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <wturber.187.09F72BDF@primenet.com>
References: <960403025014350@FrontierTech.COM>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <960403025014350@FrontierTech.COM> tlisanti@earth.planet.net (Tony Lisanti) writes:
>From: tlisanti@earth.planet.net (Tony Lisanti)
>Subject: Again more Dongle Problems
>Date: 22 May 1996 01:54:23 GMT
> I thought I was immune to dongle problems. I was wrong.. Now my Snappy and
>Printer refuse to work without first removing the dongle. I made a call to
>Newtek. Trying to get technical support is like trying to talk to God. I hear
>even the dealers have an impossible time trying to get though. So can anyone
>help me with my dongle problems?
Based upon the experiences posted here, I won't plug anything into the
backside of a LW dongle. For any reason. Period. Apparently some printers
have the nasty trait of "reprogramming" the dongle. I think the price of an
additional parallel port ($20-40) or a switchbox ($20 or so - works for most
but not all parallel devices) is easily worth the peace of mind.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20297
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: wile-e@ix.netcom.com(Tom Kubat )
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Two Lightwaves on one system?
Date: 23 May 1996 07:35:43 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <4o14gf$3a6@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4o08ct$qsa@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sba-ca2-15.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 2:35:43 AM CDT 1996
In <4o08ct$qsa@newsbf02.news.aol.com> otsp@aol.com (OTSP) writes:
>The latest version of Hollywood F/X doesn't work with my Lightwave
>and a version that will is a long way off. My question is, can I
>Lightwave 3.5 onto the same system and have both versions render their
>animations onto the same Flyer drives without causing problems?
>Appreciate the help.
>Bob Ridge
>On the Spot Productions
I have both 3.5 and 4.1 installed on my system and run the one best
suited to the task. Just use a text editor to change the names before
starting LightwaveFP so the one you want starts up. You can't run them
both at the same time but 3.5 renders much faster than 4.1 (or 4.0) on
an amiga while 4.1 is better for modeling. Of course you can't render
in 3.5 if special 4.0 features are used (plug-ins, for example.) So to
render to the flyer in 3.5, save as framestores and use the Flyer
IFF2Clip AREXX script to make a clip. It is MUCH faster than rendering
to a clip with 4.0 (again, on an Amiga.)
Tom Kubat
VIP, Inc.
Santa Barbara, CA
Article: 20298
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Thanks -- Boolean , but ...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 00:27:49 -0700
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 55
Message-ID: <31A41375.2E95@ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sjx-ca18-09.ix.netcom.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 2:26:07 AM CDT 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (WinNT; U)
Yeah, I guess one-side is one of the better options
to solve this problem, but still, I can't really
Boolean as what I want whenever I use it.
Question: Is there a way to change a multi-polygon
object which is created in 2-sides into single side
without rebuilding the whole thing?
Qu. 2:
What about if I want to boolean something like
[ ________ }
[___I I____]
This is the side view of the residue. Hope U can
understand what the diller and drillee would look
like. So, the qu. is that should the big box (the
thing to be cut) be 1-sided and the small box (the
one use as a cutting mould) be 2-sided? See, this
tends to be simple task but I just can't get it.
Everything shown in PowerView or even in Layout is
Thanks in adance!
PS: I wonder if Layout 5.0 is OpenGLed. Anyone?
"It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's
"It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's
Article: 20299
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.rmii.com!usenet
From: Sassafras
Newsgroups: alt.3d,alt.3d.misc,alt.3d.studio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: I will create 3D images for you for free
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 10:55:47 GMT
Organization: Rocky Mountain Internet Inc.
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <31a44430.263920766@natasha.rmii.com>
References: <832524514.20853.0@le-vamp.demon.co.uk> <319F622A.57D2@osu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: slip2275.rmii.com
Xref: news2.cais.com alt.3d:24039 alt.3d.misc:1592 alt.3d.studio:11937 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20299 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17190
Isn't this called price fixing when you attempt to make everybody
charge the same? (Hint : Free is less than whatever you are
charging, therefore you are trying to get him to raise his prices to
match everyone else's.) Businesses aren't legally allowed to
do this (Yes I know, gas stations do it all the time -- that doesn't
make it legal!)
On Sun, 19 May 1996 14:02:18 -0400, Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
>You should really think about charging a little bit. This hurts businesses who
>do this for a living. Hey it your hard work, why not get paid for it?
Article: 20300
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
Date: 23 May 1996 04:50:07 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 27
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>, lthouse@primenet.com
(David Hopkins) writes:
>>You can use the escape key (ESC) to abort a scene load. (!)
>Wow, that has been true for a REAL long time! Just caught that,
>did you? ;-)
Hey, does anyone else miss not seeing anything happen while loading? I
sometimes load huge scene files, and see no action on the screen for about
a minute, and blam, there's my scene. In the old lightwave, you could see
the object/image/surfaces counters going up, showing some progress.. Much
Jason Booth
Second Nature, Inc.
"I'm programing a raytracer that only outputs in ASCII art! I'LL BE
Article: 20301
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:17:06 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <31A3F4D2.5D94@odyssee.net>
References: <4nrm9i$c73@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4nt3vb$o90@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool29_1.odyssee.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: GKeenan818 <gkeenan818@aol.com>
GKeenan818 wrote:
> In article <4nrm9i$c73@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com
> (Stranahan) writes:
> >From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
> >Date: 21 May 1996 02:02:26 -0400
> >
> >There's nothing remotely worrisome going on, but that hasn't kept you
> from
> >worrying before...
> Well Lee, if YOU say that things are okay, then I am more inclined to
> believe it, especially when I get fed one excuse after another from AMG.
> The worrying is over as far as I'm concerned as it's all in the hands of
> my credit card company now.
> It's not JUST me who is worrying Lee, as my mailbox has been getting a
> steady stream of enquiries from other people in the UK who feel as though
> there is something fishy going on. If YOU telephoned AMG and got the
> stories that I have, then I think you too would be a little bit worried.
> I shall save future "worry postings" for alt.dontpanic.dontrocktheboat in
> the future. ;-))
I suppose that if someone bought the AVID MEDIA GROUP, it's because they want to continue the operations as usual. Perhaps even improve it.
Avid's main publications are still VTU and LW Pro. It would be stupid to stop making them.
I assume however that it may cause some delays for a few weeks. Transitions like this are always difficult at first, but I expect things will
improve steadilly in the next few weeks now.
Article: 20302
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:08:00 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <31A3F2B0.2DCD@odyssee.net>
References: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl> <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> <wturber.183.09D917DC@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool29_1.odyssee.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: "Walter (Jay) Turberville (III)" <wturber@primenet.com>
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20302 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48454
Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
> In article <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren) writes:
> >From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
> >Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
> >Date: 22 May 1996 12:23:34 -0600
> >Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl> wrote:
> >> Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
> >I also wonder, has anyone else gotten a (snail-mail) notice of 5.0? I
> >haven't (but I did for 4.0). If I didn't read this group, I would have
> >had no idea a 5.0 was even coming this soon.
> > - steve
> This is correct as far as I know. We have received no off-line notice.
> Perhaps it was in the latest LWPro or VTU. I'm not sure though. You would
> think NewTek would have sent out upgrade notices to registered users. It
> doesn't matter to us, but not everybody is online. I sometimes forget that
> simple fact. Maybe NewTek did as well.
> Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
> Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
> http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Well, there is at least a couple of places where I saw the new LW 5.0 add. 3D design has had the new add featuring some pretty nice pictures.
But I think NewTek should at least update its web page.
Article: 20303
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:23:35 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <31A3F657.66A8@odyssee.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool29_1.odyssee.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
At last Video Toaster World in LA last Fall, Tim Jennison mentionned
that LW would catch-up with SoftImage within a year. That was six months
It is logical to assume that now that 5.0 is shipping, NewTek is gonna
start working on 6.0 right ? Well, A friend of mine who is working for
one of the big LightWave studios mentionned that they are about to start
working on a Beta version of 6.0. Is it possible this new version could
be availlable by the end of the year ?
Woudn't that be great ? I just hope the next upgrade doesn't cost me an
other 500$ ...
Article: 20304
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news
From: you@somehost.somedomain (sdfgh)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 22 May 1996 21:20:22 GMT
Organization: Your Organization
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4o00em$gus@news.nstn.ca>
References: <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: vega.torcomp.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
In article <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com>,
wturber@primenet.comTurbervilleIII says...
>Just for grins, I just took a look at comp.graphics.apps.alias. There are
>about 1/10 as many messages there as here. Might I suggest that the next
>argument on the LW vs. Alias topic (and I assume there will be another) take
>place in that group instead of here.
>Thank you.
>Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
>Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
>http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
you'll be laughed out of the group
but what the hell, lets see alias users cut up lw for a change
Article: 20305
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!insync!news.io.com!arlut.utexas.edu!geraldo.cc.utexas.edu!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.prime
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Date: 22 May 1996 14:43:00 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 25
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.183.09D917DC@primenet.com>
References: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl> <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20305 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48455
In article <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren) writes:
>From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
>Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
>Date: 22 May 1996 12:23:34 -0600
>Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl> wrote:
>> Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
>I also wonder, has anyone else gotten a (snail-mail) notice of 5.0? I
>haven't (but I did for 4.0). If I didn't read this group, I would have
>had no idea a 5.0 was even coming this soon.
> - steve
This is correct as far as I know. We have received no off-line notice.
Perhaps it was in the latest LWPro or VTU. I'm not sure though. You would
think NewTek would have sent out upgrade notices to registered users. It
doesn't matter to us, but not everybody is online. I sometimes forget that
simple fact. Maybe NewTek did as well.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20306
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news2.digex.net!usenet
From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to get it?
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 22:15:11 GMT
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <31a301be.735357@news.digex.net>
References: <4nusi4$e6m@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dcc11780.slip.digex.net
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
razorkid05@aol.com (RazorKiD05) wrote:
>Could someone tell me if I should buy a Flyer system from Tristate
>computer which is cheaper then getting it from my Dealer. Help would be
Mail order will, generally, always be cheaper than your local dealer.
But, who's going to support you when you have problems or need
questions answered, and you will. Will you be unhappy when your local
dealer closes up shop because all of his/her customers bought mail
order instead of supporting there local dealer?
Dave Paige
Alfheim Imaging
Article: 20307
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From: Manfred Panter <Manfred@schebesta.freinet.de>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Problem with Rail/Path-Extrusion
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 11:29:48 -0700
Organization: konzept und design
Lines: 15
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Hi guys, got a problem with Lightwave.
I want to extrude an object with path extrusion.
For this, i need a curve in a background layer.
But what if i want to extrude a thing like a zig-zag-wall.
I need straight lines and sharp angles, but if you choose make curve,
Lightwave always builds up rounded curves. With a polygon in the
background layer (which was okay because it was not rounded),
i cannot make a rail extrusion.
Great if i can get some help.
It would be nice if you can mail me the answer directly.
Thanks for all, Thomas from Germany.
Article: 20308
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From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW is an Island
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 02:39:25 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 83
Message-ID: <31A4081D.6E9@odyssee.net>
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To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com
leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com wrote:
> In article <4ne5rv$5la@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) writes:
> |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!pa.dec.com!news1.digital.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!no
> |>From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
> |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
> |>Subject: Re: LW is an Island
> |>Date: 15 May 1996 23:02:23 -0400
> |>Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
> |>Lines: 31
> |>Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
> |>Message-ID: <4ne5rv$5la@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
> |>References: <wturber.149.1449E3C5@primenet.com>
> |>Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
> |>NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
> |>
> |>------------------------------------
> |>The people marketing the Toaster were in the right place at the right time
> |>to be sure.
> |>-----------------------------------
> |>
> |>You know, Foust hates it when I mention Play - but I re-read this sentence
> |>and it pissed me off. It implies that the marketing department of 'old'
> |>NewTek (some would call it 'real' NewTek) was lucky.
> |>
> |>Bite me.
> |>
> |>As I indicated, there was a ton of work. In addition, the same group of
> |>marketing people who launched Toaster made Snappy (a video digitizer that
> |>entered the market with a BUNCH of competition already there) the largest
> |>selling video product EVER for the PC in about a year. They launched
> |>Trinity in a huge way. They made a company that is larger and more
> |>sucessful than NewTek in that space of time, and it's a company that is
> |>'cool' in the same way NewTek used to be.
> |>
> |>Marketing, kids.
> |>
> |>
> |>
> |>_____________________________________________
> |>Lee ,
> I seem to remember they crawled in bed with Digital Creations(supergen 2000s,
> DCTV, Brilliance on the Amiga),
> and Microsoft recently. As for snappy, What competition are you talking about?
> I read the maga and really don't recall anything in that price range
> avaiable. Gee first a DigiView type thingy for the PC, and then a Toaster
> type thingy for the PC. A lot of original ideas surfacing here. I wonder
> if softimage will be their 3D software for Trinity ? i saw a Snappy ad.
> big picture of the device, nice but nothing special. We have one in shop
> but opt to use a digital camera most of the time. if I buy a pentium I
> would consider the Snappy as I believe it has it's uses .
> -bill
About six months ago, Play had already sold over 300,000 Snappys. By now, they should have at least double that. The thing is that Snappy is
now one of the most successfull video tool availlable on the market.
History repeats itself : Back in 1985, when the Amiga was first introduced, a new company called NewTek launched a device called DigiView. At
the time, it was about the only way to put color images in the Amiga for a reasonable cost. Scanners back then were prohibitivelly expensive.
The Amiga by the way, was about the only computer, costing under $100,000 that could display as many as 4,096 colors at the same time, while
the best PC of the day could barelly display 16; the Mac was still in black in white.
While the Amiga was a small market, NewTek was pretty successfull with its marketing. In 1987, AmigaWorld introduced us to the Video Toaster
concept. At the time, it seemed like pure vaporware. A video card that would allow for a very small amount of money to create real-time
digital transition effects, just like on television. NewTek used the little money they made selling Digiview and DigiPaint, a paint software
for the Amiga, to develop the Toaster. About a year later, in 1988-89, people had already forgotten about the "mythical" Video Toaster. Until
the summer of 1990, when NewTek finally introduced its finished product to market.
The Video Toaster was an immediate hit. They sold thousands of units within the first few months. NewTek made the headlines of major
publications around the world. ABC news even made a story about the little company from Topeka. Everybody loved the name. A company with very
little resources was able to go from almost zero to major fame.
Then, about two years ago, some people left NewTek to create Play. From that moment, everything at NewTek started to fall apart. The Video
Flyers project was experiencing major delays and technical problems. Commodore was just put into liquidation a few months before. LightWave
for Windows was shipping as a Beta version, and still far from being stable. Many customers were very unhappy about NewTek.
Since these people left the company, NewTek has become a marketing nightmare.
All of this to say that Play is repeating this all over again. Don't you see that Play has made tens of millions of dollars with Snappy ? This
money is now used to develop Trinity. When this product comes out, Play will have a lot more ressources than NewTek ever had when they
launched the Toaster. I expect total devastation in the video-production industry when Trinity comes out...
Article: 20309
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!imci3!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
From: lara@vvm.com (Paul Lara)
Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.graphics.algorithms,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.api.inventor,comp.graphics.api.misc,comp.graphics.api.opengl,comp.graphics.apps.alias,comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.pagemake
Subject: Re: dO NOT read this Letter
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 05:58:08 GMT
Organization: VDO Productions
Lines: 91
Message-ID: <4o0rvb$5t1@newshost.vvm.com>
References: <4o0et6$hj3@news-e2d.gnn.com>
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.fonts:45844 comp.graphics.algorithms:32440 comp.graphics.animation:36019 comp.graphics.api.inventor:1880 comp.graphics.api.misc:646 comp.graphics.api.opengl:5227 comp.graphics.apps.alias:1823 comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot:3487 comp.
MrMiagi@gnn.com (Brian Sassounian) wrote:
> In windows 95, how the hell do you set the default in the
>folders to be list, instead of those crappy big icons? this is
>really pissing me off...
Kind of off-topic for the lightwave newsgroup....
It's sort of rude to SPAM dozens of newsgroups for a
rather obvious answer as well.
And that obvious answer is:
The last four buttons along the top of Explorer are
Large Icons | Small Icons | List | Details
simply click on details, while you reach for the manual.
Paul Lara
well thanks a lot. also, anybody have
>a registered or good html editor? im looking for one..bye.
> Brian Sassounian
>p.s. email any new kickass fonts like kiddie, randsom, or kickass
>pps. check out my web page at
>it kixx ass too
>ppps. why the hell are there no messages in this newsgroup?
>ppps. How do I rename a font? can't do it in win95.
>pppps.: ok ill shutup now.
> -= From: =-
> -=/:: Brian Sassounian ::\=-
> X X
> _ _ -=\ E-Mail: /=-
>"I am he as you are he | |
>as you are me and we \____/ -=\ mrmiagi@gnn.com /=-
>are all together." -Lennon /_\
>My Web page is at: http://members.tripod.com/~brian67/index.html
> The Anywhere Directory
> *** Some of my favorite quotes ***
> This is a sig, and it is pretty damn long for a sig,
> so if you don't want to read it, don't.
> Anyway these are kewl.
>Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer!
> -Ryan Cox
>I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
> -Anonymous
>Ruf Ruf Ruff
> -Tim "The Toolman" Taylor (Home Improvement)
> -Homer Simpson (Simpsons)
>You dumb babies!
> -Angelica (Rugrats)
>I don't think that's such a good idea Tommy..
> Chuckie (Rugrats)
>Dont call me babe.
> -Pam Anderson (Barb Wire)
>Mary had a little RAM -- only about a MEG or so.
> -Radioactive
>Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
> -Billy Crystal (City Slickers)
>CHH..CHH nghhh, cghhh... hhggdf, ngggh
> -My Dad Snoring
>God gave men bigger brains then dogs so they wouldn't hump women's legs
>at cocktail parties
> -Acid Burn (Hackers)
Article: 20310
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.smartlink.net!usenet
From: Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:48:25 -0700
Organization: The Imagination Workshop
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36020 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20310 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17196
I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to digitizing.
The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort to
clean up.
Article: 20311
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!netcom.com!shf
From: shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)
Subject: Re: Damn Path Extrude!
Message-ID: <shfDrtMwJ.KM0@netcom.com>
Organization: The Blue Planet
References: <31A226C4.60A9@oo.com>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 19:17:07 GMT
Lines: 37
Sender: shf@netcom15.netcom.com
+-- TL Westgate <juris@oo.com> writes:
| For the life of me, I can never get path extrude to work properly. I
| have posted questions here before, and they have been answered on this
| subject, and (of course) I have tried the answers, but it still doesn't
| work.
| Would somebody please write a step by step procedure for, say, path
| extruding a disc into a tube from a path saved in Layout.
This can be described very simply. You want to create a path so that
when the extrude template object is animated along the path it sweeps
out the 3D shape you want to create.
For your example you would first create a disc in Modeler. You can
make it in any orientation or location, but to make it easy to move
you should make it centered at the origin and flat in the Z-axis.
Import that into Layout and start animating it with keyframes (or you
can load an existing motion for the disc). You can translate, rotate
and scale the disc with any number of keyframes. The shape that will
be created will be the result of skinning together all the shapes at
every timestep in the animation. You can visualize this by making a
wireframe animation preview and imagining all the frames of the anim
superimposed in your mind. When you are happy with the motion, save
it out to a file and use that for your Path Extrude motion with the
disc exactly as you created it in Modeler.
You cannot use parenting, pivot point, align to path, or any motion
plugins to define the motion path because those are all aspects of
the scene, not the motion. Position, rotation and scaling are all
supported, as are tension, continuity, bias and linear controls. Make
the keyframes more separated in time where you want more detail and
closer in time where you want less detail. You can also pick a part
of the path to use for extrusion. Enjoy!
Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
"How do you compute that? Where on the
graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
Article: 20312
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!OzEmail!news
From: Steven Johansen <>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 23 May 1996 07:58:12 GMT
Organization: OzEmail Pty Ltd - Australia
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dann@darkskydigital.com (Dann M. Stubbs) wrote:
>My mention about all the other sites was misinterpreted as is most of the
>things you respond to. At least our site has some framework, a fairly
>expandable structure. Lots are just images (good and bad) stuck up in the
>middle of nowhere. A great 3D image on a lousy site, still gives a poor
>impression as far as I'm concerned.
Dann, I believe I was the first to respond to your post and did
in fact misinterperate your comment, I don't know if you saw my post
as you are mainly responding to Fred.
When you said most of the web pages you had seen were produced
by talentless amatuers I presumed you were referring to 3D graphics
related sites,my mistake.
If I hadn't misinterpreted your comment I would not have made
what was an intentionally rude response.
I withdraw my comments (for what thats worth) and apologize
for them.
I am not recieving e-mail at this current address so if you
e-mailed a response to my origional post I was and currently still
am unable to reply to it, my apologies also for that to you and anyone
else who may have wished to take me to task for my comments.
> Dann M. Stubbs - dann@darkskydigital.com
> Dark Sky Digital - Computer Animation + Digital Effects
> Altamonte Springs, Florida USA
> www.darkskydigital.com
>All original text contained in posting Copyright 1996 Dark Sky Digital
Article: 20313
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.rmii.com!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: fletcher00@aol.com (Fletcher00)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Texture mapping on irregular objects
Date: 23 May 1996 09:19:40 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 15
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o1olc$ae5@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <31A28CDF.DED@rohan.sdsu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <31A28CDF.DED@rohan.sdsu.edu>, Sean Houghton
<houghton@rohan.sdsu.edu> writes:
>> Hi. I have only started started using Lightwave recently (version
>> 4.0), so this may seem like a newbie question, but it stems from my
Unfortunately, the only way to really do this in LW w/o a plugin is to:
actually unfold the image into a flat surface and save it
load both into layout
surafce the flat object with the image map
morph the flat surface into the desired shape 100%
It's awkward, but it works.
Chris Fletcher
Article: 20314
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.rmii.com!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: fletcher00@aol.com (Fletcher00)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Preview playback question
Date: 23 May 1996 09:20:20 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 13
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o1omk$aek@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4nsmo3$1ik@niven.ksc.nasa.gov>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <4nsmo3$1ik@niven.ksc.nasa.gov>,
richardson@gallifrey.ksc.nasa.gov (Richardson, Brian) writes:
>I'm running LW 4.0 on a 486-80, 16MB ram, CTX monitor set to SVGA
>Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...feel free
>to email.......thanks in advance.
Are you using '95 or NT?
And what is the monitors refresh rate set at?
Article: 20315
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: In defense of separate Modeler/Layout
Date: 23 May 1996 06:12:17 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 30
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o1dm1$6qd@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4nkk2q$4g6@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <4nkk2q$4g6@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>,
mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) writes:
>After using metanurbs in modeler, I want it in Layout. Aside from that,
>the only modeler stuff I'd think would be nice in Layout would be
>to generate primitive objects. It seems a like overkill to load up
>to make a flat plane for a floor, or a cube for room interiors, or a
>for some effect, or to change or add a texture name, etc. This would
>probably of use to people low on memory who'd want to avoid loading up
>modeler while layout is up.
I don't think this would be too usefull, or practical in the
programing sense - however, basic polygon creation from a plugin aspect is
definately needed. This way a plugin can create polygons, without doing
lots of disk swapping tricks..
Jason Booth
Second Nature, Inc.
"I'm programing a raytracer that only outputs in ASCII art! I'LL BE
Article: 20316
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 02:52:08 -0400
Organization: Concentric Internet Services
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <31A40B18.4866@pilot.msu.edu>
References: <wturber.194.0AE5BA09@primenet.com> <4o0s99$b35@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
Michael C. Ling wrote:
> I think one of the best weapons against piracy is a semi-functional demo.
> If it rendered 160x100 images in color and 640x480 in b/w, and if had
> printed message about being a demo randomly placed in the image, and a time
> limit, a user could get to know lightwave and still want the real thing.
> --
> M C L -
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Mike_Ling
Bingo! I wonder how many people pirate trueSpace?
Bryant Reif
Article: 20317
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!swidir.switch.ch!scsing.switch.ch!svuse.ubs.com!svnews.ubinet.ubs.com!svusenet.ubs.ch!usenet
From: MadCat <madcat@dolphins.ch>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: No Messagefile found...
Date: 23 May 1996 07:37:51 GMT
Organization: The Cybernetic Geniuses
Lines: 15
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Hi all...
I'm very new in Lightwave 5.0 (used 3DS R4)...
Now I have a big problem. I can't run the Modeller.exe...
The program says, that there is no MESSAGE FiLE...
Do you what it means? I can't use this damn program without a modeller..
(In 3DS you could draw a little bit in the Program)
Article: 20318
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!hookup!news.nstn.ca!bignews.cycor.ca!usenet
From: dgrant@dgrant.peinet.pe.ca (Dennis Grant)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 23 May 1996 14:22:25 GMT
Organization: Private Internet Connection
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <4o1sb1$60c@storm.cycor.ca>
References: <31A3692A.7554@ix.netcom.com>
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X-NewsReader: Interworks_GRn 3.0 January 12, 1996
In article <31A3692A.7554@ix.netcom.com> LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> Hi all,
> I have been a LW user for about 1/2 year already ... so-called. The reason I said so-called is because everytime
> I can't model some simple operations, I have to abort the whole project and use other program instead. Take
> Boolean subtraction for example, I have been flipping the manual's pages until they are torn, I have been posting
> numerous messages into the Net (which eventually people think I am a wacko), I have been looking into LWPro, VTU,
> etc ... to find answers, but still, I can't even do a simple boolean subtraction.
From the manual index: Boolean Functions, p50
Pages 50-52 contain a detailed explanation of boolean functions.
> I love LW. I know and I can feel it's power, but I just can't stand even the simple little Boolean obstacle.
> Anyone can kindly tell me the key to solve this problem? See, here are the steps I took:
> 1. Box, Make (in option, it is 2-sides)
Well, 3 actually.
> 2. Sphere, Make (same, 2-sides, and this is in the 2nd layer.
Again, this has 3 sides...
> I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
2.1. Select layer 1 as foreground.
2.2. Select layer 2 as background
2.3. Ensure objects intersect.
> 3. Shift-B, Subtract.
3.5. Merge points. (not needed, but a good idea)
> 4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
> 5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
> Upset begins from here again. Isn't that simple enough? I am VERY unhappy indeed, as if U have a lot of good
> video games but U don't have the home system to run them.
The manual is very clear.
Dennis Grant
Article: 20319
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!voyager.cris.com!Golchert
From: Golchert@cris.com (Chris Golchert)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: NewTek Updates?
Date: 23 May 1996 13:03:17 GMT
Organization: Concentric Internet Services
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4o1nml$sno@tribune.concentric.net>
References: <4o1bfm$496@mozo.cc.purdue.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: voyager.cris.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
The Artist (snafu@expert.cc.purdue.edu) wrote:
: I'm trying to update my version of Lightwave4.0A, but I having
: problems with the BBS, the ftp site is always busy, and the WWW
: site doesn't offer any connection to the ftp site. So, now my
: question:
: Is there a mirror of the NewTek FTP site anywhere?
: I'm desperately wanting all of the file updates, but my poor
: college budget can't afford anymore calls to the BBS (and I've
: had entirely too many CRC error to want to go there anymore anyway!)
: anyhelp would be appreciated. thanks
: eric
: snafu@expert.cc.purdue.edu
Article: 20320
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!bertha.pyramid.com!news.sedona.net!rtd.com!news.netzone.com!phx-ip-15.netzone.com!jarhead
From: jarhead@netwest.com (Michael S. Spitler)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 22:38:29 MST
Organization: Netzone
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <jarhead.10.0009CCC0@netwest.com>
References: <31A3692A.7554@ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: phx-ip-15.netzone.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
try this for the subtract
1: Make your first object
2: Make you second object
3: Set the foreground layer to the object to be subtracted FROM
4: Set the background layer to the object to be subtracted
5: Bool-subtract
It should look fine now!!!
If you need anything else or this to be more clear please let me know!!!!!!
Article: 20321
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!torn!nott!nntp.igs.net!usenet
From: Mark Van Buren <vanburen@blvl.igs.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Ultimate 3D Links: More Objects
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 20:24:52 -0400
Organization: IGS - Information Gateway Services
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <31A3B054.589B@blvl.igs.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ttya18.blvl.igs.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02 (Win95; I)
I've just added a few more links to the OBJECTS section on
Ultimate 3D Links. Might save you some time modelling your
next project!
Ultimate 3D Links
Article: 20322
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.cse.psu.edu!uwm.edu!hookup!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!bofh.dot!warwick!niss!bath.ac.uk!ccspgo
From: The Outlaw <ccspgo@bath.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: ---> lw50-cracked???...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Sender: ccspgo@bath.ac.uk (Verified by Kerberos)
Organization: Bath University Computing Services
Message-ID: <31A4EB58.74A7@bath.ac.uk>
References: <NEWTNews.23757.832892336.rayon@pi-user.pi.net>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Cc: ccspgo@bath.ac.uk
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: pc-pgo2.bath.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 14:44:06 GMT
Lines: 23
rayon@pi.net wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there someone who has the 100% working cracked
> version of LW50. If ya have send me an email, i will
> pay for it!..
> rayon@pi.net
This has GOT to be a troll. No one can be stupid enough to post such a
message in this forum?!!
Paul G. Overend
/ A2000/030@25/PicassoII http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccspgo/ \
| 1Mb Chip/7Mb Fast/1438 ccspgo@bath.ac.uk |
| Zip/OS3.1/AFS/Reno CD-ROM +44 (0)1225 826074 |
| CybergraphX2.16 |
Article: 20323
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!news.gate.net!news
From: srcemag@gate.net (Richard Green)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: TREK and BAB5 models?
Date: 22 May 1996 23:07:13 GMT
Organization: The Source
Lines: 1
Message-ID: <4o06n1$1eqs@news.gate.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: tpafl2-35.gate.net
X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
Can anyone here help me find trek:tng ( ds9 and voyager ) objects?
Article: 20324
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!insync!news.io.com!arlut.utexas.edu!geraldo.cc.utexas.edu!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Cross platform rendering
Date: 22 May 1996 15:31:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 36
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.188.0A0475CA@primenet.com>
References: <4nuval$10u@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4nuval$10u@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com> g-bierl@ix.netcom.com (Greg Bierl) writes:
>From: g-bierl@ix.netcom.com (Greg Bierl)
>Subject: Cross platform rendering
>Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 00:36:25 GMT
>I have been away from LW for a couple of years, (last version I used
>was 3.1) and was wondering about a couple things.
>1. Is it possible to use my Amiga version of LW for modeling, layout,
>and scene creation and then send that data to a networked Pentium for
>2. Is there an upgrade program for users that have the LW 3.1
1. Yes. You will need to edit paths in scenes and and objects. Its not a
huge hassle though.
2. There was but I am fairly certain it has expired. I'm not sure though. I
would hope that you could get the "competitive upgrade" price, but that is
just my hope.
I suggest that modeling and scene creation would be more productive on the
Pentium due to its speed of doing test renders and the new OpenGL features
that come with 5.0.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20325
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.nl.innet.net!bofh.dot!INnl.net!news.be.innet.net!bofh.dot!INbe.net!plug.news.pipex.net!pipex!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfee
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Preview playback question
Date: 22 May 1996 15:43:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 24
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.189.0A0F7143@primenet.com>
References: <4nsmo3$1ik@niven.ksc.nasa.gov>
X-Posted-By: ip156.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4nsmo3$1ik@niven.ksc.nasa.gov> richardson@gallifrey.ksc.nasa.gov (Richardson, Brian) writes:
>From: richardson@gallifrey.ksc.nasa.gov (Richardson, Brian)
>Subject: Preview playback question
>Date: 21 May 1996 15:16:19 GMT
>As a new user, I apologize in advance if this is a FAQ; but
>I would appreciate any assistance.
>When playing back a wireframe preview, the wireframe representation
>is not being displayed. I do see some faint information presented
>that indicates that it is playing back the sequence.
>I'm running LW 4.0 on a 486-80, 16MB ram, CTX monitor set to SVGA display.
>Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...feel free
>to email.......thanks in advance.
Try a different display driver for your video card. Failing that, try a
different display card. If you are using Win95, you might try adjusting the
level of accelleration for the display card.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20326
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!insync!uuneo.neosoft.com!imci3!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.iag.net!news
From: david goerndt <davidg@iag.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Effector Plug-in
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:18:08 -0400
Organization: stage 22 imaging, inc.
Lines: 3
Message-ID: <31A3BCD0.7D24@iag.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pm5-orl25.iag.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; U)
I just received LW 5, so I went through it trying out things, just
playing around. I tried to get effector to do something, but nothing
happened and the manual is no help, any ideas?
Article: 20327
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!imci3!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 23 May 1996 12:32:13 -0600
Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
Lines: 29
Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
Message-ID: <oj6loij44wi.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
References: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
In-reply-to: mad@torment.tmisnet.com's message of 23 May 96 06:26:09 PST
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin) wrote:
> This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
> reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
No, it was me trying to avoid helping someone who might not have
actually bought the product. The manual tells you exactly how to
perform boolean operations, but the poster did something else entirely
(and then blamed the program it didn't work). This smelled a lot like a
pirate trying to get free help on the internet to me. I'm not saying it
was, but some things just smell fishy that way. People asking for very
basic things that are clearly described in the manual is pretty
suspicious. You'll notice there are a few other replies to his note
that say "see the manual on booleans", so I was not the only one who got
this feeling.
And if you want help, ask clearly and politely. His message was
anything but.
> Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else
> knew how to do it.
I will generally try following the instructions before asking a few
thousand strangers for help. If it still doesn't work, then fine, ask
- steve
Article: 20328
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!cdc2.cdc.net!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!xmission!news
From: jsburger@xmission.com (John S. Burger)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
Subject: Re: '060 for Amiga 2000 ??
Date: 23 May 96 10:19:18 +0500
Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900)
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <1027.6717T619T919@xmission.com>
References: <4o0lvt$jha@news.inforamp.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: slc86.xmission.com
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.3 beta (Amiga;TCP/IP)
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20328 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76538
On or about 23-May-96 08:27:57 Dan Robinson typed the following words about "Re:
'060 for Amiga 2000 ??". My reply is thus...
Hi Dan,
...... *STUFF DELETED* ......
DR> Didn"you forget to mention the Wildfire board from DKB???? As a user
DR> I can attest to the fact that they are available.
Interesting, I called DKB yesterday and they said they wouldn't be available for
another month.
DR> dan
// -= John =- jsburger@xmission.com BIX: jburger
\X/ Via
Amateur Radio KB0ES T
Amiga 2000 H
A2630 A2632 John S. Burger Hooper, UT O
2+14megs RAM R
850meg HD This message was composed on... 2.3ß
Iomega ZIP 23-May-96 10:18:22 MDT --
Borger King: Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Article: 20329
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!-
Date: 23 May 1996 14:48:13 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 20
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o2btd$fm5@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4o1los$362@storm.cycor.ca>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
Yes, building hype, and then failing to deliver can be disastrous, but LW
showed you could release on schedule, right?
This is really the saddest part - 5.0 DID getting released on time.
NewTek's internal schedule was to release it at NAB - and a month before
NAB, I told Tim they needed to start releasing information NOW. This was
especially true about some 'catch-up' features.
Let's face it - LW 5 is very good, but some of the improvements were in
the nature of getting even with the rest of the market; I'm thinking of
Open GL here, although projection lights, multiple surfaces, and even
Nurbs to some extent were catch-ups. Without knowledge, people assumed
LightWave didn't have them.
This is pretty obvious, and it was all explained to NewTek. Too bad they
didn't listen, but it just hurts their sales...
Article: 20330
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!lexis-nexis!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: 23 May 1996 14:54:12 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 19
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o2c8k$fpi@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <31A3F657.66A8@odyssee.net>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
It is logical to assume that now that 5.0 is shipping, NewTek is gonna
start working on 6.0 right ? Well, A friend of mine who is working for
one of the big LightWave studios mentionned that they are about to start
working on a Beta version of 6.0. Is it possible this new version could
be availlable by the end of the year ?
Depends how cash poor they get. The logical place to show or sell 6.0
would be at SIGGRAPH in early August. They will certainly have enough new
features by then to have at LEAST a sale-able '5.5' version if they want.
They never STOP programming really, so it's not accurate to say they
'started 6.0'. They just keep coding.
Expect - 1) improved character animation features, because this is a
constant hot button, 2) changes to the motion graph; this has been hinted
at online, 3) improved surfacing, again...a constant problem that needs
Article: 20331
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.vbc.net!garlic.com!news.scruz.net!kithrup.com!news.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: otsp@aol.com (OTSP)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Two Lightwaves on one system?
Date: 22 May 1996 19:35:57 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 13
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o08ct$qsa@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
Reply-To: otsp@aol.com (OTSP)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
The latest version of Hollywood F/X doesn't work with my Lightwave 4.0,
and a version that will is a long way off. My question is, can I install
Lightwave 3.5 onto the same system and have both versions render their
animations onto the same Flyer drives without causing problems?
Appreciate the help.
Bob Ridge
On the Spot Productions
Article: 20332
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!nntp1.jpl.nasa.gov!news.iag.net!news.math.psu.edu!scramble.lm.com!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsgate.duke.edu!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.n
From: snafu@expert.cc.purdue.edu (The Artist)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: NewTek Updates?
Date: 23 May 1996 09:34:46 GMT
Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <4o1bfm$496@mozo.cc.purdue.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: expert.cc.purdue.edu
I'm trying to update my version of Lightwave4.0A, but I having
problems with the BBS, the ftp site is always busy, and the WWW
site doesn't offer any connection to the ftp site. So, now my
Is there a mirror of the NewTek FTP site anywhere?
I'm desperately wanting all of the file updates, but my poor
college budget can't afford anymore calls to the BBS (and I've
had entirely too many CRC error to want to go there anymore anyway!)
anyhelp would be appreciated. thanks
Article: 20334
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!news.pi.net!news
From: rayon@pi.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: ---> lw50-cracked???...
Date: Thu, 23 May 96 15:56:52 PDT
Organization: Planet Internet
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <NEWTNews.23757.832892336.rayon@pi-user.pi.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: asd61.pi.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Newsreader: NEWTNews & Chameleon -- TCP/IP for MS Windows from NetManage
Is there someone who has the 100% working cracked
version of LW50. If ya have send me an email, i will
pay for it!..
Article: 20335
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!usenet.seri.re.kr!bofh.dot!xplor!news.xplor.com!neoucom.edu!kraken!redpoll!red
Newsgroups: alt.retromod,comp.bugs.misc,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.lang.c,news.newusers.questions,rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.trades,rec.games.trading-cards.startrek,sci.med.dentistry
Subject: Re: bincancel:10 large binaries:AR361:@@NCM
Message-ID: <ARMM-Report-361.a@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us>
References: <ARMM-Report-361@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 20:18:08 GMT
From: red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us (Richard E. Depew)
Followup-To: news.admin.net-abuse.misc
Organization: ARMM Services, Bincancel Division
Keywords: ARMM - Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation
Lines: 52
Xref: news2.cais.com alt.retromod:1555 comp.bugs.misc:1032 comp.graphics.animation:36032 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20335 comp.lang.c:189314 news.newusers.questions:245155 rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.trades:22295 rec.games.trading-cards.st
Large binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
I run a program that searchs for, and issues advisory cancels for,
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I have issued 10 advisory cancels for large binary files or parts
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full report can also be found in alt.nocem.misc and alt.retromod.
Look for AR361 in the subject, or, if your reader supports it, use
this URL: news:ARMM-Report-361@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us
The criteria used to search for this batch of large binaries were:
NEWSGROUPS: Unmoderated akr, biz, comp, misc, news, rec, or sci
(except for comp.binaries.apple2, comp.bugs.2bsd,
and rec.games.bolo)
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Please direct public feedback to news.admin.net-abuse.misc and private
feedback to red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us. Thanks.
Best wishes,
Richard E. Depew, Munroe Falls, OH red@redpoll.mrfs.oh.us (home)
It's over, and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they
always say in Turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off''
-- Charles Dickens
Article: 20336
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From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Poser or Humanoid?
Message-ID: <mad.7j6c@torment.tmisnet.com>
Date: 23 May 96 07:10:56 PST
Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
Lines: 20
On Wed 22-May-1996 3:26a, Steve Tack wrote:
ST> Can anyone tell me the main differences between Poser and Humanoid? I'm
ST> considering Poser, since it's cheaper ($90), but I know nothing about
ST> Humanoid,
ST> other than it appears to be a similiar program. I'd mostly like to know
ST> which
ST> one works better with Lightwave. Thanks!
ST> Steve Tack
Funny, I just did the same reasoning. I went out and bought the Poser program
and I like it and you can save as DFX also. So then you can make and shape
your person how you want it and then ship it over to LW. But then I decided to
go ahead and order the Humanoid anyway because of the ONE MAIN feature that
Poser does not have, and that's the fact that you can have the humanoid right
in your Layout while you work with it and move it around and stuff. And also
it has way more detail than the other. But if all you want is a pretty good
basic human shape, then ok, get Poser. But when I found out that for only a
hundred bucks more you can get the real thing, well I got the Humanoid.
Besides it also comes with bones and a walk and run motion....md
Article: 20337
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From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Help/info wanted... (Please?)
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:11:56 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <31A3F39C.6008@odyssee.net>
References: <dave.0u80@hell.xs4all.nl> <319EB157.1E0C@pacificnet.net>
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To: B Hayes <bjhayes@pacificnet.net>
B Hayes wrote:
> > I was wondering how well the Matrox works with the new LW 5.0.
> > I take it the OpenGL stuff works?
> Jeroen:
> WRONG!!!! The MGA mallinium board needs 8Megs to do OpenGl well Yes it will do it in 640x480 and even 800x600 but with limited colors. I think
> it's 32768 colors. Now coming from an Amiga that may sound great but You will want to work in 16M colors at 1024x768. You will need 8Megs of
> ram for the Matrox card. Then there are questions about it's ability to use Z-Buffers. It only supports 16-bit Z-Buffers. How severly this
> impacts LightWave I'd don't know because I have nothing to compare it with right Now.
> Brad HAyes
> http://pacificnet.net/~bjhayes
Sorry, but I currently use a 4 meg MGA millenium, and LightWave's open
GL works quiet well. I am working in the 1024 x 768 resolution in full
24-bit. The refresh is very good.
Article: 20338
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From: misc335@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
Date: 23 May 96 12:03:05 +1200
Organization: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Lines: 9
Message-ID: <1996May23.120305@cantva>
References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <319A60C0.75D1@osu.edu> <4nehjv$a3r@dfw-ixnews6
NNTP-Posting-Host: cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36034 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20338 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17217
> (reflections) yes and no. There are significant limitations to auto-ref maps
> which may be important to some like myself. One is you can't get a relfection
> of a reflection, or anything that requires multiple ray recursions like
> self-relfection this can lead to some very bad looks and unneccessary amounts
You can do both these things in 3d studio, and I'm almost certain it only uses
reflection maps. (well, "out of the box" anyway...)
Article: 20339
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!csn!nntp-xfer-1.csn.net!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!newshub.cts.com!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Message-ID: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com>
Date: 23 May 96 06:26:09 PST
Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
Lines: 36
On Wed 22-May-1996 2:52p, Steve Koren wrote:
SK> LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
SK> [ A great deal of nonsensical ranting deleted ]
SK> > I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
SK> > 3. Shift-B, Subtract.
SK> > 4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
SK> > 5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
SK> Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
SK> your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
SK> did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
SK> - steve
This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
how to do it. Anyway, I think the main thing that you are doing wrong is:
1) Don't use 2 sided.....because then Modelar thinks that there is nothing
inside to be Booleaned. Use single side only, so as to make the object
actually be solid. Then when the Boolean process is performed it will be like
cutting out a hole from a hunk of wood.
2) Make sure that you have the object to be booleaned, "the one to have the
hole put in to it", that IT is in the foreground "object in white" and the
object to be used to make the hole be in the background "object in black".
I'll assume you know the difference between these foreground and background
layers so I won't go into that. But the main thing it sounds like you doing
wrong to me is, making the objects 2 sided.......hope this helps....md
Article: 20340
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!in-news.erinet.com!usenet
From: Andrew Hofman <andyh@erinet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Thanks -- Boolean , but ...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 11:23:50 -0400
Organization: LumaQuest Productions, Dayton, OH
Lines: 52
Message-ID: <31A48306.15D9@erinet.com>
References: <31A41375.2E95@ix.netcom.com>
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0B2 (Win95; I)
There is no reason you should ever, ever have to use 2-sided polys when doing
Boolean operations. In fact, using 2-sided polygons may actually confuse Boolean
operations in some cases, or at least make them slower. Also, once the operation
is done you will immediately see its results right there in Modeler, so I don't
understand this procedure of loading things into Layout to see if they've been
drilled. If an object doesn't appear to be drilled right there as a Modeler
wireframe, that's because it *hasn't* been drilled. Layout will shed no further
light on this.
Are you sure you've been following the manual, word for word? I got valid Booleans
the first time I sat down and - carefully - followed the manual's instructions.
And I'm not even claiming to be the smartest Lightwave user around!
LonerSam wrote:
> Yeah, I guess one-side is one of the better options
> to solve this problem, but still, I can't really
> Boolean as what I want whenever I use it.
> Question: Is there a way to change a multi-polygon
> object which is created in 2-sides into single side
> without rebuilding the whole thing?
> Qu. 2:
> What about if I want to boolean something like
> this:
> _________________
> [ ________ }
> [___I I____]
> This is the side view of the residue. Hope U can
> understand what the diller and drillee would look
> like. So, the qu. is that should the big box (the
> thing to be cut) be 1-sided and the small box (the
> one use as a cutting mould) be 2-sided? See, this
> tends to be simple task but I just can't get it.
> Everything shown in PowerView or even in Layout is
> distorted.
> Thanks in adance!
> LSam
Andrew Hofman
LumaQuest Productions
Article: 20341
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From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Thanks -- Boolean , but ...
Date: 23 May 1996 16:17:32 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <4o232s$1lt@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
References: <31A41375.2E95@ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca3-10.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 11:17:32 AM CDT 1996
In <31A41375.2E95@ix.netcom.com> LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com>
>Question: Is there a way to change a multi-polygon
>object which is created in 2-sides into single side
>without rebuilding the whole thing?
Use Unify, and then Align.
>Qu. 2:
>What about if I want to boolean something like
> _________________
>[ ________ }
>[___I I____]
>This is the side view of the residue. Hope U can
>understand what the diller and drillee would look
>like. So, the qu. is that should the big box (the
>thing to be cut) be 1-sided and the small box (the
>one use as a cutting mould) be 2-sided? See, this
>tends to be simple task but I just can't get it.
>Everything shown in PowerView or even in Layout is
You have to think of your objects as solids. A box with all six
one-sided sides facing outwards is treated by Modeler as an enclosed
volume (that is, there is no way anything can get into the cube without
passing through the surface) and therefore will boolean correctly.
If you want to Boolean the above piece in, use Extrude to make your
driller piece a 'solid volume', and then position it so that it will
cut into your object.
Article: 20342
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
Date: 23 May 1996 16:18:59 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4o235j$fpk@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca3-10.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 11:18:59 AM CDT 1996
In <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com> jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
> Hey, does anyone else miss not seeing anything happen while
loading? I
>sometimes load huge scene files, and see no action on the screen for
>a minute, and blam, there's my scene. In the old lightwave, you could
>the object/image/surfaces counters going up, showing some progress..
You can have the Scene panel up while loading. What's cooler is if you
have the Objects panel up while loading and you see your objects
popping in one at a time. :)
Article: 20343
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!news.sol.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!r2d2.fdn.org!uunet!in2.uu.net!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.n
From: vidworks@ix.netcom.com(Bob Bennett)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production
Subject: Re: FS: A2000 68040 Accel. w/17MB, VT4000 v3.1,Flicker Free
Date: 23 May 1996 16:35:29 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <4o244h$ia3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
References: <01bb4820.d4fca0e0$185ec08c@shiba>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wsx-nc1-10.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 11:35:29 AM CDT 1996
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20343 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76549 rec.video.desktop:20897 rec.video.production:43378
In <01bb4820.d4fca0e0$185ec08c@shiba> J. Derek Davis
<jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu> writes:
>Hi all,
> $850 CSA Magnum 25MHz 68040 Accel.
> w/17MB 32bit RAM
>-Derek <jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu>
Are you sure that's >>> 17 <<< megabytes of ram???
Article: 20344
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From: brainstorm@inermedia.com.ar (WOLANSKY VICTOR)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: test
Date: 23 May 1996 20:14:59 GMT
Organization: brainstorm
Lines: 2
Message-ID: <4o2h03$cpq@vixc.voyager.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: vixa.voyager.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Article: 20345
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From: Mark Van Buren <vanburen@blvl.igs.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: WANTED!!!!
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 20:28:01 -0400
Organization: IGS - Information Gateway Services
Lines: 10
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To: "Dána M. Epp" <eppdm@uniserve.com>
Dána M. Epp wrote:
> I am looking for a mesh/object
Did you try search the object archive lists at
Ultimate 3D Links?
Article: 20346
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.vbc.net!news.mira.net.au!news.mel.connect.com.au!munnari.OZ.AU!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!news.ysu.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!panix!usenet
From: -*-BRUCE-*- <fero@panix.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.visualization,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.misc,comp.graphics.rendering.misc,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.softimage
Subject: FLOW! ANIMATIONS. http://www.panix.com/~fero
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 11:14:43 -0400
Organization: FLOW! ANIMATIONS <http://www.panix.com/~fero>
Lines: 16
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.visualization:10543 comp.graphics.animation:36035 comp.graphics.apps.photoshop:16804 comp.graphics.misc:10474 comp.graphics.rendering.misc:2614 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20346 comp.graphics.apps.softimage:1261
Come visit the FLOW! ANIMATIONS homepage.
Sketches, Drawings.
Lots of eye candy.
If you have been by recently, come check out whats NEW:
I believe its worth a visit, Enjoy!
Thanks for your time.
Article: 20347
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From: format@guitar.sound.net (Surfer)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 19:33:42 GMT
Organization: Sound Advice Limited's Internet Access for KC
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4o2eap$v2@guitar.sound.net>
References: <31A3F657.66A8@odyssee.net>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net> wrote:
>>Woudn't that be great ? I just hope the next upgrade doesn't cost me an
>other 500$ ...
Are you serious? $500.00 for all the features from 4.0 <> 5.0 is
Think of all the time you'll save with NURBS, Poly-Reduction,
multi-surfacing, not to mention the OPENGL.
I think $500.00 (and $1495.00) is a small price to pay for a Film/TV
Effects 3D Package.
Sorry, dude, not ment to be a flame on you, just sick and tired of
people pickiing on NewTek.
Article: 20348
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!Germany.EU.net!zib-berlin.de!fu-berlin.de!news.belwue.de!news.uni-stuttgart.de!news.rhrz.uni-bonn.de!usenet
From: bernd@NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE (Bernd Kreimeier)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
Date: 23 May 1996 17:03:02 GMT
Organization: University of Bonn, Dept. of Comp. Sc. VI, Germany
Lines: 16
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <BERND.96May23190302@harlie.NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE>
References: <960403025014350@FrontierTech.COM> <wturber.187.09F72BDF@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: harlie.nero.uni-bonn.de
In-reply-to: wturber@primenet.com's message of 22 May 1996 21:49:01 -0700
>plug anything at the backside of your dongle
Hmmm. Once I started buying software (I am a Linux user - you
do not have to pay for most of the decent stuff, but unfortunately
some tools are available only for Non-OS like looseDOWS), I started
drowning in these things. I already bought an interface card,
switched IRQ's etc. ... are you saying now that another
dongle might hurt a dongle, too? I already have two in a row,
and two more are to be added soon.
Article: 20349
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!cdc2.cdc.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!usenet
From: nbenami@uiuc.edu (Noam Ben-Ami)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 23 May 1996 17:55:16 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 39
Message-ID: <4o28q4$6m9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
References: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com>
Reply-To: nbenami@uiuc.edu (Noam Ben-Ami)
NNTP-Posting-Host: ux4.cso.uiuc.edu
mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin) writes:
>SK> Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
>SK> your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
>SK> did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
>SK> - steve
>This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
>reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
>something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
>love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
>never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
>how to do it. Anyway, I think the main thing that you are doing wrong is:
The whole point, dude, is that this guy first rants about how he can't
get anything to work in LW, and then asks for help, APPARENTLY WITHOUT
This leaves us with three options:
1. This guy is too stupid to live.
Well, he's kind of a dork, but I don't think so.
So this option is out.
2. This guy has a pirated copy of LW, w/out the manual.
The best answer is "look in the manual!"
3. This guy has never looked at the mnual.
The best answer is "look in the manual!"
See? Its so simple.
Noam Ben-Ami is nbenami@ux4.cso.uiuc Solar Acoustics High Performance Speakers.
http://farside.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~nbenami ---- Disclaimer: I speak for myself ONLY.
Article: 20350
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!n3ott.istar!ott.istar!istar.net!infoshare!passport.ca!news2.insinc.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Help/info wanted... (Please?)
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 08:47:14 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 56
Message-ID: <31A45E52.1F6F@odyssee.net>
References: <dave.0u80@hell.xs4all.nl>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: Jeroen Van Velsen <dave@hell.xs4all.nl>
Jeroen Van Velsen wrote:
> Hi all you Lightwavers out there,
> I've (allmost) sold off my Amiga system and I'm going to get a:
> Pentium Pro 200 (Intel ATX Aurora mainbord)
> 32mb RAM (Atleast)
> 2.1gig EIDE harddisk
> Soundblaster AWE 32
> Matrox Millenium 4mb WRAM
> Does anyone recomend anything? (Good or bad?)
> (I'm allready planning to run WNT & W95)
Yeah... give me your phone number and address... ;-) If you can, get 64
megs... you seem pretty serious about hardware, this is probably to do
serious work. The extra memory might be worth it, especially with the
falling RAM prices.
> I was wondering how well the Matrox works with the new LW 5.0.
> I take it the OpenGL stuff works?
Well, it works pretty well, in fact, you can even experience Open GL on
your Amiga since there is a Fiori Powerview version for the Amiga
version of LW. It's not as fancy as on Windows, but it's usefull.
> Is LW 5.0 any faster then 4.0 C/D?
Someone at NewTek told me that LW 5.0 is slightly faster than 4.0 in
> I'm also planning to get into video (Broadcast quality) So how
> are the (used) PAR and Perception compared? Also the prices!
> Will I'll be able to use the Sounblaster for sound? And will I
> be able to control the soundcard from the PAR/Perception software?
The Perception is the most popular choice for the moment. It's broadcast
quality and has one of the best image quality in the industry. The
Perception board is made-up of the playback module and the video capture
module. You can get the whole thing for about $3,000 US.
One of the best thing about the Perception is its abillity to make its
video clips look like simple image sequences. For example, when you use
the file manager to browse through the Perception disks, at the root you
will see different directories representing different graphic formats
like TGA, IFF, JPEG, etc... When you go in TGA for example, you will see
a directory for every video clip on the disk. When you enter one of
those, you will see a long sequence of images like Clip0001.TGA, Clip
0002.TGA, etc... Very usefull for animation packages like LightWave. LW
can load a TGA video resolution graphic from the Perception in less than
a second.
Hope this helps!!
Article: 20351
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.mindlink.net!deep.mindlink.net.deep.mindlink.net!Jeff_Holinski
From: Jeff_Holinski@mindlink.bc.ca (Jeff Holinski)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave 6.0 ?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 23:38:48 GMT
Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <Jeff_Holinski.303.31A4F707@mindlink.bc.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: line092.nwm.mindlink.net
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
>From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
>Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
>Date: 23 May 1996 14:54:12 -0400
>It is logical to assume that now that 5.0 is shipping, NewTek is gonna
>start working on 6.0 right ? Well, A friend of mine who is working for
>one of the big LightWave studios mentionned that they are about to start
>working on a Beta version of 6.0. Is it possible this new version could
>be availlable by the end of the year ?
>Depends how cash poor they get. The logical place to show or sell 6.0
>would be at SIGGRAPH in early August. They will certainly have enough new
>features by then to have at LEAST a sale-able '5.5' version if they want.
>They never STOP programming really, so it's not accurate to say they
>'started 6.0'. They just keep coding.
>Expect - 1) improved character animation features, because this is a
>constant hot button, 2) changes to the motion graph; this has been hinted
>at online, 3) improved surfacing, again...a constant problem that needs
Maybe they'll even fix that damn lens flare bug that keeps crashing Layout.
Jeff H...
Article: 20352
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.vbc.net!news.mira.net.au!news.mel.connect.com.au!munnari.OZ.AU!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!news.wildstar.net!newsfeed.direct.ca!nntp.portal.ca!news.bc.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!enews.sgi.com!news.mathworks.com!news.
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
Date: 22 May 1996 21:17:03 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 35
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.194.0AE5BA09@primenet.com>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <31A3D546.41AA@ix.netcom.com> Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com> writes:
>From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
>Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
>Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 23:02:30 -0400
>At this juncture, I'm more than pleased with the emphasis Newtek is putting into
>the technical side of Lightwave. Since the company seems to have trouble
>multi-tasking, I'm content to see Lightwave moving forward with as few
>distractions as possible. Maybe a Corel scenario might work, but then there's the
>dongle and tech support. Both would be hard to overcome within Newtek.
>I really hate being negative about Newtek, because it's in my nature to see
>opportunity when others see disaster. But I've seen enough instances of superior
>products not living up to their potentials, to feel that Newtek can't overcome
>their weaknesses within their company. Their latest attempt to be trendy by using
>Java to control the PC Flyer only makes me feel more suspicious, rather than
>Elliot Bain
>Laurell Creative Services
All good points - especially your point about action/reaction. I just want to
point out that a dongled LiteWave would be a huge mistake. At this price
point you make up for piracy with volume. Maybe you use some kind of CD
protection or serial number scheme. But definitely no dongle.
It is important to do what you do best. That may be the best reason why
LiteWave is not a good idea.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20353
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From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave notes from E3
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 23:02:30 -0400
Organization: Laurell Creative Services
Lines: 67
Message-ID: <31A3D546.41AA@ix.netcom.com>
References: <4noa8d$gc2@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com> <4nrdmd$9dq@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <wturber.192.0A41501B@primenet.com>
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X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 22 10:00:24 PM CDT 1996
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Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
> I wonder if NewTek could sell a bunch of LW-lite packagesat around $200-300.
> They would have to get into the major chains to have a chance. They could
> use their Television credits to their advantage with this. How about bundling
> it with a Miro type device.
> The downside is that they would have to be careful to make clear the
> difference between LW-Lite and the full version. LiteWave?
> The big question would be what to actually include/exclude in such a package.
> Obviously, you drop Screamernet. Ya gotta give 'em lensflares (but maybe
> fewer options). Maybe you limit the import/export options, number of objects
> in a scene etc. No OpenGl. Make it LW 4.0 with some stuff trimmed off.
> On the one hand it seems a shame to cripple LW, on the other it may till the
> soil for a future market. Someone mentioned the Corel product series and how
> they just keep selling the older versions at discounted prices. Maybe this
> could work for NewTek?
> Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
> Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
> http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
At one time, I thought that your suggestion would be the way for Newtek to get a
good growth spurt and give themselves a much needed capital infusion. I've
changed my opinion, but not because I don't think it wouldn't help.
From what I've seen over the last couple of years, I've come to the conclusion
that as long as the company is run by the current crowd, they couldn't sell bags
of gold at a $200 an ounce. Their bags would have been worm-eaten while waiting
to be filled, and then somebody would have forgotten to order new bags, and the
gold would still be sitting in their warehouses.
The management and marketing staff at Newtek seem to be inbred. They would have a
terrible time interacting in the free-wheeling world of retail. Imagine if they
actually released a LiteWave, and the tech support calls started coming in. If
tech support is bad now, think of the chaos when the masses started calling in.
Then there's the matter of reaction vs. action. There's no question that Newtek
was burned by the delays in providing a stable 4.0. So the reaction was to keep a
tight lid on 5.0. While they were keeping the lid on, others were building fires
under their products. Instead of acting to promote their new product, they were
reacting to the failures of the previous ones.
You've also got to wonder if they keep a mailing list. Well, I know they do, but
you have to wonder if they know what to do with one. Everybody with 4.0, raise
your hands if you received an update/upgrade notice!
At this juncture, I'm more than pleased with the emphasis Newtek is putting into
the technical side of Lightwave. Since the company seems to have trouble
multi-tasking, I'm content to see Lightwave moving forward with as few
distractions as possible. Maybe a Corel scenario might work, but then there's the
dongle and tech support. Both would be hard to overcome within Newtek.
I really hate being negative about Newtek, because it's in my nature to see
opportunity when others see disaster. But I've seen enough instances of superior
products not living up to their potentials, to feel that Newtek can't overcome
their weaknesses within their company. Their latest attempt to be trendy by using
Java to control the PC Flyer only makes me feel more suspicious, rather than
Elliot Bain
Laurell Creative Services
Article: 20354
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.u
From: John Reddington <john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 21:12:34 GMT
Organization: None
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <630886620wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
References: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com>
Reply-To: john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
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X-Broken-Date: Thursday, May 23, 1996 21.12.34
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> SK> [ A great deal of nonsensical ranting deleted ]
> SK> > I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
> SK> > 3. Shift-B, Subtract.
> SK> > 4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
> SK> > 5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
> SK> Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
> SK> your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
> SK> did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
> SK> - steve
> -----------------
> This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
> reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
> something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
> love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
> how to do it.
Couldn't agree more. There are too many arrogant smart-asses on this group.
If this guy didn't want to be civil he shouldn't reply!! Luckily there
are still a lot of people on this group who realise that not everyone is an
expert and are willing to help. Fuck the rest of them.
| John Reddington EMail john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk |
Article: 20355
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet
From: (Steve)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lazer beams?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 20:37:13 GMT
Organization: UnipalmPIPEX server (post doesn't reflect views of UnipalmPIPEX)
Lines: 30
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NNTP-Posting-Host: aj073.du.pipex.com
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.201
On 20 May 1996 11:23:05 -0700, dawson@megatek.com (Tom Dawson) wrote:
>>Any have a SIMPLE way to create a LAZER beam?
>Two point polygon. Set luminance to 100%.
Try using a 2 or 3 point polygon and these settings
glow @ 100% , radius @ 8 pixels (for 640*480 resolution)
luminosity @ 100%
diffuse level @ 100%
specular level @ 100%
reflectivity @ 0%
transparency @ 0%, Edge TRANSPARENT
and turn on glow
Experiment with the diffuse and glow settings but the above looks
pretty good.
The key to this technique is the transparent edge setting which gives
the beam a non-solid look.
Let me know how you get on.
Good luck
Article: 20356
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!lll-winken.llnl.gov!ames!news.tulane.edu!news.starnet.net!newsreader.wustl.edu!usenet
From: edrobson@artsci.wustl.edu (e robson)
Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.graphics.algorithms,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.api.inventor,comp.graphics.api.misc,comp.graphics.api.opengl,comp.graphics.apps.alias,comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.pagemake
Subject: Re: dO NOT read this Letter
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 20:58:20 GMT
Organization: fiction
Lines: 42
Message-ID: <31a4d10e.46225437@newsreader.wustl.edu>
References: <4o0et6$hj3@news-e2d.gnn.com>
Reply-To: edrobson@artsci.wustl.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: @dialin1-31.wustl.edu
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.fonts:45911 comp.graphics.algorithms:32482 comp.graphics.animation:36040 comp.graphics.api.inventor:1885 comp.graphics.api.misc:653 comp.graphics.api.opengl:5242 comp.graphics.apps.alias:1825 comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot:3498 comp.
On Wed, 22 May 1996 18:26:08, MrMiagi@gnn.com (Brian Sassounian) wrote:
)> In windows 95, how the hell do you set the default in the
)>folders to be list, instead of those crappy big icons? this is
)>really pissing me off... well thanks a lot. also, anybody have
)>a registered or good html editor? im looking for one..bye.
)> Brian Sassounian
)>p.s. email any new kickass fonts like kiddie, randsom, or kickass
)>pps. check out my web page at
)>it kixx ass too
)>ppps. why the hell are there no messages in this newsgroup?
)>ppps. How do I rename a font? can't do it in win95.
)>pppps.: ok ill shutup now.
From GNN (AOL)... who'd have thought...
Article: 20357
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From: jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: 23 May 1996 18:09:02 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 18
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Message-ID: <4o2nlu$jbi@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4o2eap$v2@guitar.sound.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <4o2eap$v2@guitar.sound.net>, format@guitar.sound.net (Surfer)
>Think of all the time you'll save with NURBS, Poly-Reduction,
>multi-surfacing, not to mention the OPENGL.
I'm sorry - but the Poly-Reduction plugin is useless for anything but
merging co-planar polygons. Have you even tried it yet? It's basicaly
useless. Although the MetaNurbs and OpenGL are very nice..
Jason Booth
Second Nature, Inc.
"I'm programing a raytracer that only outputs in ASCII art! I'LL BE
Article: 20358
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!bofh.dot!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news.cac.psu.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net
From: chrisw6@ix.netcom.com(Christopher Watson )
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: For sale: adaptec 2940UW and 2.1G SCSI Drive
Date: 23 May 1996 21:54:40 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4o2mr0$qgv@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: orl-fl6-01.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 2:54:40 PM PDT 1996
Hardware for sale
All new in BOX.
Adaptec AHA 2940Ultra Wide PCI adapter
$240.00 OBO includes shipping.
2.14g # cfp2107S
7200 RPM 8.5 MS
3.5X 1
64 K Cache
Internal drive
$600.00 OBO includes shipping
E-mail chrisw6@ix.netcom.com
Phone 407-827-0401
Fax 407-827-0323
All unused, bought for project that was cancelled.
Article: 20359
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From: LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Some ideas about my message...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 13:58:23 -0700
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 150
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X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 3:56:29 PM CDT 1996
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Noam Ben-Ami wrote:
> mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin) writes:
> >SK> Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
> >SK> your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
> >SK> did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
I read the manual, but yes, just once. That is why I followed your advice to re-read it thoroughly.
> >SK> - steve
> >-----------------
> >This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
> >reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
> >something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
> >love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> >never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
> >how to do it. Anyway, I think the main thing that you are doing wrong is:
Thanks, it is really nice to hear that somebody is using the same tool (SPro) and understand the dilemma of being
a Mac convert to a PC 3D person. I was/am a natural media 2D artist for more than 7 years until recently (3 years
ago), I jumped to the Mac 3D platform. Guess what I first used? Swivel 3D 1.0 on a Mac IIci. At that time, it was
pretty high end. Later I went to buy SPro. I am very stunt that LW is much a comparatively difficult package to
learn (as the instance of my stupid Boolean qu. post shows) when I first used it. That is why I have so many
'un-understandable' frustration posting here. I apologize for that, true-heartedly.
> The whole point, dude, is that this guy first rants about how he can't
> get anything to work in LW, and then asks for help, APPARENTLY WITHOUT
I did. But again as I told U, once only. I am working on that. In fact, I spend my money not only on the
software, but also on the ref. books and manuals sent along with it. Like in front of me, even SPro is kinda easy
to use, the user manual has shown its age because of the way I read it so often.
> This leaves us with three options:
> 1. This guy is too stupid to live.
> Well, he's kind of a dork, but I don't think so.
> So this option is out.
> 2. This guy has a pirated copy of LW, w/out the manual.
> The best answer is "look in the manual!"
Even I find that many people around me using priate software, I don't. In my Mac and PC, every piece of software
is registered (even the shareware that I use). From Swivel 3D to Macromodel and Three-D, Showplace to
AfterEffects, PageMaker to Photoshop, Painter to Illustrator, 3DStudio to Lightwave ... etc, Every single
software is legally purchased and owned. Surely I have the manuals and I read them whenever I get stuck. But
here, the point is whether I understand what the manual trya tell me, not whether I have or haven't the manual
because of the presumption you made. It's alright. But I have to not agree your statement: The best answer is
"look in the manual!". I think you should say: The FIRST answer is to "look in the manual". At least this sounds
much appropriate to this case, which I did anyway.
>No, it was me trying to avoid helping someone who might not have
>actually bought the product. The manual tells you exactly how to
>perform boolean operations, but the poster did something else entirely
>(and then blamed the program it didn't work). This smelled a lot like a
>pirate trying to get free help on the internet to me. I'm not saying it
>was, but some things just smell fishy that way. People asking for very
>basic things that are clearly described in the manual is pretty
>suspicious. You'll notice there are a few other replies to his note
>that say "see the manual on booleans", so I was not the only one who got
>this feeling.
Okay, I understand what some of you might be saying. To justify my innocence, let me tell you some infomation:
LW 4.0 consists of 2 manuals, one is called User Guide (blue) which is 410 pages thick and the other is called
Reference Manual, which is has pink color in from and has 362 pages with 4 blank pages at the back (at least for
my copy). The User Guide has basically 273 pages of 23 chapters and some tutorials from page 277 to page 399,
starting with the Introduction to LightWave as the first tut. of Layout Tut. and for the Modeler, tut, it is
called An Introduction to Modeler, starting at page 317. The whole book ends with the Index at page 405. I don't
bother to do the same as what I wrote to the Ref. Manual, believe that I bought this LW 4.0c or not. If you do
believe that now, I have two things to say: yes, probably it sounds suspicious as U explained to me, but not ALL
(at least I am not) people are under the category you defined; to me, as a mass 'manual reader' :) I found LW's
manual not up to the professional standard. Adobe's products' manuals are great and what I would consider good.
Be honest to yourself, there are many duplicate topics explaining in the User Guide which U can see in the ref.
manual, but it actually doesn't really explain further in detail. In the User Guide, let's say page 258, the part
about boolean functions, the 2nd column, 3rd paragraph reads:
" Figure 2 shows one of these two halves. The single-sided polygons of the outer sphere faced outward while the
single-sided polygon of the inner sphere faced inward. This enhances the appearance of a solid interior with a
hollow core."
Trying to make this simple model already takes me 10 minutes to do. Why? Does it ever mention to flip the
polygons for the inner sphere while using 1-side but not 2 sides? No, it doesn't. So, which leaves to me, as a
novice and enthusiast of LW to learn by myself. Do I need to think about this flipping in SPro or Macromodel? No.
Well, it doesn't matter if the program itself is programmed in this way in order to do the operation, but I think
it is up to the manuals. Writers of the manual wouldn't expect everybody knows 3D and their program that well
already, right? At least I don't think the guys who wrote these 2 books would think so or else they wouldn't
cover the 'introduction'.
>And if you want help, ask clearly and politely. His message was
>anything but.
Anyway, back to the point, I think it is just me, who is not clever enough for even to understand the manual. The
way I show frustration in a lunatic way really embarrassed myself. I apologize for losing my composure. I am
sorry and yes, I do want help from the experts of LW here in the Net. Again, I apologize.
> Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else
> knew how to do it.
>I will generally try following the instructions before asking a few
>thousand strangers for help. If it still doesn't work, then fine, ask
Yes, I will continue posting questions and messages to the board, hoping people would be kind enough to read and
trya help. I have to re-admit that I am a novice 2D artist trying to get my feet wet onto the 3D arena. For my
knowledge about real 3D stuffs, I really can't fly solo as I can do it so'n so with SPro. So, thanks for the
advice and I will talk with you guys.
PS: At least I feel that somebody out there cares, that really peps me up.
"It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's will."
Article: 20360
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From: roadie@voicenet.com
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 03:27:00 GMT
Organization: Voicenet - Internet Access - (215)674-9290
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <4o3a35$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com>
References: <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com> <4o00em$gus@news.nstn.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: philly341.voicenet.com
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112
On 22 May 1996 21:20:22 GMT, you@somehost.somedomain (sdfgh) wrote:
>In article <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com>,
>wturber@primenet.comTurbervilleIII says...
>>Just for grins, I just took a look at comp.graphics.apps.alias. There are
>>about 1/10 as many messages there as here. Might I suggest that the next
>>argument on the LW vs. Alias topic (and I assume there will be another) take
>>place in that group instead of here.
>>Thank you.
>>Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
>>Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
>>http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
>you'll be laughed out of the group
>but what the hell, lets see alias users cut up lw for a change
Wait till they see meta nurbs....
John Donlevie
Road-Ease, Inc.
Drexel Hill, PA
Article: 20361
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!delmarva.com!udel!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: 23 May 1996 16:04:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
Lines: 21
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <4o2qt1$cia@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com>
X-Posted-By: steph@usr3.primenet.com
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36042 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20361 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17239
Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com> wrote:
: I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
: organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to digitizing.
: The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort to
: clean up.
Obviously you haven't worked with a cyberscanned model yet, if you
think it takes less effort to clean up.
: Jack
Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
Article: 20362
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From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
Date: 23 May 1996 16:11:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 29
Sender: root@primenet.com
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <wturber.197.0021268E@primenet.com>
References: <960403025014350@FrontierTech.COM> <wturber.187.09F72BDF@primenet.com> <BERND.96May23190302@harlie.NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE>
X-Posted-By: ip007.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <BERND.96May23190302@harlie.NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE> bernd@NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE (Bernd Kreimeier) writes:
>From: bernd@NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE (Bernd Kreimeier)
>Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
>Date: 23 May 1996 17:03:02 GMT
>>plug anything at the backside of your dongle
>Hmmm. Once I started buying software (I am a Linux user - you
>do not have to pay for most of the decent stuff, but unfortunately
>some tools are available only for Non-OS like looseDOWS), I started
>drowning in these things. I already bought an interface card,
>switched IRQ's etc. ... are you saying now that another
>dongle might hurt a dongle, too? I already have two in a row,
>and two more are to be added soon.
> b.
I have never heard of a dongle hurting another dongle. However, I have heard
that sometimes dongles can interfere with each other. I'd probably risk
putting dongles back to back.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20363
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!goodnews.voicenet.com!usenet
From: roadie@voicenet.com
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: WinImages FX
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 03:01:53 GMT
Organization: Voicenet - Internet Access - (215)674-9290
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <4o38k3$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com>
References: <318FFBD8.18FA@netvoyage.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: philly341.voicenet.com
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112
On Tue, 07 May 1996 18:41:44 -0700, tpeirce@netvoyage.net wrote:
>Any opinions about WinImages? Does it work well for batch processing,
>special effects over frames, preparation of animations for video output?
WinImages is the buggiest thing I have ever used.
After buying it :( within a week I documented so many bugs they put
me on the beta list. The betas are still buggy. Biggest problem is
similar to early 4.0LW's inability to "cleanup" memory usesage in
Win95. Although Blackbelt and others blame the MS compilers for this I
have noticed Alan got the problem out of LW. What this clean up
problem results in is say after 300 frames of rendering, is low memory
requesters, that's after 40Megs of Ram and 100 megs of disk Ram.....
Besides that there are window draw errors, tool boxes that don't go
away with WI and more. If you reduce, the scaling is low quality but
if you negative enlarge it works better?? One thing that works kind of
cool but still buggy is the screen grab function to grab other progs
demo screens. Made them into Framestores for a Toaster project, worked
well if ADPro did the FS making. I franky think Black Belt has HUGE
balls to release their product for $500 on something as permanent as
CD Rom. Don't get me totally wrong, they are on the right track, have
some good ideas, and support is pretty responsive, I just think they
need some more $ funding. Owning it has been a very frustrating
experience though while counting on its batching to do a project.
Thank god I still had an Amiga networked in and good ole ADpro with
way awesome arexx!
John Donlevie
Road-Ease, Inc.
Drexel Hill, PA
Article: 20364
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.wwa.com!pool6-020.wwa.com!user
From: singh@wwa.com (singh)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop
Subject: Re: Has AMIGA been sold again?
Date: 23 May 1996 23:01:22 GMT
Organization: WorldWide Access (tm) - Chicagoland Internet Services (http://www.wwa.com)
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <singh-2406951814130001@pool6-020.wwa.com>
References: <4m4pv7$ihn@web3.tcd.ie> <705.6694T1328T1581@pixelfx.demon.co.uk> <31914c21.64924023@news.iserv.net> <4mu2m1$o06@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> <4mvbs6$m36@storm.cycor.ca> <3194F1E5.13B8@inreach.com> <4nflco$ncm@hobbes.compusult.nf.ca> <31A1C382.4002@
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool6-020.wwa.com
X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b27.1+
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20364 rec.video.desktop:20918
In article <4ntud6$re8@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>, aq722@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
(John Gregor) wrote:
> In a previous article, empire@airmail.net (Lance Gray) says:
> >knows...the PowerPC chip in the Amiga could make it a nice contender!?!
> With a fast PPC, or even better a multiple PPC system, the Amiga would
> make quite a nice system really. The trouble is, its so far gone from
> the marketplace now, there is no software, all the vendors have gone,
> the user base all but disappeared, etc. Its hard to get that back!
> And the users will continue to leave until a PPC version could be made,
> due to the incredible slowness of the current ones. It will be
> hard for the Amiga to get back into things - you can only slide into
> the black hole so far before it pulls you in no matter what you do.
Actually there are still developers; please don't espouse misinformation.
Also anit-gravity (or one of the mail order places ) just came out with a
pentium bridgeboard for the 4000, so there is another reason to keep your
Amiga. Too often we adopt a "disposable society" attitude and want to
throw out the thing that gives us even the slightest consternation.
Before you claim it dead, you may want to look at the Amiga magazines here
and in Europe. I think for low-end video production my Amiga is a keeper.
BTW, a friend of mine just bought an 060 board and he's been pretty
delighted with rendering speeds. Also Phase5 et al are developing PPC
boards, which could very likely breath new life into the old girl. Coders
at Scala et al developers have said they may come back to the fold should
a PPC Amiga emerge.
I paced around for a while deciding what to do with my Amigas. In the end
the investment in new equipment and new, comparable software makes getting
a PC an expensive way of doing what I can already do -- and do happily --
on my Amiga.
Article: 20365
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.iag.net!news
From: david goerndt <davidg@iag.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: ---> lw50-cracked???...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 20:39:15 -0400
Organization: stage 22 imaging, inc.
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <31A50533.795@iag.net>
References: <NEWTNews.23757.832892336.rayon@pi-user.pi.net> <31A4EB58.74A7@bath.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pm5-orl9.iag.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; U)
The Outlaw wrote:
> rayon@pi.net wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there someone who has the 100% working cracked
> > version of LW50. If ya have send me an email, i will
> > pay for it!..
> >
> > rayon@pi.net
> This has GOT to be a troll. No one can be stupid enough to post such a
> message in this forum?!!
> Paul G. Overend
> ______________________________________________________________________
> / A2000/030@25/PicassoII http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccspgo/ \
> | 1Mb Chip/7Mb Fast/1438 ccspgo@bath.ac.uk |
> | Zip/OS3.1/AFS/Reno CD-ROM +44 (0)1225 826074 |
> | CybergraphX2.16 |
> \______________________________________________________________________/
If stupidity were fatal there would be a lot of corpses lying around!
Article: 20366
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!enews.sgi.com!su-news-feed4.bbnplanet.com!news1.slip.net!news
From: Erik Flom <elfworks@slip.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 16:16:11 -0700
Organization: ELFWorks 3D Construction Co.
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <31A4F1BA.EFA@slip.net>
References: <960403025014350@FrontierTech.COM> <wturber.187.09F72BDF@primenet.com> <wturber.195.0AF2A7B2@primenet.com>
Reply-To: elfwork@aol.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: eb-pm1-14-234.dialup.slip.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (Win95; I)
Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
> >Subject: Re: Again more Dongle Problems
> >>Subject: Again more Dongle Problems
> >> I thought I was immune to dongle problems. I was wrong.. Now my Snappy and
> >> ...
> >> So can anyone help me with my dongle problems?
> >Based upon the experiences posted here, I won't plug anything into the
> >backside of a LW dongle. For any reason. Period. Apparently some printers
Count me as ANOTHER person bitten by the dongle pass-thru bug!
I just lost use of LightWave for over five days,
merely by turning on the power to my Canon BJC-610 printer!!!
Getting another parallel port card for $15 is a CHEAP way to cover your ass.
(It works for me!)
> A minor addendum. I would consider plugging an unnattached parallel cable
> into the backside of a dongle. Some people have reported that doing so has
> made their dongle more stable.
Thansk for the tip! I might just give it a shot.
(The dongle still, occasionally, errors out during initialization.)
Erik Flom - ELFWorks - 3D Construction Co.
e-mail: ELFWork@aol.com
URL: http://www.aboveweb.com/ELFWorks
WHO: http://www.aboveweb.com/ELFWorks/who/TARDIS.htm
Article: 20367
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip007.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: No Messagefile found...
Date: 23 May 1996 16:31:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 29
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.198.002EDE1B@primenet.com>
References: <4o14kf-jhr@svstch.ubs.ch>
X-Posted-By: ip007.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4o14kf-jhr@svstch.ubs.ch> MadCat <madcat@dolphins.ch> writes:
>From: MadCat <madcat@dolphins.ch>
>Subject: No Messagefile found...
>Date: 23 May 1996 07:37:51 GMT
>Hi all...
>I'm very new in Lightwave 5.0 (used 3DS R4)...
>Now I have a big problem. I can't run the Modeller.exe...
>The program says, that there is no MESSAGE FiLE...
>Do you what it means? I can't use this damn program without a modeller..
>(In 3DS you could draw a little bit in the Program)
I think there is a file called modeler.mnu that must be in the same directory
as modeler.exe. I don't know why it isn't finding it tho. The regular
install should put it there. I don't think this is documented either.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20368
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!dsinc!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ix
From: g-bierl@ix.netcom.com (Greg Bierl)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Cross platform rendering
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:05:32 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <4o1lcv$9h8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4nuval$10u@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com> <wturber.188.0A0475CA@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: stp-fl3-18.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 5:23:59 AM PDT 1996
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/32.126
On 22 May 1996 15:31:01 -0700, wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay)
Turberville (III)) wrote:
>1. Yes. You will need to edit paths in scenes and and objects. Its not a
>huge hassle though.
>2. There was but I am fairly certain it has expired. I'm not sure though. I
>would hope that you could get the "competitive upgrade" price, but that is
>just my hope.
>I suggest that modeling and scene creation would be more productive on the
>Pentium due to its speed of doing test renders and the new OpenGL features
>that come with 5.0.
>Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
>Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
>http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Thanks for the quick reply. I checked with NewTek and was informed
that the upgrade offer had expired.
Just ordered my Flyer today. I understand that the Flyer ships with
LW 4.0, maybe there will be an offer to upgrade to 5.0 for the PC
with the Flyer.
Article: 20369
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!dsinc!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ix
From: g-bierl@ix.netcom.com (Greg Bierl)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PAR Hard Drives
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 01:08:45 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4o1liv$9h8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
References: <416.6716T1334T2359@inforamp.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: stp-fl3-18.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 5:27:11 AM PDT 1996
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/32.126
On 23 May 1996 03:20:59 GMT, crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093) wrote:
>Hi All!
>I am in the process of purchasing a PAR for my Amiga, so I'll be in the market
>for a hard drive. Is the Quantum Fireball one of the better drives for this
>system, or are there better, newer hard drives?
>Is anyone else having a problem with reading the directories at the DPS FTP
> -Dave
> david.wyand@canrem.com
I may be wrong but doesn't the PAR for the Amiga use an IDE drive? I
believe the Fireball is a SCSI.
Article: 20370
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!news.pi.net!news
From: rayon@pi.net
Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers.other.systems,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: LightWave Books.
Date: Thu, 23 May 96 16:29:31 PDT
Organization: Planet Internet
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <NEWTNews.5871.832894266.rayon@pi-user.pi.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: asd61.pi.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Newsreader: NEWTNews & Chameleon -- TCP/IP for MS Windows from NetManage
Xref: news2.cais.com misc.forsale.computers.other.systems:11875 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20370
Who can help me with getting the book of
LightWave 3.5 or 4.0 or 5.0. I will pay
for it!...
Send me mail if ya have one for me: rayon@pi.net
Article: 20371
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!not-for-mail
From: kipster@primenet.com (Kip Pesuti)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Does any have any TREK objects?
Date: 23 May 1996 21:56:04 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 17
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <367.6717T52T665@primenet.com>
References: <4o02u5$59u@news.gate.net> <31A3A046.790A@pacificnet.net>
X-Posted-By: ip163.pom.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
>Richard Green wrote:
>> I am looking for TREK object for lightwave any ideas WHER I can find some
>> QUALITY ones?
>Try eather the MeshMart or ViewPoint Web sites. They have lots of ships.
Also, try Aminet. ftp.wustl.edu /gfx/3dobj
or ftp.netnet.net " "
>Brad Hayes
God bless you!
Article: 20372
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: djm2984712@aol.com (DJM2984712)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: 24 May 1996 02:09:12 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 12
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o3jq8$il@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <31A2BF92.1A90@mcs.net>
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <31A2BF92.1A90@mcs.net>, Dan Ablan <dma@mcs.net> writes:
>Not the same. I'm a monthly columnist in both VTU and LWPro, but have
bought my copies of VTU from a local bookstore for the past four to five
>This is after I was told my subscription is"up to date" by the way.
Echo that here. While I haven't bought it at a local bookstore (none of
the local ones here can seem to get current issues either), I have had to
call AMG every month since January to request that they honor my
subscription. The issue eventually arrives, albeit a month and a half past
when it was due. My May issue arrived yesterday.
Article: 20373
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!netcom.com!jgross
From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Message-ID: <jgrossDrwDB5.CJ8@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com> <4o1v0p$fl6@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 06:42:41 GMT
Lines: 8
Sender: jgross@netcom15.netcom.com
: Johnny! How good to see you back! I thought you didn't like it here
: us here anymore!
Been in mothballs for awhile just getting stuff done but I'm more or less
back after wading thru all of the muck around here :) At least the
newsgroup hasn't changed!
Article: 20374
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!netcom.com!jgross
From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Message-ID: <jgrossDrwDFI.Cxo@netcom.com>
Followup-To: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com> <4o2qt1$cia@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 06:45:18 GMT
Lines: 17
Sender: jgross@netcom15.netcom.com
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36047 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20374 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17249
: Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com> wrote:
: : I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
: : organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to digitizing.
: : The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort to
: : clean up.
: Obviously you haven't worked with a cyberscanned model yet, if you
: think it takes less effort to clean up.
I concur. We originally had the real Voyager cyberscanned and it looked
like somebody took a giant condom and stretched it over the model. THe
scan was so bad that we decided to build it from scratch (and blueprints)
directly in Modeler. That didn't stop the scan people from somehow
getting credit in a Cinefantastique article about Voyager however...
Article: 20375
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!netcom.com!jgross
From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: Flickering polys but NO non-planars
Message-ID: <jgrossDrwDtG.DG3@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
References: <4o29hu$em5@park.interport.net>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 06:53:40 GMT
Lines: 19
Sender: jgross@netcom15.netcom.com
Joe Perez (joeperez@interport.net) wrote:
: I designed a shopping mall in modler and built a parking lot to go
: with it. I used the stencil feature to put guidelines for parked cars
: on the one big asphalt polygon. The yellow stripe guideline polys are
: made up of only three polys themselves stencilked into the asphalt.
: When a render a drive-through, some of the parking guidlines flicker,
: disappearing in certain frames as the camera proceedes through the
: lot. Bringing the entire mall object into modler shows that there are
: no non-planar polys. I have field rendering and motion blur turned on,
: but didn't think this would cause a problem. Does anyone know what the
: problem could be? Thanks.
Turn down your Smoothing angle on the surfaces before rendering. If you
don't have Smoothing on, separate the guidelines out and don't merge the
points. If this doesn't do the trick, it's possible that your lines are
just too thin and are getting lost in the move as they cross scanlines...
Article: 20376
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!news1.digex.net!news.cstone.net!usenet
From: jheyden@cstone.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: ATTENTION-RAZORKID!!!!! Read message!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 11:40:06 GMT
Organization: Cornerstone Networks - Pure Internet!
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4o3sl4$nss@dot.cstone.net>
References: <4nqqe0$2k6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dialin3.cstone.net
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
I have been down with computer problems for several days. I have a
contact for someone who is selling a flyer system maybe you can make a
better deal. I cannot reach you via email . I want to resume our
"work". Contact me with a working email address. I have some other
things to "tell you about".
>Hi, I'am planing on geting a Flyer workstation, Here are a list of stuff i
>think i need.
>1-4000 25MHz 68040 w/18MB Ram, 1GB System HD - $3445.00
>1-NewTek Video Toaster Flyer - $4499.00
>2-2GB Quantum Fast SCSI II -$1998.00
>1-Fujitsu 1.05GB Fast SCSI-II Audio HD -$349.00
>I already own a A2000, with VT2000 software 3.1, 2 TBC iV and a PAR.
>Does the pricing sound right? And I was told that if i get a A4000, I had
>to get an external box to hold the Flyer HD's. If i get the A4000 Tower,
>can i place the Flyer HD's in there? Any help or information would be
>great. Thanx
Article: 20377
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!mr.net!news.clark.net!clark.net!jamesb
From: "J.A.B." <jamesb@clark.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
Subject: FS: VideoToaster 4000 3.1/3.5
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 05:17:41 -0400
Organization: Clark Internet Services, Inc.
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960524051137.19972C-100000@clark.net>
Reply-To: "J.A.B." <jamesb@clark.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: explorer.clark.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20377 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76574
For sale:
VideoToaster 4000 card
-- 3.1 Switcher software
-- 3.5 Lightwave software
ALL disks and manuals included.
Will transfer license to new owner!
Email me: jamesb@clark.net or call me at (410)969-0964 (after 5pm EDT)
At work (301)688-3219 (8a - 4pm)
Located in Glen Burnie, MD USA
Reason for sell: Want to get LW 5.0 StandAlone for Amiga.
James "Alex" Brooks Amiga 4000/040/28MHz 22MB RAM
VideoToaster 4000 3.1/3.5 Emplant Deluxe / MAC / DOS
Syquest 3.5" 270MB Bernoulli 90Pro
NEC 3xp Triple Speed CDROM Warp Engine 4028
Epson ES-600C Scanner E-Mail: jamesb@clark.net
Article: 20378
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.his.com!news.lightlink.com!news.bconnex.net!news2.insinc.net!netrover2!news2.interlog.com!winternet.com!n1ott.istar!n3ott.istar!ott.istar!istar.net!imci2!news.internetMCI.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu
From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: Shadow map size measure what, exactly?
Message-ID: <jgrossDruELA.Jvo@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
References: <4nr8ki$ej7@europa.frii.com>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 05:15:10 GMT
Lines: 21
Sender: jgross@netcom18.netcom.com
Steve Koren (srk@frii.com) wrote:
: I guess that this is the size of one side of a shadow map array, That
: would explain why the allocated memory size seems to increase faster than
: linearly with increasing shadow map size.
: Anyone know, roughly, how many bytes per element are used? I tried
: rendering with a shadow map size of 2700, and my guess-of-the-moment is:
: RAM ~= 2700 * 2700 * 4
: i.e, 4 bytes per entry. But I have no clue what I'm talking about here.
: Its just a wild guess. Anyone know for sure?
You got it, the amount of memory consumed by a shadow map is equal to 4x
the square of the shadowm map size you enter. The size setting determines
the resolution of the shadow map. Ideally, you'll want to have the
largest Size you can , but the smallest Shadow Map Angle. Hint: With an
angle less than the cone angle of the spotlight, you can see the
representation of the shadow map square projection in the Light view.
Article: 20379
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: marcmylar@aol.com (MarcMylar)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW5.0, do I need NT 3.51?
Date: 24 May 1996 06:11:16 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 11
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o4204$4ea@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <wturber.178.010713B4@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
In article <wturber.178.010713B4@primenet.com>, wturber@primenet.com
(Walter (Jay) Turberville (III)) writes:
>LW 5.0 may run on Win 3.x, but it is no longer officially supported by
So, is Window 96 out yet?
Article: 20380
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.akorn.net!news.his.com!news.frontiernet.net!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!swidir.switch.ch!swsbe6.switch.ch!surfnet.nl!tudelft.nl!news
From: Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 09:17:37 -0700
Organization: Delft University of Technology
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <31A48FA1.4FF3@prf12.hro.nl>
References: <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> <4o0103$ns1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dutsp211.stm.tudelft.nl
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I)
Stranahan wrote:
> ------------------
> If I didn't read this group, I would have had no idea a 5.0 was even
> coming this soon.
> -----------------------
> NewTek is proud of this....
p.s. the bevel cut and paste trick in your first video had us
staring at the screen speechless for a minute or two.
My (loudmout) friend began ranting right away: "Ah, now he's
going to reduce the smoothing angle.", then he stopped talking...
he's coming out of intensive care next week ;)
Article: 20381
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.emf.net!newsfeed.direct.ca!nntp.portal.ca!news.bc.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!news.dacom.co.kr!nntp.coast.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.interport.net!usenet
From: joeperez@interport.net (Joe Perez)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Flickering polys but NO non-planars
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 17:54:21 GMT
Organization: Interport Communications Corp.
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <4o29hu$em5@park.interport.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: joeperez.port.net
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
I designed a shopping mall in modler and built a parking lot to go
with it. I used the stencil feature to put guidelines for parked cars
on the one big asphalt polygon. The yellow stripe guideline polys are
made up of only three polys themselves stencilked into the asphalt.
When a render a drive-through, some of the parking guidlines flicker,
disappearing in certain frames as the camera proceedes through the
lot. Bringing the entire mall object into modler shows that there are
no non-planar polys. I have field rendering and motion blur turned on,
but didn't think this would cause a problem. Does anyone know what the
problem could be? Thanks.
Joe Perez
Article: 20382
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: chewie8625@aol.com (Chewie8625)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave 6.0 ?(wish list...)
Date: 24 May 1996 06:41:13 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 12
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o43o9$5de@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <Jeff_Holinski.303.31A4F707@mindlink.bc.ca>
Reply-To: chewie8625@aol.com (Chewie8625)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
For my wish.....
Allow keyframes to be adjusted from within the scene panel by allowing
dragging of the keyframes themselves, this would make life so much easier
for tweeking. Also multiple monitor support and the ability to keep panels
open on the second monitor would be a blessing.
-My two cents....
-Emile Edwin Smith
-An about to graduate student in Visual Arts
-Film/Video senior
-University of California at San Diego
-Anyone need a janitor?
Article: 20383
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!EU.net!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!unicorn.demon.co.uk
From: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:51:26 +0000
Organization: Unicorn Glade
Lines: 31
Sender: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
Message-ID: <VA.00000070.05a4739b@sysman.system3.com>
References: <4o28q4$6m9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
Reply-To: darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: unicorn.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: unicorn.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Virtual Access by Ashmount Research Ltd, http://www.ashmount.com
> The whole point, dude, is that this guy first rants about how he can't
> get anything to work in LW, and then asks for help, APPARENTLY WITHOUT
> This leaves us with three options:
> 1. This guy is too stupid to live.
> Well, he's kind of a dork, but I don't think so.
> So this option is out.
> 2. This guy has a pirated copy of LW, w/out the manual.
> The best answer is "look in the manual!"
> 3. This guy has never looked at the mnual.
> The best answer is "look in the manual!"
> See? Its so simple.
Looking at your previous postings as well as this one, I think maybe you
should take some time off, and go and relax somewhere. Cause you
definately seem to have a short fuse with people and don't seem to want
to say aything constructive. When anything really snappy is said, it
always seems to be you. Take a break or something !
Article: 20384
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: goonbag@aol.com (GoonBag)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 24 May 1996 07:08:37 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 5
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o45bl$5rr@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4o1v0p$fl6@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
Reply-To: goonbag@aol.com (GoonBag)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
This is fun!!!!
Article: 20385
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.vbc.net!news.mira.net.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!metro!metro!asstdc.scgt.oz.au!nsw.news.telstra.net!act.news.telstra.net!imci3!newsfeed.internetmci.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!lade.new
From: John Allardice <John.Allardice@team17.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: No Messagefile found...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 12:22:44 +0000
Organization: Team17 Software Ltd.
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <31A45894.4BF3@team17.com>
References: <4o14kf-jhr@svstch.ubs.ch>
NNTP-Posting-Host: zappa.team17.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
MadCat wrote:
> Now I have a big problem. I can't run the Modeller.exe...
> The program says, that there is no MESSAGE FiLE...
Try switching your INTERNATIONAL setup in the WINNT
control panel to U.S for all parameters, apparently
if you use LW outside the U.S. it looks for a set
of readme files that incompatable with modeler,
hence the error message, hope this helps.
John Allardice
Article: 20386
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.vbc.net!garlic.com!news.scruz.net!kithrup.com!news.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.n
From: shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)
Subject: Re: problem with modeler
Message-ID: <shfDrtn2G.KvD@netcom.com>
Organization: The Blue Planet
References: <31A2F31D.330B@lgdx02.lg.ehu.es>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 19:20:40 GMT
Lines: 15
Sender: shf@netcom15.netcom.com
+-- Eneko Cajigas <upbcamae@lgdx02.lg.ehu.es> writes:
| Has anywody noticed...?
| When I scketch four curves to welde them and make a curved surface I
| can see it in modeler working fine, but when I save it and I load it
| on layout it looks like a twisted mesh of poligons with no order.
| Is this a problem with my system?. have anyone else seen this problem
| before?
This is happening because Modeler is not seeing your dongle. Try
reseating it and reinstalling the software from CD-ROM.
Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
"How do you compute that? Where on the
graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
Article: 20387
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!winternet.com!guitar.sound.net!news
From: format@guitar.sound.net (Surfer)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave Books.
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 04:11:35 GMT
Organization: Sound Advice Limited's Internet Access for KC
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <4o3clm$lpv@guitar.sound.net>
References: <NEWTNews.5871.832894266.rayon@pi-user.pi.net>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
rayon@pi.net wrote:
> Who can help me with getting the book of
> LightWave 3.5 or 4.0 or 5.0. I will pay
> for it!...
> Send me mail if ya have one for me: rayon@pi.net
Article: 20388
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!news.cyberstore.ca!skypoint.com!newshub.tc.umn.edu!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.mel.connect.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!usenet
From: mpa@IIG.COM.AU (Mark P Allen)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Has AMIGA been sold again?
Date: 24 May 1996 13:52:35 GMT
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <1292.6718T1067T358@IIG.COM.AU>
References: <singh-2406951814130001@pool6-020.wwa.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cnsta04.iig.com.au
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
On 24-May-96 09:01:22, singh wrote:
s> In article <4ntud6$re8@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>, aq722@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
s> (John Gregor) wrote:
>> make quite a nice system really. The trouble is, its so far gone from
>> the marketplace now, there is no software, all the vendors have gone,
>> the user base all but disappeared, etc. Its hard to get that back!
s> Before you claim it dead, you may want to look at the Amiga magazines here
s> and in Europe. I think for low-end video production my Amiga is a keeper.
s> BTW, a friend of mine just bought an 060 board and he's been pretty
s> delighted with rendering speeds. Also Phase5 et al are developing PPC
s> boards, which could very likely breath new life into the old girl. Coders
s> at Scala et al developers have said they may come back to the fold should
s> a PPC Amiga emerge.
Interestingly, Aminet (the Amiga PD/Shareware archive) has doubled in the
last 12 months (over 5GB, 30,000 files) to become the largest such
collection of software for any platform, period. No users? No developers?
Don't think so. It's more like the calm before the storm IMO...
mpa@iig.com.au - Ph:+61-70-332930 - Cairns
Wishful Vision - Fx:+61-70-332931 - Australia
Article: 20389
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 06:52:42 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <N.052396.235242.73@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max1-so-ca-00.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
On 5/22/96 4:18PM, in message <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com>, John Gross
<jgross@netcom.com> wrote:
> : I have read that certain shots of the Voyager are done in Lightwave...
> : I have an article written by one of the people who designed the
> : voyager lightwave model, and how they did it. Any comments?
> Yes, LightWave is used extensively for effects in Voyager (and just
> starting in DS9).
> Anytime you see the Voyager in warp or with the rear windows lit up, that
> is the LightWave VOyager. We are currently doing more work than we did as
> Amblin Imaging for Voyager and DS9 and you should be seeing much more
> (although it's pretty difficult to tell the CG from the real models)
> The Voyager was built from scratch in Modeler using blueprints from
> Paramount as background images. All totaled, the Voyager and assorted
> objects contain about 300,000 polys and 20 megs of image maps.
> JGross
> Digital Muse
John, you're....alive?
Article: 20390
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!insync!uuneo.neosoft.com!imci3!newsfeed.internetmci.com!solaris.cc.vt.edu!news.seanet.com!docint.seanet.com!user
From: docint@docint.seanet.com
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Newtek: Why can't I upgrade Amiga to PC LightWave?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 10:59:50 -0800
Organization: Documents International
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <docint-2305961059500001@docint.seanet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: docint.seanet.com
X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.1.8
To anyone at Newtek:
Why can't I upgrade from Amiga LW 4.0 to PC LW 5.0?
This really makes no sense. I can understand paying
$500 as opposed to $300 for an upgrade, but I am
not allowed to do this!
Please respond to:
I would like to clear this up as soon as possible!
Article: 20391
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsreader.sprintlink.net!news.scott.net!usenet
From: shadoe@scott.net (Rick Wavle)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Followup-To: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 08:13:56 CST
Organization: ZOO Development
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <19960524.79635B0.7E9F@scott.net>
References: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl> <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> <wturber.183.09D917DC@primenet.com> <31A3F2B0.2DCD@odyssee.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup30.scott.net
X-Newsreader: TIN [AMIGA 1.3 950726BETA PL0]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20391 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48486
Jean-Eric Hénault (videosep@odyssee.net) wrote:
: Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
: >
: > In article <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren) writes:
: > >From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
: > >Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
: > >Date: 22 May 1996 12:23:34 -0600
: >
: > >Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl> wrote:
: >
: > >> Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
: >
: > >I also wonder, has anyone else gotten a (snail-mail) notice of 5.0? I
: > >haven't (but I did for 4.0). If I didn't read this group, I would have
: > >had no idea a 5.0 was even coming this soon.
: >
: > > - steve
: >
: > This is correct as far as I know. We have received no off-line notice.
: > Perhaps it was in the latest LWPro or VTU. I'm not sure though. You would
: > think NewTek would have sent out upgrade notices to registered users. It
: > doesn't matter to us, but not everybody is online. I sometimes forget that
: > simple fact. Maybe NewTek did as well.
: >
: > Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
: > Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
: > http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
: Well, there is at least a couple of places where I saw the new LW 5.0 add. 3D design has had the new add featuring some pretty nice pictures.
: But I think NewTek should at least update its web page.
: Jean-Eric
It is very true. LW 5.0 is out and it is QUITE awesome. Well worth the
upgrade price! Get it! Now!
Article: 20392
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!udel!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!usenet
From: gandalf@access.digex.net (Eric J Fleischer, MD)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 03:06:22 GMT
Organization: AlfHeim Imaging
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <31a52050.178057523@news.digex.net>
References: <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bac12766.slip.digex.net
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411) wrote:
> Hey, does anyone else miss not seeing anything happen while loading? I
>sometimes load huge scene files, and see no action on the screen for about
>a minute, and blam, there's my scene. In the old lightwave, you could see
>the object/image/surfaces counters going up, showing some progress.. Much
So open the Objects dialog before opening a new scene. Then watch
the counters like you used to.
<ELF> - Dr Gandalf - Eric J Fleischer, MD
AlfHeim Imaging
Article: 20393
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!winternet.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!hp-pcd!hpbs2500.boi.hp.com!news
From: Pat Borjon <borjon>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Two Lightwaves on one system?
Date: 23 May 1996 22:56:58 GMT
Organization: Whats_uh_mattuh_U
Lines: 12
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.12 (X11; I; HP-UX B.09.10 9000/382)
X-URL: news:4o14gf$3a6@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com
i have run up to 3 versions of layout rendering on my machine before & as
long as ONLY 1 is rendering to the Perception card, everything is fine.
2 or more & NT crashes w/a page fault error pointing to the swap file. have
any of you seen similiar? have any of you rendered mult layouts/screemer nets
to Perception @ the same time?
also, NT has a file limit on its root dir's that will cause layout to stop
rendering frames once there are more than about 170 files.(frames)
Article: 20394
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.asu.edu!ennfs.eas.asu.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: NewTek Updates?
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 14:06:01 -0700
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <31A4D339.36EE@ix.netcom.com>
References: <4o1bfm$496@mozo.cc.purdue.edu> <4o1nml$sno@tribune.concentric.net>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 4:04:06 PM CDT 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (WinNT; U)
Chris Golchert wrote:
> The Artist (snafu@expert.cc.purdue.edu) wrote:
> : I'm trying to update my version of Lightwave4.0A, but I having
> : problems with the BBS, the ftp site is always busy, and the WWW
> : site doesn't offer any connection to the ftp site. So, now my
> : question:
> : Is there a mirror of the NewTek FTP site anywhere?
> : I'm desperately wanting all of the file updates, but my poor
> : college budget can't afford anymore calls to the BBS (and I've
> : had entirely too many CRC error to want to go there anymore anyway!)
> : anyhelp would be appreciated. thanks
> : eric
> : snafu@expert.cc.purdue.edu
I think you should try calling in late at night
because that is why I usually do and nearly no one
uses it (no CRC ... error). So, I would say about
1:30a PST (when I usually call)
"It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's
Article: 20395
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news-in.tiac.net!imci5!imci4!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.bctel.net!news.pinc.com!news
From: artartart@pinc.com (Slaven Radic)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Weird problem with PVR, LW and Premiere
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 21:43:23 GMT
Organization: Pacific InterConnect
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4o2m26$eqc@news.pinc.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pinc119.pinc.com
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
Hi everyone,
I am stomped by a problem that appeared recently. I looked everywhere
for solution but no go so I finally decided to see if anyone here has
any idea.
I installed the new shell update a few weeks ago on my machine for
NT3.51 Server. Everything was fine for a while but then I needed to
render some stuff to my PVR drive so I had to take it off (with the
batch file that came with it), Well, I could access the PVR drive
again but Premiere would give me an error whenever I tried to render
to it. So I would go to Win95 and try to use it there: I installed
Premiere into Win95 (as I only had it under NT), and created a PVR
preset for it. But Premiere gives me an error 'CAnim body table
alocation failed!' and then a system error 'file already in use'.
So now I don't have a working Premiere copy on either partition (it's
installed into a single directory which should be okay). The machine
is a P133 with 64Mb of RAM and a DPS Perception Video Recorder. Stuff
was rendered in LW4.0c. Can anybody help here?
Article: 20396
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!oleane!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!susx.ac.uk!paulb
From: paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Manuals?
Date: 24 May 1996 11:45:01 GMT
Organization: University of Sussex
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <4o47ft$c6h@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
References: <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk> <31a30165.646739@news.digex.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: tsunx.ctn.cogs.susx.ac.uk
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Dave Paige (davep@access.digex.net) wrote:
: paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham) wrote:
: I assume, since you can run the program, that it came with the dongle?
: Dave Paige
: Alfheim Imaging
: dave@access.digex.net
It did, but I have found that I need the serial number to prove to Newtek that
I have a licensed copy, before they will let me have some new manuals. Not
surprising really....
Article: 20397
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.ac.net!news.bconnex.net!news2.insinc.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: 166 mhz Benchmarks please
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 02:36:35 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <31A558F3.5E3E@odyssee.net>
References: <4nbn15$o8r@park.interport.net> <319E3255.657D@iag.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: david goerndt <davidg@iag.net>
david goerndt wrote:
> Joe Perez wrote:
> >
> > I'm considering buying an intel based machine to do LightWave,
> > Photoshop, etc, and was curious: How fast are the 166's compared to
> > the Amiga 040 accelerators? I currently have a 28 mhz Warp Engine in
> > my 4000. Thanks for any info.
> >
> > Joe Perez
> Having owned a 4000 with 28mhz warp engine I did a test with the Amiga
> and one of the 133 mhz Pentiums at work. The 133 was 6 times faster than
> the Amiga. I'm not sure how much faster the 166 is but it is probably not
> more than 50-75% faster so you can get an idea of how much you gain over
> an Amiga.
I use to work on an Amiga 2000 equipped with the Fusion 40, 28Mhz and
now own a Pentium 166 with 32 Megs of Ram.
LightWave will render faster on large scenes on the Pentium. For small
scenes, the Pentium will render between 8 to 15 times faster than my
Amiga Fusion 40. But for really intense rendering, using a lot of
Ray-tracing, the increase is somewhere between 15 and 20 times faster.
Article: 20398
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers.other.systems,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave Books.
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:01:14 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 9
Message-ID: <31A5C12A.7486@atlanta.com>
References: <NEWTNews.5871.832894266.rayon@pi-user.pi.net>
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Xref: news2.cais.com misc.forsale.computers.other.systems:11878 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20398
rayon@pi.net wrote:
> Who can help me with getting the book of
> LightWave 3.5 or 4.0 or 5.0. I will pay
> for it!...
Someone earlier wrote that you can't be this stupid to ask for a lightwave crack in this
newsgroup and now the guy that asked is asking for a book on LightwAVE. I guess he was not so stupid
after all!
Article: 20399
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!agog.demon.co.uk!gred
From: Gwynne Reddick <gred@agog.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: WinImages FX
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:54:13 +0100
Organization: AGOG
Lines: 35
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <5zuCPGAlNapxEwxj@agog.demon.co.uk>
References: <318FFBD8.18FA@netvoyage.net> <4o38k3$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: agog.demon.co.uk
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MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Newsreader: Turnpike Version 1.12 <jnyPjSDVGuIkQV7UGrC2FtDigP>
In article <4o38k3$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com>, roadie@voicenet.com
> I franky think Black Belt has HUGE
>balls to release their product for $500 on something as permanent as
>CD Rom. Don't get me totally wrong, they are on the right track, have
>some good ideas, and support is pretty responsive, I just think they
>need some more $ funding. Owning it has been a very frustrating
>experience though while counting on its batching to do a project.
I agree with you entirely. One of the things that's pissed me off most
after upgrading is that some of the more rediculous bugs from the
windows version are still not fixed eg not being able to load more than
150 frames into the time line at once - when i reported/complained about
this in v2, blackbelt blamed a bug in the MS file requester. Considering
the fact that I've got other programs which don't have this problem I
can only conclude that they're ducking the issue and in any case, what's
wrong with a directory import feature as in premiere. I have yet to save
out a timeline and get it to load back in without 'forgetting' most of
the things I'd set up. New to version 4 is the disapearing operator bug
- drag an operator into the timeline, open up it's trend settings
dialog, set the trend, close the dialog, the operator disappears from
the timeline. AAAArrrrggghhhhh!!!!
It's really sad, the program has an enormous amount of potential but
it's just too frustrating to use. I'll be very reluctant to part with
any more money for the next upgrade.
* Gwynne Reddick -=AGOG=- *
* London, UK *
* Tel: 0171 582 2299 A Vision For All Reasons *
* Email: gred@agog.demon.co.uk *
Article: 20400
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Some ideas about my message...
Date: 24 May 1996 08:25:54 -0600
Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
Lines: 35
Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
Message-ID: <oj6ivdm407h.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
References: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com> <4o28q4$6m9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
In-reply-to: LonerSam's message of Thu, 23 May 1996 13:58:23 -0700
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
LonerSam <lonersam@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> is registered (even the shareware that I use). From Swivel 3D to
Thanks for the clarification.
> novice and enthusiast of LW to learn by myself. Do I need to think
> about this flipping in SPro or Macromodel? No. Well, it doesn't
I've never seen those two programs, but LW is a polygon oriented program
(as opposed to a solids oriented program, like R3D). This has some
advantages, but it has some disadvantage as well. But regardless, it
means you sort of need to think about things in a different way than you
do with a true solid modeler. Mostly, you can do things pretty well in
either style of program, but some are easier in one type than the other.
The chief thing you seem to be running into is that polygons can be 1 or
2 sided. Polygons have a normal vector which is a vector orthogonal to
the plane of the polygon. LW's renderer can only "see" polygons from
the side the normal vector points to. From the other side, they'll be
invisible. Typically a polygon only needs to be seen from one side, and
its more effecient for it to be one sided because LW can figure out
which polygons it shouldn't even bother to render. But sometimes you
need to look at it from both sides, so it needs to be made two sided.
Some modeler operations like 1 or 2 sided polygons better, although most
seem to be cool with either.
> way I show frustration in a lunatic way really embarrassed myself. I
> apologize for losing my composure. I am sorry and yes, I do want help
Its ok. Now if we can just get you to hit return every 72 characters or
so... :-)
- steve
Article: 20401
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: "Michael D. Underhill" <mikeu@earthlink.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio,comp.graphics.packages.rendering.misc
Subject: Universe - AWESOME space background creator
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:31:07 -0400
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <31A5C82B.52D3@earthlink.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool041.max1.raleigh.nc.dynip.alter.net
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20401 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17275
Universe allows you to create realistic looking images of deep space.
You can use these as backgrounds for 3D programs or as 'space art'. You
select a star field pattern and can then add globular clusters, nebula,
and stars using a drag and drop interface. A special transparent paste
option allows you to build a library of effects. This is a Win95/NT
(v4.0) application and runs best in high color or true color modes.
Check it out at:
Article: 20402
From: Carbo3D@msn.com (Jim Carbonetti, Jr.)
Subject: Abekas Driver/Amiga
Date: 24 May 96 05:53:12 -0700
Message-ID: <0000940a+00002787@msn.com>
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!gt-news!cc.gatech.edu!cssun.mathcs.emory.edu!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!jussieu.fr!oleane!nntp.coast.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.msn.com!msn.com
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Organization: The Microsoft Network (msn.com)
Lines: 14
Hey, does anyone out there know the proper shell command for batch
loading Abekas frames back onto a hard drive from Exabyte tape? The
ASDG command supplied with their driver does not work...(SAVING batch
frames to the Exabyte in Abekas format is fully functioning, through
FRED, but pulling batches back in isn't.) The faulty supplied command
rx ReadAbekas.adpro <startframe> <endframe> <outfile>
When this is executed from the shell, the Abekas frames load okay but
are not able to save properly to the designated location....ugh!
Jim Carbonetti
Article: 20403
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!agog.demon.co.uk!gred
From: Gwynne Reddick <gred@agog.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Manuals?
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:50:18 +0100
Organization: AGOG
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <ePctyGAqycpxEw3q@agog.demon.co.uk>
References: <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
<31a30165.646739@news.digex.net> <4o47ft$c6h@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: agog.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: agog.demon.co.uk
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Newsreader: Turnpike Version 1.12 <jnyPjSDVGuIkQV7UGrC2FtDigP>
In article <4o47ft$c6h@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>, Paul Bunkham
<paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk> writes
>Dave Paige (davep@access.digex.net) wrote:
>: paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham) wrote:
>: I assume, since you can run the program, that it came with the dongle?
>: Dave Paige
>: Alfheim Imaging
>: dave@access.digex.net
>It did, but I have found that I need the serial number to prove to Newtek that
>I have a licensed copy, before they will let me have some new manuals. Not
>surprising really....
It's been my expeience that the serial number is printed on a label
attached to the dongle...
* Gwynne Reddick -=AGOG=- *
* London, UK *
* Tel: 0171 582 2299 A Vision For All Reasons *
* Email: gred@agog.demon.co.uk *
Article: 20404
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
From: format@guitar.sound.net (Surfer)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:08:04 GMT
Organization: Sound Advice Limited's Internet Access for KC
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <4o4j4g$bqr@guitar.sound.net>
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com> <4o1v0p$fl6@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com> <jgrossDrwDB5.CJ8@netcom.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
jgross@netcom.com (John Gross) wrote:
>: Johnny! How good to see you back! I thought you didn't like it here
>: us here anymore!
>Been in mothballs for awhile just getting stuff done but I'm more or less
>back after wading thru all of the muck around here :) At least the
>newsgroup hasn't changed!
John, good to see your back!
Now get Stranahan out of our faces ;-)
Article: 20405
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: 24 May 1996 15:00:00 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4o4itg$6m@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com> <4o2qt1$cia@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <jgrossDrwDFI.Cxo@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca24-17.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri May 24 8:00:00 AM PDT 1996
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36064 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20405 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17277
In <jgrossDrwDFI.Cxo@netcom.com> jgross@netcom.com (John Gross) writes:
>: Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com> wrote:
>: : I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
>: : organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to
>: : The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less
effort to
>: : clean up.
>: Obviously you haven't worked with a cyberscanned model yet, if you
>: think it takes less effort to clean up.
>I concur. We originally had the real Voyager cyberscanned and it
>like somebody took a giant condom and stretched it over the model.
Was it ribbed?
Article: 20406
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!night.primate.wisc.edu!aplcenmp!netnews.jhuapl.edu!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.qnet.com!usenet
From: Manuel Coats <mcoats@qnet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:17:20 +0000
Organization: Lightspeed
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <31A58CB0.1CDD@qnet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup08.palm.ca.qnet.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
A lot of you have pre-ordered the ADDENDUM 5.0 upgrade for the FX KIT FOR LIGHTWAVE book.
As most of you know, these upgrade chapters cover all the cool things found in Lightwave
5.0. We were going to write a whole new book but thought it was more economical to just
cover the changes that were made and offer this upgrade at a fraction of the cost that the new
book would be. Well in setting prices (prior to a product actually be released) we went
with $19.95 for the upgrade which was expected to be about 95 pages or so. Alan Chan, the
author, went crazy on me and wrote... and wrote... and wrote, and put a TON of cool new
stuff into this Addendum 5.0 upgrade. As it stands, the upgrade is now almost a stand-alone
product, boasting over 170 pages. This is twice the original size I had planned for. The
book is at the printers and I'm told should be ready approximately June 15th. The price of
$19.95 will be kept through August 1, 1996 at which point the price will go to $24.95. This
gives everybody months to get their orders in and get a cool new book for less than
Although I was able to snap the new pages of my demo copy into the current binding of the FX
KIT FOR LIGHTWAVE book, it was pretty tight (and thick) due to there being twice as many pages as originally
intended. You can still do this if you want,
but we will be providing the ADDENDUM 5.0 in it's own binding for those of you who want it
For more information on the ADDENDUM 5.0 book or the FX KIT FOR LIGHTWAVE book, check out
or call 800-764-8696 or 805-726-3545.
Any pre-orders will not get charged until the day we ship your product, so feel free to
place your order and reserve a copy now.
Manuel Coats
Article: 20407
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!not-for-mail
From: lthouse@primenet.com (David Hopkins)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Flickering polys but NO non-planars
Date: 24 May 1996 11:41:02 -0700
Organization: Lighthouse Imaging
Lines: 25
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <4o4vru$h38@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <4o29hu$em5@park.interport.net>
X-Posted-By: ip239.sna.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
Check to make sure that your Stencil operation didn't cause you to have two
polygons occupying the same location (as in the new poly was created but the
original one wasn't cut properly). If this is the case flickering will
-David Hopkins
In article <4o29hu$em5@park.interport.net>, joeperez@interport.net says...
>I designed a shopping mall in modler and built a parking lot to go
>with it. I used the stencil feature to put guidelines for parked cars
>on the one big asphalt polygon. The yellow stripe guideline polys are
>made up of only three polys themselves stencilked into the asphalt.
>When a render a drive-through, some of the parking guidlines flicker,
>disappearing in certain frames as the camera proceedes through the
>lot. Bringing the entire mall object into modler shows that there are
>no non-planar polys. I have field rendering and motion blur turned on,
>but didn't think this would cause a problem. Does anyone know what the
>problem could be? Thanks.
>Joe Perez
Article: 20408
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 11:30:20 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 10
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
Hi; I'm about to order a PPro Motherboard thanks to a lucrative
programming contract that came through for the weekend. (I am way
overcharging this guy; he needs it on tuesday; and I was gonna go to the
beach; So I quoted him a ridiculous price if he really wanted it and he
went for it! Makes me feel like opportunistic Dogbert ;-)
However I've been reading about a bad chipset that resricts the
PCI-bus to 8Mb per sec. Which chipset is that? Obviously I don't want my
$2000 glyder to be restricted to that kind of crapola!
Article: 20409
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!n1van.istar!van.istar!news-w.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!news.lava.net!baron
From: baron@lava.net (Baron K Fujimoto)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Re: LW 5 ???
Followup-To: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Date: 24 May 1996 17:22:41 GMT
Organization: LavaNet, Inc.
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4o4r91$oe2@mochi.lava.net>
References: <31A3B03D.16D9@prf12.hro.nl> <oj620kck1nd.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: malasada.lava.net
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20409 comp.sys.amiga.graphics:48492
Steve Koren (koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com) wrote:
: Wooly Mittens <0201367@prf12.hro.nl> wrote:
: > Can somebody lease explain to me what this is all about.
: I also wonder, has anyone else gotten a (snail-mail) notice of 5.0? I
: haven't (but I did for 4.0). If I didn't read this group, I would have
: had no idea a 5.0 was even coming this soon.
I didn't receive any sort of upgrade notice either.
I just called NewTek, and they claimed that the Amiga version wouldn't be
shipping for ~3 weeks. The upgrade price is $295 + S&H. *ouch*
baron@lava.net :: Baron K Fujimoto :: LavaNet, Inc :: Hawaii Internet Access
Batteries not included
Article: 20410
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!peer.news.xara.net!xara.net!netcom.net.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!n
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Imagine 128 - LW - OpenGL - WinNT 3.51
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 09:26:46 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <31A46796.4AF2@atlanta.com>
References: <31a23fba.2477101@news.global2000.net>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
The Imagine 128 #2 is according to them OpenGl compliant; I don't know about the
stability of their drivers.
Article: 20411
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 17:11:09 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <N.052496.101109.24@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
<4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca> <jmonahan-1605960230180001@phx-ts10-35.netzone.com>
<319D1795.102C@iag.net> <N.051896.135324.66@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
<4nm12h$im8@marina.cinenet.net> <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max1-so-ca-16.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36066 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20411 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17284
On 5/22/96 9:48PM, in message <31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com>, Jack Walsh
<jwalsh@imaginate.com> wrote:
> I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
> organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to digitizing.
> The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort to
> clean up.
> Jack
You understand wrong.
Digital Domain
Article: 20412
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!usenet
From: Dean Oliver <oliver1@uiuc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Scene Machine for Sale
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 11:28:37 -0500
Organization: University of Illinois
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <31A5E3B5.2534@uiuc.edu>
References: <31A4EAC3.7568@uiuc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rm18h.comm.uiuc.edu
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02Gold (WinNT; I)
Thank you all for the offers, but SM has been
Dean Oliver wrote:
> I have a copy of Scene Machine for LW Intel for
> sale. I am asking $125.00 plus shipping. Please
> respond via email.
> Dean Oliver
> Virtually Real
> oliver1@uiuc.edu
Article: 20413
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.mindlink.net!uniserve!news.sol.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!earth!pana
From: pana@earth.execpc.com (Blake Porter)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Cirrus Logic graphics card?
Date: 24 May 1996 18:50:22 GMT
Organization: Exec-PC
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4o50de$b58@daily-planet.execpc.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: earth-le1.execpc.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
When I attempt a LightWave- Layout Preview in wire frame. I get the preview
but w/ a black strobing effect. I'm wondering if I purchased older software
for this card. (2-DRAM)
Does anyone know how to get a hold of this company (Cirrus Logic)?
Article: 20414
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 24 May 1996 13:07:25 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 16
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o4qcd$cuj@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4o4j4g$bqr@guitar.sound.net>
Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
Now get Stranahan out of our faces ;-)
hahh hah haha ha hah hhahahh ahaha ha bite me
Lee Stranahan
"I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
Article: 20415
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PAR Hard Drives
Date: 24 May 1996 18:53:07 GMT
Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <1480.6718T577T893@mt-inc.com>
References: <416.6716T1334T2359@inforamp.net> <4o1liv$9h8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
On 23-May-96 01:08:45, Greg Bierl (g-bierl@ix.netcom.com) posted:
> On 23 May 1996 03:20:59 GMT, crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093) wrote:
>>Hi All!
>>I am in the process of purchasing a PAR for my Amiga, so I'll be in the
>>market for a hard drive. Is the Quantum Fireball one of the better
>>drives for this system, or are there better, newer hard drives?
>>Is anyone else having a problem with reading the directories at the DPS
>>FTP site?
>> -Dave
>> david.wyand@canrem.com
> I may be wrong but doesn't the PAR for the Amiga use an IDE drive? I
> believe the Fireball is a SCSI.
> Greg
Quantum makes both SCSI and IDE versions of the Fireball. And the IDE
Fireball works wonderfully with the PAR - *very* fast transfer rates,
allowing a higher Q-Factor setting.
John Crookshank
/ MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
| MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
| Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
| NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
| sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
Article: 20416
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Weird problem with PVR, LW and Premiere
Date: 24 May 1996 18:54:20 GMT
Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
Lines: 45
Message-ID: <1900.6718T580T1295@mt-inc.com>
References: <4o2m26$eqc@news.pinc.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
On 23-May-96 21:43:23, Slaven Radic (artartart@pinc.com) posted:
> Hi everyone,
> I am stomped by a problem that appeared recently. I looked everywhere
> for solution but no go so I finally decided to see if anyone here has
> any idea.
> I installed the new shell update a few weeks ago on my machine for
> NT3.51 Server. Everything was fine for a while but then I needed to
> render some stuff to my PVR drive so I had to take it off (with the
> batch file that came with it), Well, I could access the PVR drive
> again but Premiere would give me an error whenever I tried to render
> to it. So I would go to Win95 and try to use it there: I installed
> Premiere into Win95 (as I only had it under NT), and created a PVR
> preset for it. But Premiere gives me an error 'CAnim body table
> alocation failed!' and then a system error 'file already in use'.
> So now I don't have a working Premiere copy on either partition (it's
> installed into a single directory which should be okay). The machine
> is a P133 with 64Mb of RAM and a DPS Perception Video Recorder. Stuff
> was rendered in LW4.0c. Can anybody help here?
> Thanks,
> Slaven.
I've had severe problems with Service Pack 4 and the 'newshell'. If this is
your configuration, remove the NewShell, and all should be well again.
John Crookshank
/ MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
| MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
| Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
| NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
| sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
Article: 20417
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!news.nstn.ca!coranto.ucs.mun.ca!news.compusult.nf.ca!mworden
From: mworden@public.compusult.nf.ca (Mark Worden)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop
Subject: Re: Has AMIGA been sold again?
Followup-To: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop
Date: 24 May 1996 17:01:17 GMT
Organization: Compusult Limited - Public Access Unix
Lines: 54
Message-ID: <4o4q0t$b47@hobbes.compusult.nf.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: public.nfld.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20417 rec.video.desktop:20933
singh (singh@wwa.com) wrote:
: In article <4ntud6$re8@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu>, aq722@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
: (John Gregor) wrote:
: > In a previous article, empire@airmail.net (Lance Gray) says:
: >
: > >knows...the PowerPC chip in the Amiga could make it a nice contender!?!
: >
: > With a fast PPC, or even better a multiple PPC system, the Amiga would
: > make quite a nice system really. The trouble is, its so far gone from
: > the marketplace now, there is no software, all the vendors have gone,
: > the user base all but disappeared, etc. Its hard to get that back!
: > And the users will continue to leave until a PPC version could be made,
: > due to the incredible slowness of the current ones. It will be
: > hard for the Amiga to get back into things - you can only slide into
: > the black hole so far before it pulls you in no matter what you do.
: Actually there are still developers; please don't espouse misinformation.
: Also anit-gravity (or one of the mail order places ) just came out with a
: pentium bridgeboard for the 4000, so there is another reason to keep your
: Amiga. Too often we adopt a "disposable society" attitude and want to
: throw out the thing that gives us even the slightest consternation.
: Before you claim it dead, you may want to look at the Amiga magazines here
: and in Europe. I think for low-end video production my Amiga is a keeper.
: BTW, a friend of mine just bought an 060 board and he's been pretty
: delighted with rendering speeds. Also Phase5 et al are developing PPC
: boards, which could very likely breath new life into the old girl. Coders
: at Scala et al developers have said they may come back to the fold should
: a PPC Amiga emerge.
: I paced around for a while deciding what to do with my Amigas. In the end
: the investment in new equipment and new, comparable software makes getting
: a PC an expensive way of doing what I can already do -- and do happily --
: on my Amiga.
: wavegirl
Right on!
And with tools like ADPro and Image FX (the latest version being v2.6, and
just released recently I think), I can access many of the graphic formats
that exist.
As far as I'm concerned, the Amiga still makes a great video tool.
It is not dead yet...
/ Mark Worden mworden@public.compusult.nf.ca \
| St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada Member of TEAM AMIGA |
| "The smallest good deed is greater than the best good intention." |
\ "John Doe: generic tractor the John Deere Co. is coming out with." /
Article: 20419
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!night.primate.wisc.edu!aplcenmp!netnews.jhuapl.edu!uunet!in2.uu.net!axe.netdoor.com!news
From: "Frank D. Cocke" <frank@netdoor.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Bug in 5.0 Modeler
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:33:30 -0500
Organization: The Lightray Factory
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <31A5F2EA.73C6@netdoor.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: port28.netdoor.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
I have found a bug in Modeler. Has anyone else seen this. Place
a flat plane, any number of points, in one layer, copy
it to another layer, kill polygon then select original layer
as background as a template. The points in the foreground layer
disappear. When you hit the zoom keys,"."&"," the points flash
for a secound then disappear again. Now if you offset the points
in the forgroud layer they become visible or if you drag a ponit
it becomes visible but if the point is in the exact location as
a point in the background it is invisable. This only seems to
happen with flat polygons and not solid objects.
Frank D. Cocke
The Lightray Factory, 3D animation & Graphics
E-mail to frank@netdoor.com
Article: 20420
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: chaubensak@aol.com (CHaubensak)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: www.3dgraphics.com
Date: 24 May 1996 14:00:16 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 6
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
Reply-To: chaubensak@aol.com (CHaubensak)
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
Check out our new site at www.3dgraphics.com. The latest demos of
MeshPaint plus some new stuff is online.
Article: 20421
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!news.nstn.ca!coranto.ucs.mun.ca!news.compusult.nf.ca!Sppope!advantage
From: advantage@nfld.com (Ad Vantage Productions)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: 3D Car Models
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:11:23 LOCAL
Organization: Compusult Limited, St. John's, NF, Canada
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <advantage.7.009A9583@nfld.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts01-p15.remote.nfld.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
I need some help... I have a major deadline to meet and I need the following
3D objects for the project:
1996 Mustang Convertible
1996 Corvette
1996 Lincoln Town Car
1996 Firebird
1996 Pontiac Grand AM GT
1996 Chrysler Caravan
1996 Jeep Cherokee
If anyone can tell me where I might be able to find these objects (FTP site,
commercial object house, etc.) or if you have an object for sale, please
contact me. I have already talked to a number of commercial houses, but none
have any of these cars pre-made.
Scott Hudson
Ad Vantage Productions
Article: 20422
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!Germany.EU.net!Dortmund.Germany.EU.net!nntp.gmd.de!news.ruhr-uni-bochum.de!news.rwth-aachen.de!genesis.westend.com!news.gtn.com!gtnduss1.du.gtn.
From: Martin.Baumann@t-online.de (Martin Baumann)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: LW 5.0 Update in Germany
Date: 22 May 1996 07:56:22 GMT
Organization: Grafik in Motion
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <4nuhb6$e1r@news00.btx.dtag.de>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Sender: 02287669823-0001@t-online.de (Martin Baumann)
X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1I [de] (Windows; I; 16bit)
Looking for a good update Price under 900 DM in Germany incl. Taxes and
delivery and users in the surounding of BONN / NRW.
Martin Baumann / Grafik in Motion
Article: 20423
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: 24 May 1996 17:51:10 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <4o4sue$ffb@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <N.052496.101109.24@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca5-09.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri May 24 10:51:10 AM PDT 1996
In <N.052496.101109.24@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net
>> I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
>> organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to
>> The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort
>> clean up.
>> Jack
>You understand wrong.
> -=Fred=-
> Digital Domain
So, err, is your name Fred, or -=Fred=-? How do you pronounce -=?
Article: 20424
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!not-for-mail
From: lthouse@primenet.com (David Hopkins)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: cel shader
Date: 24 May 1996 11:36:01 -0700
Organization: Lighthouse Imaging
Lines: 16
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <4o4vih$gn0@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <4o0h5u$t0d@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EB9E.7A36@pacificnet.net> <4o2ais$8mh@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
X-Posted-By: ip239.sna.primenet.com
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Soft Filter on a Medium or High AA results in pretty clean cel edges...
In article <4o2ais$8mh@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>, adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu says...
>To get good results with cell-outlines..you need to use low anti-aliasing
>at least
>Adam Chrystie, -Will dust keyboards for internship-
>Cinema/Video Major, Senior
>University Of California at Santa Cruz
Article: 20425
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!newshub.cts.com!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Thanks -- Boolean , but ...
Message-ID: <mad.7jty@torment.tmisnet.com>
Date: 23 May 96 19:07:18 PST
Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
Lines: 66
On Thu 23-May-1996 12:27a, LonerSam wrote:
L> Yeah, I guess one-side is one of the better options
L> to solve this problem, but still, I can't really
L> Boolean as what I want whenever I use it.
L> Question: Is there a way to change a multi-polygon
L> object which is created in 2-sides into single side
L> without rebuilding the whole thing?
Ya got me on this one....? sorry
L> Qu. 2:
L> What about if I want to boolean something like
L> this:
L> _________________
L> [ ________ }
L> [___I I____]
L> This is the side view of the residue. Hope U can
L> understand what the diller and drillee would look
L> like. So, the qu. is that should the big box (the
L> thing to be cut) be 1-sided and the small box (the
L> one use as a cutting mould) be 2-sided? See, this
L> tends to be simple task but I just can't get it.
L> Everything shown in PowerView or even in Layout is
L> distorted.
L> Thanks in adance!
I'm not clear on what the question actually is? And yes I can see what,
"I think", you are trying to build here, but I just am not sure what it
is that you want to know? So if you want to e-mail me, maybe I can give a
better response?........md
L> LSam
L> PS: I wonder if Layout 5.0 is OpenGLed. Anyone?
L> --
L> ***************************************************
L> *****
L> "It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's
L> will."
L> lonersam@ix.netcom.com
L> lonersam@aol.com
L> ***************************************************
L> *****
L> --
L> ***************************************************
L> *****
L> "It is not me who admits defeat, it is just God's
L> will."
L> lonersam@ix.netcom.com
L> lonersam@aol.com
L> ***************************************************
L> *****
Article: 20426
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 08:43:35 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 20
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: fwtep@earthlink.net
fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
> On 5/15/96 4:38PM, in message <319A6B0B.5834@osu.edu>, Jeff Jasper
> <jasper.7@osu.edu> wrote:
> > > Darn close though. I would hate to see Twister or Batman or The Mask done
> > > in anything less then Alias. Thats were the fun is.....
> >
> > The Mask also used EIAS, and Batman was done mostly with in-house software.
> > Not sure what Twister was done with.
> >
> > Jeff
Actually, The Mask was done on SoftImage. The consensus I get from people who have used both SI and Alias is
that SI had traditionnally great at character animation while Alias was best for modelling. However, the latest
release of SoftImage is catching-up with Alias on Modeling. Also, SoftImage is much more user-friendly.
Article: 20427
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!night.primate.wisc.edu!aplcenmp!netnews.jhuapl.edu!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.qnet.com!usenet
From: Manuel Coats <mcoats@qnet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: looking for books on Lightwave 4.0 for beginner
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:44:55 +0000
Organization: Lightspeed
Lines: 25
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References: <4ne5dt$a50@news.inforamp.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
To: bcheuk <bcheuk@inforamp.net>
bcheuk wrote:
> hi all,
> Is there a book on Lightwave 4.0 for beginner? Will you please e-mail
> me the name of the book and its publisher? thanks in advance.
> Brian Cheuk
> bcheuk@inforamp.net
> WWW Home Page: http://www.inforamp.net/~bcheuk
> links on Hongkong media, Classical music and my portfilio.....
Check out this web page for Lightwave books and videos.
or call
805-726-3546 Information
805-726-3545 Anybody can use - ORDERS ONLY
800-764-8696 US Customers only- ORDERS ONLY
805-726-3544 FAX orders
Article: 20428
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!night.primate.wisc.edu!aplcenmp!netnews.jhuapl.edu!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.qnet.com!usenet
From: Manuel Coats <mcoats@qnet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Help needed: Best Bet for Beginners (Tutorials, Books, etc.)
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 10:40:20 +0000
Organization: Lightspeed
Lines: 24
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References: <31a365b2.31962285@news.address.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
To: *
Rob Peace wrote:
> I am just starting out on Lightwave 4.0 and, frankly, the manual seems
> to be a little skimpy on the tutorial side. Modeling in particular is
> giving me a lot of trouble. I am looking for a book or manual that
> focuses on the basics of Lightwave with an emphasis on modeling. I
> know there is a series of videos, but I prefer to have it in print
> so's I can refer to it as I work. Any advice on this would be greatly
> appreciated.
Lightspeed has a book called FX KIT FOR LIGHTWAVE which might be
what you are looking for. There's a 30 day money back guarantee
on it so you have nothing to lose. There's also an ADDENDUM 5.0
book coming out on June 15th that covers all of the LW 5.0
features. It's got hundreds of pictures and cool tutorials. Best
of all that one is only $19.95 for the next 10 weeks.
For more information check out: http://www.webcom.com/lghtspd
You can order securely right on-line. Enjoy.
Manuel Coats
Article: 20429
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 08:48:57 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <31A5B039.53A5@odyssee.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: fwtep@earthlink.net
fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
> On 5/19/96 11:05AM, in message <319F6301.7E3@osu.edu>, Jeff Jasper
> <jasper.7@osu.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > I believe the credit was under "Twister Software"
> > > --
> > > -=Fred=-
> >
> > Must have missed it. I guess that answers the question for
> > Joe as to if they used proprietary software for the Tornados :)
> >
> > Jeff
> To my knowledge, and I can only repeat what I was told, ILM uses Alias version
> 4 and has their own code piled on top of it. For those of you that don't know,
> the actual current version of Alias is 7.
Sophisticated packages like Alias and SoftImage are designed to be complemented by in-house production specialists. For certain movies, there
is always an effect needed that hasn't ever been done before, so often, new code is needed to produce this effect. These packages are designed
to allow the creation of new tools as they are needed.
Although LightWave also has plug-in architecture, so far the SI and Alias code can take you a lot further if you spend the time with them.
From a feature point of view, I believe Alias (and SoftImage) have a lot more to offer,feature wise, than LightWave. However, LightWave is
often much easier to use, and provides a good learning tool and an introduction to the 3D world.
If you have talent, and are able to create great stuff on LightWave, you should be able to create even better stuff on Alias or SoftImage.
These are what you could call, the ultimate upgrade.
Article: 20430
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Just Curious ?
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:08:06 -0400
Organization: IMT
Lines: 6
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References: <mad.7ju7@torment.tmisnet.com>
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Mark Dunakin wrote:
> Just curious, does anyone out there know of a way to do a shrink wrap around
> an object? have you tried BG_Conform yet? It is one of the custom-tools; So I don't know if the Alpha version has
it. Be sure the object in the background has a lot more points than the one in the foreground.
Article: 20431
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!night.primate.wisc.edu!aplcenmp!netnews.jhuapl.edu!uunet!in2.uu.net!nih-csl!postman
From: bystrick@helix.nih.gov (B.B.)
Subject: Re: Cross platform rendering
Message-ID: <31a5550b.21645553@newssrv.dcrt.nih.gov>
Sender: postman@alw.nih.gov (AMDS Postmaster)
Nntp-Posting-Host: nomadppp63.nih.gov
Organization: National Institutes of Health
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
References: <4nuval$10u@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com> <wturber.188.0A0475CA@primenet.com>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 06:27:00 GMT
Lines: 19
On 22 May 1996 15:31:01 -0700, wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay)
Turberville (III)) wrote:
>In article <4nuval$10u@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com> g-bierl@ix.netcom.com (Greg Bierl) writes:
>>1. Is it possible to use my Amiga version of LW for modeling, layout,
>>and scene creation and then send that data to a networked Pentium for
>1. Yes. You will need to edit paths in scenes and and objects. Its not a
>huge hassle though.
>I suggest that modeling and scene creation would be more productive on the
>Pentium due to its speed of doing test renders and the new OpenGL features
very interesting... I would like to know if anybody is running LW on
PC and rendering on SGI server or Cray or DEC/Alpha (unix).
I guess than one must have a second LW copy for SGI in order to use
the ScreamerNet on SGI?
Article: 20432
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nwgw.infi.net!news.infi.net!usenet
From: Charles Meyer <triadcom@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: ---> lw50-cracked???...
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:21:48 -0700
Organization: InfiNet
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <31A6448C.7846@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
References: <NEWTNews.23757.832892336.rayon@pi-user.pi.net> <4o20vc$l4u@guitar.sound.net>
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Jason Linhart wrote:
> rayon@pi.net wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > Is there someone who has the 100% working cracked
> > version of LW50. If ya have send me an email, i will
> > pay for it!..
> > rayon@pi.net
> Yo Buddy,
> I have a copy that I can sell you. Hell, I'll even throw in the
> manuals and reg card. But, It's gonna cost you! Just send me a check
> for $1495.00 and we'll call it even.
> Jason
> NewTek, Inc.
This is good one Jason. Keep a close eye out for this stuff floating on
the free "net" That buddy was one clown short of a circus!!!
Article: 20433
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!usenet.seri.re.kr!bofh.dot!news.kreonet.re.kr!bofh.dot!news.dacom.co.kr!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!usenet
From: Dean Oliver <oliver1@uiuc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Scene Machine for Sale
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 22:46:27 +0000
Organization: Virtually Real
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NNTP-Posting-Host: berlin-7.slip.uiuc.edu
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
I have a copy of Scene Machine for LW Intel for
sale. I am asking $125.00 plus shipping. Please
respond via email.
Dean Oliver
Virtually Real
Article: 20434
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.iadfw.net!usenet
From: Lance Gray <empire@airmail.net>
Newsgroups: rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Flyer composite out!?!
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 15:08:21 -0500
Organization: Empire Productions Inc.
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Xref: news2.cais.com rec.video.desktop:20936 rec.video.production:43432 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20434
In using my Flyer or toaster for that matter....I've always used the YC+
for the YC(S-vhs) out. However, I've just recently plugged in a cable
to go composite out of the Flyer and all I get is a scrambled mess on
the screen! I know another Flyer owner who kept telling me his system
did this....I didn't think much about it since I've always used the YC+
but it's obvious my system does the same!
Any solutions to this problem! Obviously I can still use my system just
fine with YC, but I'd like to make additional copies of clips to other
VCR's using the composite out.
Please help! Thanks!
Lance Gray (empire@airmail.net) **25 GIG Flyer & PC LightWave equipped**
"If you are insulted because of the name of CHRIST, you are blessed,
for the spirit of GOD rests on you." 1 Peter 14
Article: 20435
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Date: 24 May 1996 16:45:29 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 14
Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
Message-ID: <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
I have tried loading up some scenes that I created in LightWave 4.0
(INTEL) and have found a rather strange problem with the lights when I
load the same scenes in V5.0. The lights appear to go crazy, and the
intensity (or falloff) values are all wrong.
In checking the scene file out, and comparing them line by line, there
does appear to be some really strange changes happening in the values.
Is this a known bug, or is there something simple I'm missing?
If anyone would care to check the scene file out, drop me an Email and
I'll post them over for you to examine.
Gordon Keenan
Article: 20436
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!news.uh.edu!usenet
From: Clay Fowler <st5rx@jetson.uh.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.graphics.algorithms,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.api.inventor,comp.graphics.api.misc,comp.graphics.api.opengl,comp.graphics.apps.alias,comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.pagemake
Subject: RE: dO NOT read this Letter
Date: 24 May 1996 20:59:08 GMT
Organization: University of Houston
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <01bb49bb.f0e879e0$08280781@Muskrat.uh.edu>
References: <4o0et6$hj3@news-e2d.gnn.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: monet.tcs.uh.edu
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.fonts:45999 comp.graphics.algorithms:32549 comp.graphics.animation:36076 comp.graphics.api.inventor:1899 comp.graphics.api.misc:662 comp.graphics.api.opengl:5254 comp.graphics.apps.alias:1833 comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot:3513 comp.
Why the Hell are you asking for this stuff on this newsgroup!?
Man, you are cheesey.
hmmmm . . .
Article: 20437
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.supernet.net!news.magicnet.net!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.stylus.net!news.biddeford.com!news.bihs.net!news.tamu.edu!bcm.tmc.edu!pendragon!news.msfc.nasa.gov!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!in-news
From: Dan Ablan <dma@mcs.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 01:08:26 -0500
Organization: AGA Digital Studios
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <31A5525A.32C6@mcs.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dma.pr.mcs.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
As these lists sometimes fill with special
LightWave product endorsements, I thought it
only appropriate to mention the new
LightWave book coming this fall to bookstores
everywhere, including international locations.
The LightWave Power Guide
is a 500 page manual covering intermediate
to advanced topics, with many tutorial chapters,
a CD-ROM, color page inserts, and it's written
for LightWave 5.0 on all platforms.
The LightWave Power Guide is being published by
New Riders Publishing, whose books are a backbone
in the graphics community. Books such as
Inside Photoshop, Inside 3DStudio, Inside AutoCad,
AutoCad LT, Special Effects with 3DStudio, and
a host of other popular books are released by
New Riders.
For more information, contact the author:
Dan Ablan
AGA Digital Studios
Article: 20438
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nwgw.infi.net!news.infi.net!usenet
From: Charles Meyer <triadcom@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Rendering Rental
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:17:10 -0700
Organization: InfiNet
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <31A64376.1060@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pa1dsp12.msp.infi.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win16; U)
Is anyone interested in renting render time on a P133 and Aplha 21164
366Mhz system? The production house I work for has just purchased a
Raptor Reflex to do in house renderings during the day. If interested
send E-Mail response to: triadcom@pioneerplanet.infi.net
Article: 20439
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Date: 24 May 1996 21:10:35 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4o58kb$9se@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca2-21.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri May 24 2:10:35 PM PDT 1996
In <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com> gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
>I have tried loading up some scenes that I created in LightWave 4.0
>(INTEL) and have found a rather strange problem with the lights when I
>load the same scenes in V5.0. The lights appear to go crazy, and the
>intensity (or falloff) values are all wrong.
>In checking the scene file out, and comparing them line by line, there
>does appear to be some really strange changes happening in the values.
>Is this a known bug, or is there something simple I'm missing?
This results from 5.0 using absolute values instead of relative values
for intensity falloff. Does your scene use envelopes for either light
intensity or falloff?
Article: 20440
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsgate.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Flickering polys but NO non-planars
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:10:23 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <31A5DF6F.107A@odyssee.net>
References: <4o29hu$em5@park.interport.net>
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To: Joe Perez <joeperez@interport.net>
Joe Perez wrote:
> I designed a shopping mall in modler and built a parking lot to go
> with it. I used the stencil feature to put guidelines for parked cars
> on the one big asphalt polygon. The yellow stripe guideline polys are
> made up of only three polys themselves stencilked into the asphalt.
> When a render a drive-through, some of the parking guidlines flicker,
> disappearing in certain frames as the camera proceedes through the
> lot. Bringing the entire mall object into modler shows that there are
> no non-planar polys. I have field rendering and motion blur turned on,
> but didn't think this would cause a problem. Does anyone know what the
> problem could be? Thanks.
> Joe Perez
You may have overlapping polygons. When two polygons share the same plane, they will "fight" for suppremacy, resulting in flickering surfaces.
In your example, your guidelines are probably polygons sharing the same plane as the asphalt. Just raise your guidelines a few millimeters on
top of the asphalt to solve the problem. As soon as they are detached from the asphalt, they will appear normal.
If you want a good example of this do as follow :
1- In Modeler, create a flat square in the front window (in Z axis). Name this surface "square"
2- In an other layer, create an smaller circle that will fit in the center of the square. Name this surface "Circle"
Make sure the two polygon's normals point towards you in the front view (-z).
3- Using the size tool, flatten the two polygons together by setting the center at 0,0,0 and the cale factor by 1 in the X and Y axis and
0 in the Z axis.
4- Save the two layers as one object, and bring into layout.
5- Make the square surface red, and the circle surface green.
6- Render
You'll see the circle appearing in the center of the square as if it was "shredded" because LightWave doesn't know which polygon, the
circle or the square is the clossest to the camera since they both share the same plane.
Hope this helps!
Article: 20441
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From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 24 May 1996 16:20:02 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 41
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.201.041405FC@primenet.com>
References: <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com> <4o00em$gus@news.nstn.ca> <4o3a35$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com>
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In article <4o3a35$oog@goodnews.voicenet.com> roadie@voicenet.com writes:
>From: roadie@voicenet.com
>Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
>Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 03:27:00 GMT
>On 22 May 1996 21:20:22 GMT, you@somehost.somedomain (sdfgh) wrote:
>>In article <wturber.179.010F5086@primenet.com>,
>>wturber@primenet.comTurbervilleIII says...
>>>Just for grins, I just took a look at comp.graphics.apps.alias. There are
>>>about 1/10 as many messages there as here. Might I suggest that the next
>>>argument on the LW vs. Alias topic (and I assume there will be another) take
>>>place in that group instead of here.
>>>Thank you.
>>>Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
>>>Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
>>>http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
>>you'll be laughed out of the group
>>but what the hell, lets see alias users cut up lw for a change
>Wait till they see meta nurbs....
>John Donlevie
>Road-Ease, Inc.
>Drexel Hill, PA
Ace Miles posted a VERY nice rendition of Buzz LightSpeed and posted in in the
/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory there. The image proves that either
MetaNurbs or Ace Miles is very capable. My guess is that both are.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20442
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From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Studio Z and LW
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 22:21:32 GMT
Organization: Alfheim Imaging
Lines: 48
Message-ID: <31a635d1.854418@news.digex.net>
References: <dave.0umi@hell.xs4all.nl>
Reply-To: davep@access.digex.net
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X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
dave@hell.xs4all.nl (Jeroen Van Velsen) wrote:
>In een bericht van 17 May 96 Jason Linhart gericht aan All:
> JL> The system for $36,000 is probably one of their StudioZ machines with
> JL> the built-in D1 video option.
> JL> I've been using a pentium pro 150MHZ based Intergraph TDZ 300 system.
> JL> I think the price is somewhere between $10 - $15K depending on
> JL> options. I would have to say that the OpenGL response is the best of
> JL> any system that I have sat in front of.(So good it will make most
> JL> verteran LW'ers cry!) The real-time response of adjusting lighting,
> JL> bones and most other things in Layout and Modeler is something that I
> JL> have wished for since the early days of LightWave.
> JL> Overall, It's a great system.
> JL> I wish I could take the graphics speed of this system and stick it on
> JL> top of the render power of the 500Mhz Alpha that Deskstation was
> JL> showing at NAB (another system that makes verteran LW'ers
> JL> cry!)............Oh yeah, ScreamerNet would work! Thank *
> JL> (Insert appropriate higher spiritual being) for network rendering!
> JL> Jason Linhart
>Which graphics card is used in that system?
>Does it work with W95 AND WNT?
>How much does a graphics card like tht cost?
>Any info would be greatly appriciated...
>Jeroen van Velsen (NETMAIL: 14:101/101.8)
> (EMAIL: dave@hell.xs4all.nl)
>-- Via Xenolink 1.984, XenolinkUUCP 1.1
If your asking about the Intergraph systems, they use Intergraph
developed graphics subsystems. They are designated GLZ1 through GLZ6,
with a GLZ1T thrown in with hardware texture support at the low end.
As you go up in number you go up in price, performance, and amout of
display RAM.
If your asking about the Raptor, it had a Dynamic Pictures V192 opengl
card with 16meg of display RAM.
Dave Paige
Alfheim Imaging
Article: 20443
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From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 2 3ds
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 22:23:37 GMT
Organization: Alfheim Imaging
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <31a636d5.1114672@news.digex.net>
References: <4nrl2q$mkg@easy1.worldaccess.nl> <4nu9cu$7m2@guitar.sound.net>
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X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
format@guitar.sound.net (Surfer) wrote:
>rdijk@worldaccess.nl (Rene van Dijk) wrote:
>>It is possible to import 3ds files into LW
>>but is the opposite way also possible?
>>I like to export some LW objects to 3ds.
>>TIA, Rene
>LightWave Modeler can save out objects as DXF, Wavefront or 3DS
If you install the plugin 'trans3d.p'
Dave Paige
Alfheim Imaging
Article: 20444
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
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From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Message-ID: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 23:18:12 GMT
Lines: 24
Sender: jgross@netcom16.netcom.com
: I have read that certain shots of the Voyager are done in Lightwave...
: I have an article written by one of the people who designed the
: voyager lightwave model, and how they did it. Any comments?
Yes, LightWave is used extensively for effects in Voyager (and just
starting in DS9).
Anytime you see the Voyager in warp or with the rear windows lit up, that
is the LightWave VOyager. We are currently doing more work than we did as
Amblin Imaging for Voyager and DS9 and you should be seeing much more
(although it's pretty difficult to tell the CG from the real models)
The Voyager was built from scratch in Modeler using blueprints from
Paramount as background images. All totaled, the Voyager and assorted
objects contain about 300,000 polys and 20 megs of image maps.
Digital Muse
Article: 20445
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From: J. Derek Davis <jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production
Subject: FS: A2000 68040 Accel. w/17MB, VT4000 v3.1,Flicker Free
Date: 22 May 1996 20:53:40 GMT
Organization: DePaul University
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <01bb4820.d4fca0e0$185ec08c@shiba>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dept24.ac-sia.depaul.edu
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20445 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76621 rec.video.desktop:20938 rec.video.production:43433
Hi all,
$850 CSA Magnum 25MHz 68040 Accel.
w/17MB 32bit RAM
$1100 VT4000 v 3.1 with LW 3.5 orig. disks and docs
$125 Flicker Free Video for A2000
-Derek <jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu>
Article: 20446
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From: dgrant@dgrant.peinet.pe.ca (Dennis Grant)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: [REVIEW] Stranahan in actionHEY STRANAHAN!!!!
Date: 23 May 1996 12:30:20 GMT
Organization: Private Internet Connection
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <4o1los$362@storm.cycor.ca>
References: <4nv63n$kv6@guitar.sound.net> <4nvkuh$kla@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
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X-NewsReader: Interworks_GRn 3.0 January 12, 1996
In article <4nvkuh$kla@newsbf02.news.aol.com> stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) writes:
> ----------------------------
> What? No credit for the 5.0 LightWave release. Here is a product that
> we did not pre-release, we didnt even pre-announce it.
> ----------------------------------
> Brad, it was BAD that you didn't 'pre-announce' (ie, promote or market)
> it. It's not smart or admirable in any way. No marketing credit at all.
I'm not going to beat you up Brad :) but he's right.
With the modern software "upgrade culture" the anticipation created by
announcements of upcoming releases and feature list is a very powerful thing.
If an upgrade has features that people want (and especially if the
competition lacks them) then they will *set aside money* specifically for
your product.
Yes, building hype, and then failing to deliver can be disastrous, but LW 5
showed you could release on schedule, right?
Hype followed by an on-time release of functional product gets you the very
best kind of attention.
Add up your sales of LW 5 too date. I bet if a big promotional campaign had
been mounted 1 month before release, you could have tripled that number.
Dennis Grant
Article: 20447
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From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Diamond surface......
Date: 24 May 1996 15:50:03 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 63
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.199.040067FE@primenet.com>
References: <319c3fd8.630393@news.ipswich.gil.com.au> <wturber.171.04D9E459@primenet.com> <319fac0b.2383236@news.digex.net> <Pine.SUN.3.93.960521000048.19174A-100000@access1.digex.net>
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In article <Pine.SUN.3.93.960521000048.19174A-100000@access1.digex.net> Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> writes:
>From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
>Subject: Re: Diamond surface......
>Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 01:39:55 -0400
>Jay Turberville wrote:
>> [...] the main trick is to determine what it is that makes a diamond
>> look like a diamond. Offhand, I believe it is its high index of
>> refraction which causes it to cast lots of reflective "sparkles" and
>> to have color in those sparkles.
>Dave Paige replied:
>> Actually I believe it's critical angly reflection, sometimes called
>> internal reflection, that makes a diamond sparkle.
>Same thing, although it's not easy to explain why in 50 words or less.
>From the Snell-Descartes law, the critical angle for diamond is
> arcsin( sin( 90 degrees ) / 2.42 ) = 24.4 degrees
>The 2.42 is diamond's index of refraction, and as you can (hopefully)
>see, the higher this number is, the smaller the critical angle is.
>(Diamond has by far the highest index of refraction among gemstones.)
>Now picture a light ray trying to get out of a diamond. It'll hit
>the diamond-air boundary at some angle to the normal, and if this
>angle is higher than the critical angle (24.4 degrees), the angle at
>which it "emerges" will exceed 90 degrees--in other words, it'll be
>reflected back in.
>Gem diamonds are precisely cut to maximize "brilliance," an effect
>of these internal reflections. The facets that make up the base,
>for example, are at an angle of 41 degrees to the vertical axis.
>I suspect a convincing diamond model would have to be built the same
>way real diamonds are cut. You'll also need a way to simulate fire,
>the prismatic effect that makes the sparkles look like tiny rainbows.
>- Ernie
Well Ernies info got me interested and then I couldn't find his post. So I
looked up diamond in Microsoft's Encarta and they had some simple diagrams of
different gemstone cuts. Anyway, I modeled a briliant cut diamond and
rendered a few images which I have posted to Tomahawk in the
/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory. I chose facet angles by "eyeball"
(but now that I have found the info Ernie posted, I may modify it).
Anyway it turned out fairly nicely though I wouldn't call it absolutley
realistic - it is a little too colorful. I modeled single sided and used
Double sided in the surfaces panel. The index of refraction is set at 2.42.
Transparancy is 97.5% and reflectivity is a little under 50%. I traced
refraction and reflection. I used medium antialiasing (not adaptive) to get
decent lines on some of the facets. One of the issues was how to get some
color to simulate the diamond's "fire". I used a gradient with some blue and
purple at the top and bottom with black in the middle. I also used the
vtlogosm.iff image as a spherical reflection map.
I'm open to comments.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20448
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From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave 6.0 ?(wish list...)
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 12:22:20 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <31A5E23C.373E@odyssee.net>
References: <Jeff_Holinski.303.31A4F707@mindlink.bc.ca> <4o43o9$5de@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
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To: Chewie8625 <chewie8625@aol.com>
Chewie8625 wrote:
> For my wish.....
> Allow keyframes to be adjusted from within the scene panel by allowing
> dragging of the keyframes themselves, this would make life so much easier
> for tweeking. Also multiple monitor support and the ability to keep panels
> open on the second monitor would be a blessing.
> -My two cents....
> -Emile Edwin Smith
> -An about to graduate student in Visual Arts
> -Film/Video senior
> -University of California at San Diego
> -Anyone need a janitor?
In SoftImage they have an entire Window for that. You can adjust the keyframings while seing the results immediatelly in the other scene
windows, interactivelly. An other view also allows you to view the hierarchy of a scene. You want too look at how the hand of your character
is attached to the arm? SoftImage will give you a flow-chart style graphic, where you can select on an element of the structure from there, so
you can edit it.
How about a special Key-framing tool for IK. One of my friend just completed a very complex robot with dozens of related objects through
inverse Kinematics. Unfortunatelly, when you move the goal object, there is no easy way to record a keyframe for all the affected parts. You
have to record a keyframe for each individual parts of the hierarchy, adjust the tension one at a time, etc... For IK to work well, we need an
easier way to do that.
Article: 20449
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip112.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW5.0, do I need NT 3.51?
Date: 24 May 1996 16:17:02 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 23
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.200.041152B3@primenet.com>
References: <wturber.178.010713B4@primenet.com> <4o4204$4ea@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4o4204$4ea@newsbf02.news.aol.com> marcmylar@aol.com (MarcMylar) writes:
>From: marcmylar@aol.com (MarcMylar)
>Subject: Re: LW5.0, do I need NT 3.51?
>Date: 24 May 1996 06:11:16 -0400
>In article <wturber.178.010713B4@primenet.com>, wturber@primenet.com
>(Walter (Jay) Turberville (III)) writes:
>>LW 5.0 may run on Win 3.x, but it is no longer officially supported by
>So, is Window 96 out yet?
I don't think so. LW 5.0 is supported on Win95 though.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20450
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From: Gene Heitman <mpace@mpace.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
Subject: Re: '060 for Amiga 2000 ??
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 18:25:47 -0500
Organization: Micro-PACE
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <31A6457B.6116@mpace.com>
References: <31A01681.1187@mpace.com> <319B546F.1A49@airmail.net> <4nh4pd$197@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com> <4o0lvt$jha@news.inforamp.net>
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20450 rec.video.desktop:20941 rec.video.production:43437 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76628
Dan Robinson wrote:
> On Mon, 20 May 1996 01:51:45 -0500, Gene Heitman <mpace@mpace.com>
> wrote:
> > Bob Bennett wrote:
> > >
> > > Anyone have any experience with a readily available 060 board
> (w/SCSI)
> > > for the Amiga 2000? I'm looking for one. It must work with
> V-Toaster
> > > and DPS PAR.
> > >
> > > Thanks for any advice.
> > >
> > > BobThe only readily available 060 board for the Amiga 2000 is the
> TekMagic
> > 50MHz 060. It has a very fast SCSI-2 controller on board and can
> hold
> > up to 128MB of RAM. Requires AmigaDOS 3.1 and works well with the
> above
> > mentioned products. Please contact Micro-PACE (where I work) for
> the
> > name of a dealer near you. We are the distributors for TekMagic
> > products in North America.
> >
> > Gene Heitman
> > Micro-PACE Sales/Product Support
> > www: www.mpace.com
> > email: mpace@mpace.com
> > phone: 217-356-1884
> > fax: 217-356-0097.
> Didn"you forget to mention the Wildfire board from DKB???? As a user
> I can attest to the fact that they are available.
> danDan,
No I didn't forget the Wildfire. My definition of readily available is
either in stock or going to be in stock very shortly. We've had
Wildfires on order for months without seeing a single board.
Gene Heitman
Micro-PACE Sales/Product Support
Article: 20451
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From: singh@wwa.com (singh)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop
Subject: The truth about Amiga (was: Has AMIGA been sold again?)
Date: 24 May 1996 23:53:07 GMT
Organization: WorldWide Access (tm) - Chicagoland Internet Services (http://www.wwa.com)
Lines: 15
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Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20451 rec.video.desktop:20943
What I have been telling people is not to worry. We are all
Amiga lovers here. Unlike ESCOM or even Commodore, VIScorp
does not have a single IBM PC person in the development group.
We are all solid Amigans from the very beginning. Personally
speaking, I don't plan on killing the Amiga. In fact, I'm
hoping to build one killer Amiga!
Carl Sassenrath
Director of Software, VIScorp
URL: www.vistv.com
PS: Please feel free to post or forward this anywhere and
everywhere, as I am getting swamped with the same email
question from so many dedicated Amigans. Keep the faith!
This is for the better!
Article: 20452
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!newshost.comco.com!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Manuals?
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:23:41 -0400
Organization: Concentric Internet Services
Lines: 21
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References: <4nunuv$4f6@infa.central.susx.ac.uk> <31a30165.646739@news.digex.net> <4o47ft$c6h@infa.central.susx.ac.uk>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
Paul Bunkham wrote:
> Dave Paige (davep@access.digex.net) wrote:
> : paulb@cogs.susx.ac.uk (Paul Bunkham) wrote:
> : I assume, since you can run the program, that it came with the dongle?
> : Dave Paige
> : Alfheim Imaging
> : dave@access.digex.net
> It did, but I have found that I need the serial number to prove to Newtek that
> I have a licensed copy, before they will let me have some new manuals. Not
> surprising really....
> Paul
That's funny, it's printed right on mine. Arrrrr... nice try cap'n!
Bryant Reif
Article: 20453
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From: "Bryan J. Blevins" <bblevins@bei.moscow.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: ---> lw50-cracked???...
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:28:54 -0800
Organization: PalouseNet
Lines: 18
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b4 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
rayon@pi.net wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there someone who has the 100% working cracked
> version of LW50. If ya have send me an email, i will
> pay for it!..
If you're willing to 'pay for it' just call 1-800-TOASTER.
Bryan J. Blevins Blevins Enterprises, Inc.
bblevins@bei.moscow.com WWW http://bei.moscow.com
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be... Ooooooo! Donuts!
Article: 20454
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From: Ace Miles <ace@agames.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Effector Plug-in
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 14:39:12 -0700
Organization: Williams Enterainment/Atari Games
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <31A62C80.6835@agames.com>
References: <31A3BCD0.7D24@iag.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
david goerndt wrote:
> I just received LW 5, so I went through it trying out things, just
> playing around. I tried to get effector to do something, but nothing
> happened and the manual is no help, any ideas?
I have absolutely GREAT results from Effectors.
There are two types. One is a displacement plugin the other is a motion
The displacement plugin is fairly well documented in the reference
manual on page 158 and 159.
Ace Miles -Sr. Animator
Atari Games / Williams Entertainment
ace@agames.com (work)
ace@got.net (home)
Article: 20455
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!pacbell.com!amdahl.com!netcomsv!uu4news.netcom.com!void.agames.com!usenet
From: Ace Miles <ace@agames.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: cel shader
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 14:43:43 -0700
Organization: Williams Enterainment/Atari Games
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <31A62D8F.69D7@agames.com>
References: <4o0h5u$t0d@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EB9E.7A36@pacificnet.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
B Hayes wrote:
> Howard ST wrote:
> >
> > A minor tip regarding getting a flat 2-d cartoon style look in Lightwave--
> >
> > I've been playing around with the cel shader, which does a nice job of
> > creating key lines ala a cartoon. I wanted to get the flattest look
> > possible and I was finding that the Cel shader made my images look
> > posterized and showed too many bands of color to look like a cartoon
> > (which is usually mostly flat color).
> >
> > I solved this problem by deleting all lights and turning the last one's
> > level to 0 and then cranking up the ambient light. No directionality of
> > light, no shadows, no variation in surface color (and no need for the cel
> > shader particularily).
> >
> > Gave me the look I was going for...
> >
> > ..I also cranked the luminosity on some of my objects some which gave me
> > object by object "brightness" control.
> >
> > Kind of obvious I guess, but hey, isn't everything once you know how to do
> > it?
> >
> > -H
> > -H
> I needed a Cel-Shared about a year and a halph before i new what one was.
> Your technique was exactly hou I got around it. Hey have you noticed that
> the Cel-Look out line Looks like crap or is it just me. I had played with
> the Exparimental Feature under 4.0 and I thought it looked much better.
> Could just be me though...
> --
> Brad Hayes
> http://www.pacificnet.net/~bjhayes
Actually it'll give you much better results to play with the surfaces
diffusion and specular settings than changing the lights.
Changing the outline thickness and antialiasing will make the lines look
Ace Miles -Sr. Animator
Atari Games / Williams Entertainment
ace@agames.com (work)
ace@got.net (home)
Article: 20456
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!pacbell.com!amdahl.com!netcomsv!uu4news.netcom.com!void.agames.com!usenet
From: Ace Miles <ace@agames.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 14:46:02 -0700
Organization: Williams Enterainment/Atari Games
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <31A62E1A.73B2@agames.com>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I)
Jean-Eric Hénault wrote:
> At last Video Toaster World in LA last Fall, Tim Jennison mentionned
> that LW would catch-up with SoftImage within a year. That was six months
> ago.
> It is logical to assume that now that 5.0 is shipping, NewTek is gonna
> start working on 6.0 right ? Well, A friend of mine who is working for
> one of the big LightWave studios mentionned that they are about to start
> working on a Beta version of 6.0. Is it possible this new version could
> be availlable by the end of the year ?
> Woudn't that be great ? I just hope the next upgrade doesn't cost me an
> other 500$ ...
> Jean-Eric
If the next upgrade comes that fast and is as good as 5.0 was then I
think it's worth at least another $500.00
Ace Miles -Sr. Animator
Atari Games / Williams Entertainment
ace@agames.com (work)
ace@got.net (home)
Article: 20457
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip011.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Date: 24 May 1996 18:40:03 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 33
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.202.0476C6B7@primenet.com>
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o58kb$9se@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com>
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X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4o58kb$9se@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan) writes:
>From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
>Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
>Date: 24 May 1996 21:10:35 GMT
>In <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com> gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
>>I have tried loading up some scenes that I created in LightWave 4.0
>>(INTEL) and have found a rather strange problem with the lights when I
>>load the same scenes in V5.0. The lights appear to go crazy, and the
>>intensity (or falloff) values are all wrong.
>>In checking the scene file out, and comparing them line by line, there
>>does appear to be some really strange changes happening in the values.
>>Is this a known bug, or is there something simple I'm missing?
>This results from 5.0 using absolute values instead of relative values
>for intensity falloff. Does your scene use envelopes for either light
>intensity or falloff?
Wow! I am really surprised that there is a scene file incompatibility between
versions. You would think that could have been handled better.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20458
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip011.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
Date: 24 May 1996 18:46:02 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 41
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.203.047B293F@primenet.com>
References: <31A3F657.66A8@odyssee.net> <31A62E1A.73B2@agames.com>
X-Posted-By: ip011.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <31A62E1A.73B2@agames.com> Ace Miles <ace@agames.com> writes:
>From: Ace Miles <ace@agames.com>
>Subject: Re: Lightwave 6.0 ?
>Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 14:46:02 -0700
>Jean-Eric Hénault wrote:
>> At last Video Toaster World in LA last Fall, Tim Jennison mentionned
>> that LW would catch-up with SoftImage within a year. That was six months
>> ago.
>> It is logical to assume that now that 5.0 is shipping, NewTek is gonna
>> start working on 6.0 right ? Well, A friend of mine who is working for
>> one of the big LightWave studios mentionned that they are about to start
>> working on a Beta version of 6.0. Is it possible this new version could
>> be availlable by the end of the year ?
>> Woudn't that be great ? I just hope the next upgrade doesn't cost me an
>> other 500$ ...
>> Jean-Eric
>If the next upgrade comes that fast and is as good as 5.0 was then I
>think it's worth at least another $500.00
> Ace Miles -Sr. Animator
>Atari Games / Williams Entertainment
> ace@agames.com (work)
> ace@got.net (home)
All they have to do to get my $500 is to give me animateable MetaNurbs. OK -
I want the motion channels separated as well for my $500.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20459
Message-ID: <31A626A8.7ECB@globalnet.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 22:14:16 +0100
From: Rob Howarth <howar43@globalnet.co.uk>
Reply-To: howar43@globalnet.co.uk
Organization: Mr Flibbles Mad Hand Puppets Inc.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: TREK and BAB5 models? I have some :)
References: <4o06n1$1eqs@news.gate.net>
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Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!news-lond.gsl.net!news.gsl.net!news.globalnet.co.uk!
I've got some Bab5 models but I don't know if theyre the real things (
but they sure look like it to me especialy the d fighters) If you want
them just tell me were to put them.I have all the surface maps for them
aswell .Just tell me where and when.Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
\ | /
/ | \
Article: 20460
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 25 May 1996 02:08:17 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4o5q2h$fcu@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
References: <wturber.201.041405FC@primenet.com>
X-PipeUser: mikeling
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
On May 24, 1996 16:20:02 in article <Re: Where to take the software wars .
.>, 'wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))' wrote:
>Ace Miles posted a VERY nice rendition of Buzz LightSpeed and posted in in
>/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory there. The image proves that
>MetaNurbs or Ace Miles is very capable. My guess is that both are.
Which FTP? I can't find it at FTP.NEWTEK.COM .
M C L -
Article: 20461
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 25 May 1996 02:00:42 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4o5pka$eur@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
References: <wturber.201.041405FC@primenet.com>
X-PipeUser: mikeling
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
On May 24, 1996 16:20:02 in article <Re: Where to take the software wars .
.>, 'wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))' wrote:
>Ace Miles posted a VERY nice rendition of Buzz LightSpeed and posted in in
>/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory there. The image proves that
>MetaNurbs or Ace Miles is very capable. My guess is that both are.
I am currently working on a female character (using metanurbs). So far I've
completed most of the head(sans hair and ears) and the torso. Right now I
am working on her legs and arms. If you are interested in what her face
looks like, please drop by my web page(under construction). Her head is
still slightly square, but I be fixing that.
M C L -
Article: 20462
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!news.clark.net!mr.net!visi.com!winternet.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!newsreader.sprintlink.net!news.athens.net!usenet
From: Eldar Cholich <eldar@athens.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: RenderMan to Lightwave
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 23:04:53 -0400
Organization: Athens Isp
Lines: 9
Message-ID: <31A3D5D5.41C6@athens.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: iris.athens.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP22)
Does anyone know any successfull way to convert Lightwave object or/and
scene files to RenderMan RIB file?
Eldar Cholich
Athens' ISP, Inc.
Article: 20463
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 23:17:14 -0400
Organization: The Ohio State University
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <31A67BBA.50BC@osu.edu>
References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
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Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
> > > The Mask also used EIAS, and Batman was done mostly with in-house software.
> > > Not sure what Twister was done with.
> > >
> > > Jeff
> Actually, The Mask was done on SoftImage. The consensus I get from people who have used both SI and Alias is
> that SI had traditionnally great at character animation while Alias was best for modelling. However, the latest
> release of SoftImage is catching-up with Alias on Modeling. Also, SoftImage is much more user-friendly.
EIAS was used for the particle tornados when he spun and the MASK logo. Nothing else. I was just pointing out
to the original poster that Alias was not used for everything like he thought.
Student Programmer 3
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
Emerging Technology Studio
Article: 20464
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!axe.netdoor.com!news
From: "Frank D. Cocke" <frank@netdoor.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 21:21:44 -0500
Organization: The Lightray Factory
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <31A66EB8.5DFB@netdoor.com>
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
To: GKeenan818 <gkeenan818@aol.com>
GKeenan818 wrote:
> I have tried loading up some scenes that I created in LightWave 4.0
> (INTEL) and have found a rather strange problem with the lights when I
> load the same scenes in V5.0. The lights appear to go crazy, and the
> intensity (or falloff) values are all wrong.
> In checking the scene file out, and comparing them line by line, there
> does appear to be some really strange changes happening in the values.
> Is this a known bug, or is there something simple I'm missing?
> If anyone would care to check the scene file out, drop me an Email and
> I'll post them over for you to examine.
> Gordon Keenan
Are you using any third party plug-ins. I posted a message to this group
about Sparks with 5.0. When I saved the scene with Sparks loaded I had
some strang thing happen, my camera had a new position, some of my lights
even dissapeared, they were no longer in the scene. John at Metrografx
told me that Newtek had changed the way lightwave saves scenes in 5.0. He
has fixed Sparks, got the new version today and it works fine.
Frank D. Cocke
The Lightray Factory, 3D animation & Graphics
E-mail to frank@netdoor.com
Article: 20465
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip086.phx.primenet.com!wturber
From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 24 May 1996 20:22:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
Lines: 37
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <wturber.204.04C9AA6F@primenet.com>
References: <wturber.201.041405FC@primenet.com> <4o5q2h$fcu@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
X-Posted-By: ip086.phx.primenet.com
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
In article <4o5q2h$fcu@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com> mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) writes:
>From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
>Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
>Date: 25 May 1996 02:08:17 GMT
>On May 24, 1996 16:20:02 in article <Re: Where to take the software wars .
> .>, 'wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))' wrote:
>>Ace Miles posted a VERY nice rendition of Buzz LightSpeed and posted in in
>>/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory there. The image proves that
>>MetaNurbs or Ace Miles is very capable. My guess is that both are.
>Which FTP? I can't find it at FTP.NEWTEK.COM .
>M C L -
It is on Tomahawk
I forget the name, but it will be obvious.
Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
Article: 20466
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.shadow.net!usenet
From: "uly" <recless@shadow.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Good books with lightwave info
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 08:55:56 -0400
Organization: Prog
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <01bb4970.597623a0$4547b1cc@ulysses>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp-mia-69.shadow.net
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1080
Hello there. I am interested in the software "lightwave". I am wondering
if anyone knows about any books on this product.
I would like to read about it. Something light a review, additional
manual, whatever just so that I can get information on the product. Plus
if anyone has input on the product please let me know.
Article: 20467
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 05:29:07 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <N.052496.222907.98@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
<31A3EE19.23DF@imaginate.com> <4o2qt1$cia@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-16.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36088 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20467 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17325
On 5/23/96 11:45PM, in message <jgrossDrwDFI.Cxo@netcom.com>, John Gross
<jgross@netcom.com> wrote:
> : Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com> wrote:
> : : I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
> : : organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to digitizing.
> : : The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort to
> : : clean up.
> : Obviously you haven't worked with a cyberscanned model yet, if you
> : think it takes less effort to clean up.
> I concur. We originally had the real Voyager cyberscanned and it looked
> like somebody took a giant condom and stretched it over the model. THe
> scan was so bad that we decided to build it from scratch (and blueprints)
> directly in Modeler.
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ /\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
> That didn't stop the scan people from somehow <
> getting credit in a Cinefantastique article about Voyager however...<
> /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
> JG
Which should be a real lesson for people here who get all their facts by what
they read. None of the magazines--Cinefex included--are very reliable, nor
will they ever be. It's not that they are sloppy in their reporting (usually),
and it's not like they lie (usually), it's just very difficult to put the words
and work of dozens of people, done over a couple of years, into three pages of
text and still have it be an accurate representation. Often times there is
only a subtle difference between the reality and the printed story, but it's
still a significant one. Get them for the pictures, but don't believe
everything they say--even the ads.
I know this is even more off topic than the whole thread is in the first place,
but I just had to point out this good example of misleading journalism.
Article: 20468
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 05:29:12 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <N.052496.222912.98@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com>
<4o1v0p$fl6@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com> <jgrossDrwDB5.CJ8@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-16.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
On 5/24/96 8:08AM, in message <4o4j4g$bqr@guitar.sound.net>, Surfer
<format@guitar.sound.net> wrote:
> jgross@netcom.com (John Gross) wrote:
> >: Johnny! How good to see you back! I thought you didn't like it here
> >: us here anymore!
> >Been in mothballs for awhile just getting stuff done but I'm more or less
> >back after wading thru all of the muck around here :) At least the
> >newsgroup hasn't changed!
> >JG
> John, good to see your back!
> Now get Stranahan out of our faces ;-)
What's so special about John's back?
Article: 20469
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 05:32:18 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <N.052496.223218.41@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
<jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <319A6B0B.5834@osu.edu>
<N.051896.011240.42@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <319D888F.797F@osu.edu>
<N.051996.154431.95@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <319F6301.7E3@osu.edu>
<N.051996.183047.36@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <31A5B039.53A5@odyssee.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-16.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
On 5/24/96 5:48AM, in message <31A5B039.53A5@odyssee.net>, Jean-Eric Hénault
<videosep@odyssee.net> wrote:
> fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
> >
> > On 5/19/96 11:05AM, in message <319F6301.7E3@osu.edu>, Jeff Jasper
> > <jasper.7@osu.edu> wrote:
> >
> > > >
> > > > I believe the credit was under "Twister Software"
> > > > --
> > > > -=Fred=-
> > >
> > > Must have missed it. I guess that answers the question for
> > > Joe as to if they used proprietary software for the Tornados :)
> > >
> > > Jeff
> >
> > To my knowledge, and I can only repeat what I was told, ILM uses Alias
> version
> > 4 and has their own code piled on top of it. For those of you that don't
> know,
> > the actual current version of Alias is 7.
> Sophisticated packages like Alias and SoftImage are designed to be
> complemented by in-house production specialists. For certain movies, there
> is always an effect needed that hasn't ever been done before, so often, new
> code is needed to produce this effect. These packages are designed
> to allow the creation of new tools as they are needed.
> [snip]
> Jean-Eric
I know, I know. My point was that it wasn't just Alias out of the box that did
all of these effects, as the other posting had implied.
Article: 20470
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
From: fwtep@earthlink.net
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 05:34:10 GMT
Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <N.052496.223410.62@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-16.earthlink.net
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
On 5/24/96 10:51AM, in message <4o4sue$ffb@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com>, Alan Chan
<achan@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> In <N.052496.101109.24@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net
> writes:
> >
> >> I understand that all the large studios use clay models(mainly for
> >> organic shapes like Casper) and cyberscan them as opposed to
> digitizing.
> >> The information from the cyberscan is cleaner and takes less effort
> to
> >> clean up.
> >>
> >> Jack
> >
> >
> >You understand wrong.
> >--
> > -=Fred=-
> > Digital Domain
> So, err, is your name Fred, or -=Fred=-? How do you pronounce -=?
You spelled it wrong; there's no question mark at the end. Perhaps that's what
was giving you the trouble...
Article: 20471
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!newsserver2.jvnc.net!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!goodnews.voicenet.com!usenet
From: Wayne <afactory@voicenet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Thanx!!!!----Animation Factory (readme)
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 00:31:34 -0400
Organization: Animation Factory
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <31A68D26.4738@voicenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: philly256.voicenet.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
I would like to thank all of the people who helped me when I got
stuck making my first Animation Tape for wedding videographers.
"Gold & Chrome Collection"
It went national a few weeks ago and is doing very well!
If you want to see a few clips from the tape they are on my page.
Thanks Again,
Wayne Harris
Article: 20472
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Where to take the software wars . . .
Date: 25 May 1996 04:33:04 GMT
Organization: Pipeline
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <4o62i0$oil@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
References: <wturber.201.041405FC@primenet.com>
X-PipeUser: mikeling
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
On May 24, 1996 16:20:02 in article <Re: Where to take the software wars .
.>, 'wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))' wrote:
>Ace Miles posted a VERY nice rendition of Buzz LightSpeed and posted in in
>/pub/LW/incoming/framestores directory there. The image proves that
>MetaNurbs or Ace Miles is very capable. My guess is that both are.
Just saw it! It's does look like Buzz. Really good job!
Hmmm... Buzz Lightwave? If only Newtek could do it... :^)
M C L -
Article: 20473
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.USherb.CA!sunqbc.risq.net!pegasus.odyssee.net!news
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: 3D Car Models
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 18:53:29 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <31A63DE9.4B8D@odyssee.net>
References: <advantage.7.009A9583@nfld.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool15_5.odyssee.net
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: Ad Vantage Productions <advantage@nfld.com>
Ad Vantage Productions wrote:
> I need some help... I have a major deadline to meet and I need the following
> 3D objects for the project:
> 1996 Mustang Convertible
> 1996 Corvette
> 1996 Lincoln Town Car
> 1996 Firebird
> 1996 Pontiac Grand AM GT
> 1996 Chrysler Caravan
> 1996 Jeep Cherokee
> If anyone can tell me where I might be able to find these objects (FTP site,
> commercial object house, etc.) or if you have an object for sale, please
> contact me. I have already talked to a number of commercial houses, but none
> have any of these cars pre-made.
> Scott Hudson
> Ad Vantage Productions
Have you considered ViewPoint ?
They have all of those models in many resolutions. You can contact them
at 1-800-328-2738 or visit the Web page at www.datalabs.com for a full
list of existing models.
Hope this helps!
Article: 20474
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.cis.ohio-state.edu!nntp.sei.cmu.edu!bb3.andrew.cmu.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!DMI.U
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:09:05 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <31A64FA1.5AB@odyssee.net>
References: <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o235j$fpk@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: Alan Chan <achan@ix.netcom.com>
Alan Chan wrote:
> In <4o18rv$5us@newsbf02.news.aol.com> jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
> writes:
> >
> > Hey, does anyone else miss not seeing anything happen while
> loading? I
> >sometimes load huge scene files, and see no action on the screen for
> about
> >a minute, and blam, there's my scene. In the old lightwave, you could
> see
> >the object/image/surfaces counters going up, showing some progress..
> Much
> >nicer..
> You can have the Scene panel up while loading. What's cooler is if you
> have the Objects panel up while loading and you see your objects
> popping in one at a time. :)
> AC
Maybe you should get a screen saver for better entertainment ;-)
Article: 20475
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!iol!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: wmendez@ix.netcom.com(William A. Mendez )
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave 6.0 ?(wish list...)
Date: 25 May 1996 03:50:52 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 3
Message-ID: <4o602s$172@dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com>
References: <Jeff_Holinski.303.31A4F707@mindlink.bc.ca> <4o43o9$5de@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A5E23C.373E@odyssee.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: jcx-nj4-14.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri May 24 10:50:52 PM CDT 1996
How about a way to create an ajustable spline path in layout for your
objects to follow (ie Animation Master), This will be better than
moving objects,cameras etc. and creating keyframes for them.
Article: 20476
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!lade.news.pipex.net!pipex!newsflash.hol.gr!news
From: "A. Mavrelos" <shock@prometheus.hol.gr>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: surface draw
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 08:54:36 +0300
Organization: Hellas On Line
Lines: 6
Message-ID: <31A6A09C.38E6@prometheus.hol.gr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cronos.hol.gr
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
COuld please anyone help me? I'm bew here and i cant understand how do
we draw maps upon an object. Yes i know they sey you capture the image
from the modeler and you draw it but there must be a better/simple way
to do it. If u have a face object its a damn to comlicate to draw it
this way. Is there a way to get a wrap surface out of the modeler?
Article: 20477
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.cis.ohio-state.edu!nntp.sei.cmu.edu!bb3.andrew.cmu.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!news.si.
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 23:38:34 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <31A680BA.1901@odyssee.net>
References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <4ndnjl$l9f@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com> <jmonaha
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: Joe Monahan <jmonahan@netzone.com>
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36091 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20477 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17329
I would like to complement you on the idea. You have a great Idea...
I hope this will settle this matter once and for all. I personally think
that Max, LW and Alias are 3 great programs, each with their weaknesses
and fortes.
The images shown are pretty simple to build... except maybe for the one
done with LightWave...
On the rendering quality however, I must say It's hard to say which one
is best.
Perhaps you should add an additional software to your "contest". How
about Mental Ray ?
Article: 20478
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.cis.ohio-state.edu!nntp.sei.cmu.edu!bb3.andrew.cmu.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.mcgill.ca!news.si.
From: Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 23:43:03 -0400
Organization: Video S.E.P.
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <31A681C7.366D@odyssee.net>
References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4nm0nr$im8@marina.cinenet.net> <4nnm9q$9i7@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4np4r9$pu@marina.cinenet.net>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
To: Rick May <rickmay@cinenet.net>
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:36092 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20478 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17330
Rick May wrote:
> In article <4nnm9q$9i7@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>,
> Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com> wrote:
> ->Softimage's IK is second only to Alias, (and only if you know how to take
> ->advantage of what Alias has to offer). The way it handles IK, the
> ->"Schematic" window (a block diagram window that can be set up to resemble
> ->the character you are working on), the "onion skin" effect (no more
> ->grease pencil marks to wipe off your screen!), vertex assignment (not as
> ->good as Alias', but not as slow once you have it either); all are
> ->superior to Max at this time, though I think a good programmer/TD could
> ->possibly write a good plug-in to address its iniquities. I would rather
> ->have a programmer doing things that no package comes with.
> ->
Although Alias may have better IK, I believe most studios prefer to work with SoftImage when it comes to
character animation. I don't know about Alias, and I am just beginning to learn SoftImage. I know LW
well though.
> I agree. I would like to see things not in other packages. But Max needs to
> catch up first- and give those basic character tools that arent incorporated,
> yet..
The one thing LW and Max have on their side is market shares. This market must attract a lot of
developpers, which attracts more users, which attracts more developpers...
Article: 20479
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!rci
From: rci@crl.com (Michael Powell)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ...
Date: 25 May 1996 06:12:50 GMT
Organization: CRL Dialup Internet Access (415) 705-6060 [Login: guest]
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <4o68d2$49r@nntp.crl.com>
References: <mad.7j62@torment.tmisnet.com> <630886620wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: crl7.crl.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
John Reddington (john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: > SK> [ A great deal of nonsensical ranting deleted ]
: >
: > SK> > I have made sure that everything in in 3D rather than simple planes.
: > SK> > 3. Shift-B, Subtract.
: > SK> > 4. Save the layer into Layout and render ...
: > SK> > 5. Vola! Just a simple BOX instead of ANY CUT-OUTS!!!
: >
: > SK> Perhaps you should read the manual. You claim to have done this, but
: > SK> your steps above are not what the manual tells you to do, so either you
: > SK> did not actually read it, or you ignored what it said.
: >
: > SK> - steve
: > -----------------
: > This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
: > reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
: > something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
: > love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
: > never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
: > how to do it.
: Couldn't agree more. There are too many arrogant smart-asses on this group.
: If this guy didn't want to be civil he shouldn't reply!! Luckily there
: are still a lot of people on this group who realise that not everyone is an
: expert and are willing to help. Fuck the rest of them.
He was civil. If he said "I have no plans to help you you
G*D D*MMED pirate..." now *that* would not be civil.
He was _clearly_ expressing a view that the poster was possibly
a pirate.... if anything, his message was less about communicating
to the original poster than it was a cautionary note to all who
might thoughtlessly post information (read, a message to *you*).
Luckily there are some people in this group that realise that
not everyone is a legitimate owner of Lightwave, and are
cautious about giving out information about basic Lightwave
functionality. See, some folks care about Lightwave users
*AND* the product, and try to do well by both.
A far more difficult kind of interaction than the simplistic
"answer all questions, do not judge the source" tack you seem
to have taken.
Michael Powell
Article: 20480
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Date: 25 May 1996 06:54:44 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <4o6ark$sa8@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o58kb$9se@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> <wturber.202.0476C6B7@primenet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca1-23.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Sat May 25 1:54:44 AM CDT 1996
In <wturber.202.0476C6B7@primenet.com> wturber@primenet.com (Walter
(Jay) Turberville (III)) writes:
>>>I have tried loading up some scenes that I created in LightWave 4.0
>>>(INTEL) and have found a rather strange problem with the lights when
>>>load the same scenes in V5.0. The lights appear to go crazy, and the
>>>intensity (or falloff) values are all wrong.
>>>In checking the scene file out, and comparing them line by line,
>>>does appear to be some really strange changes happening in the
>>>Is this a known bug, or is there something simple I'm missing?
>>This results from 5.0 using absolute values instead of relative
>>for intensity falloff. Does your scene use envelopes for either light
>>intensity or falloff?
>Wow! I am really surprised that there is a scene file incompatibility
>versions. You would think that could have been handled better.
There isn't supposed to be, it seems to be an oversight. 5.0 will
automatically convert Intensity/Falloff values from 4.0 to 5.0, but did
not foresee envelopes on Light Intensity or Falloff Percentages..
Article: 20481
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!usenet.seri.re.kr!bofh.dot!news.dacom.co.kr!nntp.coast.net!oleane!francenet.fr!usenet
From: fazer@MicroNet.fr (Eric Couratier)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Fiber Factory Problem
Date: 25 May 1996 08:06:45 GMT
Organization: MicroNet
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4o6f2m$2vu@chleuasme.francenet.fr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pppa106.micronet.fr
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+
Hi all,
My problem is simple.
The hair generate cross the sphere.
It's possible to avoid this ?
Article: 20482
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!netcom.com!jgross
From: jgross@netcom.com (John Gross)
Subject: Re: Strange LightWave 5.0 Bug? Don't Panic, This is not another worry posting Lee!
Message-ID: <jgrossDry9MJ.1zD@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
References: <4o4tfg$dub@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o5759$gtg@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4o58kb$9se@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> <wturber.202.0476C6B7@primenet.com>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 07:18:18 GMT
Lines: 5
Sender: jgross@netcom23.netcom.com
5.0 Now uses a maximum range as opposed to the old falloff, however,
older scenes should be converted on the fly to appropriate values. If
that is not happening correctly, then that would be a bug.
Article: 20483
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!bofh.dot!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!info.ucla.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!cats.ucsc.edu!adamchry
From: adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: cel shader
Date: 23 May 1996 18:25:32 GMT
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Lines: 9
Message-ID: <4o2ais$8mh@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
References: <4o0h5u$t0d@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31A3EB9E.7A36@pacificnet.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ese.ucsc.edu
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #1 (NOV)
To get good results with cell-outlines..you need to use low anti-aliasing
at least
Adam Chrystie, -Will dust keyboards for internship-
Cinema/Video Major, Senior
University Of California at Santa Cruz
Article: 20484
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: Mario Cascio <mcascio@ix.netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Creating AVI's on Amiga?
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 07:41:46 -0700
Organization: ProMotion
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <31A5CAAA.5BB6@ix.netcom.com>
References: <4nusi4$e6m@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4nvuhi$fe0@tribune.concentric.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ken-wi1-19.ix.netcom.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-NETCOM-Date: Fri May 24 7:41:09 AM CDT 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
I know this has been talked about before by this group, but now I'm
interested. I need to convert some still image sequences on the amiga into
an AVI file.
Is Main Actor Broadcast the software I need?
I also have access to an IBM, are there solutions on that platform for a
better price?
How reliable is Lightwave 5.0's rendering to AVI's? I know there have been
numerous posts about problems with it in 4.0.
Thanks in advance,
Mario Cascio
Article: 20485
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.crosslink.net!bofh.dot!news.magicnet.net!news.sprintlink.net!realtime.net!news.mindspring.com!cssun.mathcs.emory.edu!swrinde!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 23 May 1996 15:08:09 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <4o1v0p$fl6@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca3-09.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 23 10:08:09 AM CDT 1996
In <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com> jgross@netcom.com (John Gross) writes:
>: I have read that certain shots of the Voyager are done in
>: I have an article written by one of the people who designed the
>: voyager lightwave model, and how they did it. Any comments?
>Yes, LightWave is used extensively for effects in Voyager (and just
>starting in DS9).
>Anytime you see the Voyager in warp or with the rear windows lit up,
>is the LightWave VOyager. We are currently doing more work than we
did as
>Amblin Imaging for Voyager and DS9 and you should be seeing much more
>(although it's pretty difficult to tell the CG from the real models)
>The Voyager was built from scratch in Modeler using blueprints from
>Paramount as background images. All totaled, the Voyager and assorted
>objects contain about 300,000 polys and 20 megs of image maps.
>Digital Muse
Johnny! How good to see you back! I thought you didn't like it here
us here anymore!
Article: 20486
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news.inforamp.net!news
From: crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PAR Hard Drives
Date: 25 May 1996 14:09:56 GMT
Organization: iSTAR Internet Inc.
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <799.6719T540T1911@inforamp.net>
References: <416.6716T1334T2359@inforamp.net> <4o1liv$9h8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts8-12.tor.istar.ca
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
Quantum makes the Fireball in both IDE and SCSI models.
>On 23 May 1996 03:20:59 GMT, crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093) wrote:
>>Hi All!
>>I am in the process of purchasing a PAR for my Amiga, so I'll be in the
>>market for a hard drive. Is the Quantum Fireball one of the better drives
>>for this system, or are there better, newer hard drives?
>>Is anyone else having a problem with reading the directories at the DPS FTP
>> -Dave
>> david.wyand@canrem.com
>I may be wrong but doesn't the PAR for the Amiga use an IDE drive? I
>believe the Fireball is a SCSI.
Article: 20487
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news.inforamp.net!news
From: crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: PAR Hard Drives
Date: 25 May 1996 14:09:59 GMT
Organization: iSTAR Internet Inc.
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <1706.6719T541T1596@inforamp.net>
References: <416.6716T1334T2359@inforamp.net> <4o1liv$9h8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com> <1480.6718T577T893@mt-inc.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts8-12.tor.istar.ca
X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
Hi John.
Thanks for the info! I think I'll be getting one of these real soon...
>On 23-May-96 01:08:45, Greg Bierl (g-bierl@ix.netcom.com) posted:
>> On 23 May 1996 03:20:59 GMT, crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093) wrote:
>>>Hi All!
>>>I am in the process of purchasing a PAR for my Amiga, so I'll be in the
>>>market for a hard drive. Is the Quantum Fireball one of the better
>>>drives for this system, or are there better, newer hard drives?
>>>Is anyone else having a problem with reading the directories at the DPS
>>>FTP site?
>>> -Dave
>>> david.wyand@canrem.com
>> I may be wrong but doesn't the PAR for the Amiga use an IDE drive? I
>> believe the Fireball is a SCSI.
>> Greg
>Quantum makes both SCSI and IDE versions of the Fireball. And the IDE
>Fireball works wonderfully with the PAR - *very* fast transfer rates,
>allowing a higher Q-Factor setting.
>John Crookshank
> ______________________________________________________________
> / MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
> | MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
> | Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
> | NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
> |------------------------------|---------------------------------|
> | sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
> \______________________________________________________________/
Article: 20488
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!le-vamp.demon.co.uk
From: 3d@le-vamp.demon.co.uk (Kurt Frary)
Newsgroups: alt.3d,alt.3d.misc,alt.3d.studio,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
Subject: I will create 3D images for you for free
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 14:38:54 GMT
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <833034858.28975.0@le-vamp.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: kurt@le-vamp.demon.co.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: le-vamp.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: le-vamp.demon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/32.126
Xref: news2.cais.com alt.3d:24093 alt.3d.misc:1601 alt.3d.studio:12025 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20488 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:17352
Hi my name is Kurt Frary....
If you or your company wants a Raytraced image/logo for your web page
for example for free.
Email me at
with details of the basic outline that you want, you can be as
specific as you like.
I will then create the image and mail it to you all I ask is that I
get credited for it and my Email address appears there for other
people to see.
Article: 20489
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
From: John Reddington <john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Why no Shareware version??
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 17:17:32 GMT
Organization: None
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <351174706wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
Reply-To: john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: beanbaw.demon.co.uk
X-Broken-Date: Saturday, May 25, 1996 17.17.32
X-Newsreader: Newswin Alpha 0.7
X-Mail2News-Path: disperse.demon.co.uk!post.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
Just a thought. Is there any reason why Newtek haven't realeased a
shareware version of lightwave, obviously minus any saving functions.
I can't see that it would do anything more than tempt people to
buy it.
Any thoughts on this??
John Reddington EMail john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
"If you make it idiot proof, Someone will invent a better idiot!!"
Article: 20490
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!news.clark.net!mr.net!winternet.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!uhog.mit.edu!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!sun4nl!xs4all!hell!dave
Date: Thu, 23 May 96 17:10:42 GMT+1
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Distribution: world
Subject: Lightwave upgrading...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
From: dave@hell.xs4all.nl (Jeroen Van Velsen)
Message-ID: <dave.0ux9@hell.xs4all.nl>
Organization: -=The Hell BBS=- Call: +31-70-3468783
Lines: 14
Does anyone know if it's possible to cross upgrade from LW 4.0 Amiga
to LW 5.0 Intel? I've written 2 E-mails to Newtek but I haven't had
any response yet. (I wrote to: "Tech@Newtek.com" is this the wrong
Thanks in advance...
Jeroen van Velsen (NETMAIL: 14:101/101.8)
(EMAIL: dave@hell.xs4all.nl)
-- Via Xenolink 1.984, XenolinkUUCP 1.1
Article: 20491
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nwgw.infi.net!news.infi.net!usenet
From: Charles Meyer <triadcom@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ... - Why all the FUSS? -
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 11:53:31 -0700
Organization: InfiNet
Lines: 109
Message-ID: <31A7572B.5193@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
References: <N.052596.114232.35@Pent90>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pa2dsp20.msp.infi.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win16; U)
giorgioa@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> On 5/25/96 2:12AM, in message <4o68d2$49r@nntp.crl.com>, Michael Powell <rci@crl.com>
> wrote:
> > : > This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
> > : > reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
> > : > something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
> > : > love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> > : > never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
> > : > how to do it.
> > : Couldn't agree more. There are too many arrogant smart-asses on this group.
> > : If this guy didn't want to be civil he shouldn't reply!! Luckily there
> > : are still a lot of people on this group who realise that not everyone is an
> > : expert and are willing to help. Fuck the rest of them.
> > He was civil. If he said "I have no plans to help you you
> > G*D D*MMED pirate..." now *that* would not be civil.
> > He was _clearly_ expressing a view that the poster was possibly
> > a pirate.... if anything, his message was less about communicating
> > to the original poster than it was a cautionary note to all who
> > might thoughtlessly post information (read, a message to *you*).
> > Luckily there are some people in this group that realise that
> > not everyone is a legitimate owner of Lightwave, and are
> > cautious about giving out information about basic Lightwave
> > functionality. See, some folks care about Lightwave users
> > *AND* the product, and try to do well by both.
> > A far more difficult kind of interaction than the simplistic
> > "answer all questions, do not judge the source" tack you seem
> > to have taken.
> This thread has developed three interesting points for me:
> #1 - Arrogance among experienced LW user.
> As a newbie(3months) with LW that has posted many questions here
> and in the LW mail list I can relate to posting what seems a simple
> (even stupid) questions. I have always tried to make sure that I
> found the answer in the LW manuals before I post a question. But
> sometimes for someone new to 3d and animation even when you read the
> info in the Manuals and try them it doesn't seem to click in one's mind.
> It seems to be the different ways the LW user's give there explanations
> that help me to understand it better.
> Thank to All for the Replies!
> #2 - New users laziness in learning LW.
> I also do believe that one can get lazy in learning the program when
> there is so much quick and free access to info on a newsgroup. It is
> very tempting to post a question and see ten response to it. I have
> been guilty of this myself a few times.
> Sorry Guys!
> #3 - Helping users of cracked LW.
> As someone who just dished out $1400 for LW (v4 & Upgrade v5) I can
> see why one has to be careful in giving info to crackers who hurt
> Newtek financially in not paying for there copies. Especially since
> LW is such an awesome 3do program that seems to be (mis)managed by a
> company that is not very stable financially.
> I know many have different opinions and response to these three
> points but I believe one couldn't go wrong if:
> - Being civil in a response even when there is a disagreement.
> Foul language and sarcasm definitely doesn't help. Unless they're
> really funny.(I had a few thrown at me and I had no choice
> but to laugh) :-)
> - Ignore the post if it bother one. Especially if the question
> seems beneath answering.(I know many of my questions got ignored.)
> Remember its newbies like me that are also supporting Newtek's
> growth and in helping NT develop better LW upgrades with a
> growing market share not just the established user market.
> - A negative reply (especially the X vs Y threads) only waste valuable
> newsgroup bandwidth. Unless it's constructive criticisms or to
> correct misinformation.
> Sorry to waist valuable newsgroup space when it could have been used on
> discussing all the features and plug-ins in v5.0. I promise to keep quiet
> until I have something constructive to contribute. ;-)
> P.S. As a newbie should I post my serial # when I post
> a simple(dumb)question? ;-)
> Take Care Everyone!!
> --
> Giorgio E. A.
> giorgioa@ix.netcom.com
> --
> Giorgio E. A.
> giorgioa@ix.netcom.com
After reading your note I could not agree more. At one time we were all
new either to 3D or something else and someone had to help us. If they
were so above us when we asked then where would we be? Also, NewTek has
had its ups and downs and not here to question that but does anybody know
of a company in the computer industry that has not if they have been
around longer than 7 years or so? Crackers do no good for anybody even
when it has been available to me, I have had to make the tough decision
to say no and purchase the orginal. These are just notes to ponder.
Let's not become a group that is just one clown short of a circus.
------Charles Meyer
Article: 20492
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!server-b.cs.interbusiness.it!usenet
From: maurof@ptn.pandora.it (Mauro Avino)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,rec.video.desktop
Subject: TARIFFS of YOUR Video-Production !!
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 15:42:36 GMT
Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <4o79fh$e8l@server-b.cs.interbusiness.it>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20492 rec.video.desktop:20955
I 'm trying to begin to work as character animator and post-producer
video here in ITALY, exactly here at Naples.
I did some TVsignature for some local transmitting station.
But the my consistent problem is that here there's not a consolitated
For that I known, here we haven't an association of category, a
prices-list, etc . . . .
I'd like to get the customs of the other countries about the prices of
the comp-animation, how much at second, for example.
I 'm aware of the generally of my question, but I need only of a
I work as freelance, OBVIOUSLY on LIGHTWAVE !!
Thanks to Henry Smulders and All which will respond me
Article: 20493
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: giorgioa@ix.netcom.com
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: I am very upset ... - Why all the FUSS? -
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 15:42:32 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 90
Message-ID: <N.052596.114232.35@Pent90>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nyc-ny18-08.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Sat May 25 10:43:30 AM CDT 1996
X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
On 5/25/96 2:12AM, in message <4o68d2$49r@nntp.crl.com>, Michael Powell <rci@crl.com>
> : > This is a typical smart-ass response that I would have exspected someone to
> : > reply to your message. I know the feeling of not being able to figure
> : > something out that seems to be SOOO simple. I too also use SPro on the Mac and
> : > love it. Instead of helping someone out, this guy just mouths off, like he's
> : > never had a problem that he couldn't figure out and yet every one else knew
> : > how to do it.
> : Couldn't agree more. There are too many arrogant smart-asses on this group.
> : If this guy didn't want to be civil he shouldn't reply!! Luckily there
> : are still a lot of people on this group who realise that not everyone is an
> : expert and are willing to help. Fuck the rest of them.
> He was civil. If he said "I have no plans to help you you
> G*D D*MMED pirate..." now *that* would not be civil.
> He was _clearly_ expressing a view that the poster was possibly
> a pirate.... if anything, his message was less about communicating
> to the original poster than it was a cautionary note to all who
> might thoughtlessly post information (read, a message to *you*).
> Luckily there are some people in this group that realise that
> not everyone is a legitimate owner of Lightwave, and are
> cautious about giving out information about basic Lightwave
> functionality. See, some folks care about Lightwave users
> *AND* the product, and try to do well by both.
> A far more difficult kind of interaction than the simplistic
> "answer all questions, do not judge the source" tack you seem
> to have taken.
This thread has developed three interesting points for me:
#1 - Arrogance among experienced LW user.
As a newbie(3months) with LW that has posted many questions here
and in the LW mail list I can relate to posting what seems a simple
(even stupid) questions. I have always tried to make sure that I
found the answer in the LW manuals before I post a question. But
sometimes for someone new to 3d and animation even when you read the
info in the Manuals and try them it doesn't seem to click in one's mind.
It seems to be the different ways the LW user's give there explanations
that help me to understand it better.
Thank to All for the Replies!
#2 - New users laziness in learning LW.
I also do believe that one can get lazy in learning the program when
there is so much quick and free access to info on a newsgroup. It is
very tempting to post a question and see ten response to it. I have
been guilty of this myself a few times.
Sorry Guys!
#3 - Helping users of cracked LW.
As someone who just dished out $1400 for LW (v4 & Upgrade v5) I can
see why one has to be careful in giving info to crackers who hurt
Newtek financially in not paying for there copies. Especially since
LW is such an awesome 3do program that seems to be (mis)managed by a
company that is not very stable financially.
I know many have different opinions and response to these three
points but I believe one couldn't go wrong if:
- Being civil in a response even when there is a disagreement.
Foul language and sarcasm definitely doesn't help. Unless they're
really funny.(I had a few thrown at me and I had no choice
but to laugh) :-)
- Ignore the post if it bother one. Especially if the question
seems beneath answering.(I know many of my questions got ignored.)
Remember its newbies like me that are also supporting Newtek's
growth and in helping NT develop better LW upgrades with a
growing market share not just the established user market.
- A negative reply (especially the X vs Y threads) only waste valuable
newsgroup bandwidth. Unless it's constructive criticisms or to
correct misinformation.
Sorry to waist valuable newsgroup space when it could have been used on
discussing all the features and plug-ins in v5.0. I promise to keep quiet
until I have something constructive to contribute. ;-)
P.S. As a newbie should I post my serial # when I post
a simple(dumb)question? ;-)
Take Care Everyone!!
Giorgio E. A.
Giorgio E. A.
Article: 20494
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: Does any have any TREK objects?
From: MMower@Novell.com (Mathew Mower)
Organization: Your Organization
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
References: <4o02u5$59u@news.gate.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
Message-ID: <31a47c72.0@news.provo.novell.com>
Date: 23 May 96 14:55:46 GMT
Lines: 8
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!daresbury!yama.mcc.ac.uk!bofh.dot!rmplc!SoNet!uknet!uel!news.provo.novell.com!
You might try the LightROM III. I have it and it contains MANY objects
including some Trek and StarWars models.
In article <4o02u5$59u@news.gate.net>, srcemag@gate.net says...
>I am looking for TREK object for lightwave any ideas WHER I can find some
>QUALITY ones?
Article: 20495
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From: zimmerma@chapman.edu (Dan Zimmerman)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: DPS PAR DR-2100 Vs DPS PVR-2500?
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 09:02:46
Organization: EuroTech Productions
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <zimmerma.15.00090C1C@chapman.edu>
References: <wturber.160.002AF315@primenet.com> <4noe2p$fu0@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts1p11s42.chapman.edu
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]
In article <4noe2p$fu0@newsbf02.news.aol.com> cgigroup@aol.com (CGI GROUP) writes:
>From: cgigroup@aol.com (CGI GROUP)
>Subject: Re: DPS PAR DR-2100 Vs DPS PVR-2500?
>Date: 19 May 1996 20:23:53 -0400
>I have a PAR in my Amiga and a PVR in my PC. They are the same but
>different. The PAR saves files in an ANIM format and the PVR saves in a
>.iff tga.etc format. I like the PAR. It joins files, the PVR edits
>files. It is up to you. Once you accecp the PVR, You'll love it...
The PVR is the following generation to the PAR card. Unless you want to save
money, there is no reason to buy a PAR.
The PVR doesn't save IFF, TGA, etc files. It just appears that way under the
smart NT-file system. You can also join, split, etc. files with the PVR.
Everything you could do with the PAR, you can do with the PVR - and beyond!
We have used the PVR over the last year for high-end corporate videos and
commercials. Integrating it in an environment under NT with Premiere, Speed
Razor MachIII, Lightwave, and Video Action NT, the PVR is a reliable heart of
any non-linear editing station.
Dan Zimmerman
EuroTech Productions
Article: 20496
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.alt.net!newspost1.alt.net!jbm
From: drugmaster@lsd.org (Drugmaster)
Newsgroups: alt.drugs,alt.drugs.caffeine,alt.drugs.culture,alt.drugs.hard,alt.drugs.pot,alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.drugs.usenet,alt.graphics.design,alt.corel.graphics,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.apps.photoshop,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudi
Subject: Contest! Help Design http://www.lsd.org/ !!!
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 16:44:01 GMT
Organization: http://www.lsd.org/
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <4o7dc0$e47@tofu.alt.net>
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
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*************** CONTEST *****************
Since we have no sponsors and no money, we are giving out mail aliases from
our domain, LSD.ORG. And a link to your homepage off of the credits page!
How to win!
Send us any ideas you might have on content, theme, etc.
We also would like any custom graphics/imagemaps.
Please send all entrees to
- ThE DrUgMaStEr
Article: 20497
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
From: vidworks@ix.netcom.com(Bob Bennett)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,rec.video.desktop,rec.video.production
Subject: Re: FS: 68040 Accel. w/17MB
Date: 25 May 1996 16:38:06 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4o7d1e$kol@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>
References: <01bb4820.d4fca0e0$185ec08c@shiba> <4o244h$ia3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com> <singh-2606951038200001@pool4-036.wwa.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wsx-nc1-12.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Sat May 25 11:38:06 AM CDT 1996
Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:20497 comp.sys.amiga.marketplace:76663 rec.video.desktop:20957 rec.video.production:43469
In <singh-2606951038200001@pool4-036.wwa.com> singh@wwa.com (singh)
>In article <4o244h$ia3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>,
>vidworks@ix.netcom.com(Bob Bennett) wrote:
>> In <01bb4820.d4fca0e0$185ec08c@shiba> J. Derek Davis
>> <jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu> writes:
>> >
>> >Hi all,
>> >
>> > $850 CSA Magnum 25MHz 68040 Accel.
>> > w/17MB 32bit RAM
>> >
>> >-Derek <jdavis1@shrike.depaul.edu>
>> Derek,
>> Are you sure that's >>> 17 <<< megabytes of ram???
>It's very possible if he only has one meg of chip ram.
Not possible to have one meg of chip ram on a 32bit RAM accel.!!
Article: 20498
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Proprietary tools (was LW vs Alias)
Date: 25 May 1996 11:21:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
Lines: 52
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <4o7j2d$agr@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <N.052496.223218.41@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
: On 5/24/96 5:48AM, in message <31A5B039.53A5@odyssee.net>, Jean-Eric Hénault
: <videosep@odyssee.net> wrote:
: > > To my knowledge, and I can only repeat what I was told, ILM uses Alias
: > version
: > > 4 and has their own code piled on top of it. For those of you that don't
: > know,
: > > the actual current version of Alias is 7.
: >
: > Sophisticated packages like Alias and SoftImage are designed to be
: > complemented by in-house production specialists. For certain movies, there
: > is always an effect needed that hasn't ever been done before, so often, new
: > code is needed to produce this effect. These packages are designed
: > to allow the creation of new tools as they are needed.
: >
: > [snip]
: > Jean-Eric
: I know, I know. My point was that it wasn't just Alias out of the box that did
: all of these effects, as the other posting had implied.
The biggest problem with proprietary tools based on a particular version
of software is that programmers are reluctant to upgrade their tools
every time a new version of say, Alias, comes out.
That ILM uses V4 of Alias because their programmers don't want to
re-write all their tools for V7 (or maybe they're waiting for Maya) shows
who's in charge there. Or maybe the code is so crufty no one understands
it enough to rewrite it, and the original programmers left.
I'm not impressed by proprietary tools the way I used to be. They're an
evil trap that can forever imprison you with ancient software methodologies.
I think you should rm -r * all proprietary tools that ride like a tick on
a dog's ear on software like Alias, Wavefront and Softimage; every single
year, and when programmers leave, they should take their cruft with them.
: --
: -=Fred=-
Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
Article: 20499
Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 25 May 1996 11:31:01 -0700
Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
Lines: 39
Sender: root@primenet.com
Message-ID: <4o7jl5$b5t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <31A5AEF7.75A1@odyssee.net>
X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
Jean-Eric Hénault <videosep@odyssee.net> wrote:
: > >
: > > The Mask also used EIAS, and Batman was done mostly with in-house software.
: > > Not sure what Twister was done with.
: > >
: > > Jeff
: Actually, The Mask was done on SoftImage. The consensus I get from people who have used both SI and Alias is
: that SI had traditionnally great at character animation while Alias was best for modelling. However, the latest
: release of SoftImage is catching-up with Alias on Modeling. Also, SoftImage is much more user-friendly.
I'd like to point out that nearly everyone who says this is repeating it
after being told it by someone else. ILM uses an antique version of
Alias, and no one there has any business commenting on what newer
versions of Alias can and can't do. I'd like to see SI have character
tools that are as good as Alias V7, but at this time it doesn't. SI is
slightly faster, much faster if you don't know how to use Alias, and has
one extremely useful feature (onion skin) that Alias doesn't have.
I started using SI in 1991 and know it pretty well. When we geared up for
our current production, we really wanted to go with SI because it would
have been lots cheaper and we could have done some work at home.
Character animation wise, it simply wasn't as robust as the current
version of Alias. But I keep running into people saddled with doing
animation on it who are being supplied models and skeletons by people who
don't understand how to use it efficiently.
: Jean-Eric
Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
Article: 20500
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From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
Date: 25 May 1996 17:11:19 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <4o7evn$4f5@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com>
References: <jgrossDrty2C.FGL@netcom.com> <N.052496.222912.98@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca10-02.ix.netcom.com
X-NETCOM-Date: Sat May 25 10:11:19 AM PDT 1996
In <N.052496.222912.98@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net
>On 5/24/96 8:08AM, in message <4o4j4g$bqr@guitar.sound.net>, Surfer
><format@guitar.sound.net> wrote:
>> jgross@netcom.com (John Gross) wrote:
>> >: Johnny! How good to see you back! I thought you didn't like it
>> >: us here anymore!
>> >Been in mothballs for awhile just getting stuff done but I'm more
or less
>> >back after wading thru all of the muck around here :) At least the
>> >newsgroup hasn't changed!
>> >JG
>> John, good to see your back!
>> Now get Stranahan out of our faces ;-)
>What's so special about John's back?
> -=Fred=-
I guess you haven't seen his front!....Doh! Running for cover.